
Devilish by Maureen Johnson

feyre810's review

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The idea of the book is awesome but I don't think it was written well. I found myself not really caring about the characters and just wished the book would get better. That being said I really like this author, because I have read some of her other books and they were amazing. This book was just disappointing. I'm giving it two because it made me laugh a few times.

simplytakeit's review

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Really different and cute. Very different from what I was expecting, but really good book.

sonshinelibrarian's review

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This was interesting. I enjoyed it, but not as much as some of Maureen's other books.

escapeebee's review

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Full review also posted here on TotalTeenFiction

I've read two of Maureen Johnson's previous books so when this came up as a free e-book download a few months ago I snapped it up right away. Devilish tells the story of Jane, whose unfortunate friend Ally seems to be having even more difficulties lately. When the two of them meet the mysterious Lanalee, life around school and their local town becomes even more strange.

I really like Maureen Johnson's quirky writing style and this book definitely had that. I loved how the book started out with typical high school drama - as the older students choose a "little" - a student to sort of attach themselves too. It managed to convey all that angst and jealousy you get with high school which always draws me in. I wasn't quite sure where the book was going to head genre-wise, whether it was going to stay contemporary or delve into paranormal. In the end it kind of gradually becomes clear there's more going on and weird stuff starts happening as you get further into the book so it has a little bit of both.

My main problem with this book was that I really didn't get on with the main character, Jane. I just couldn't connect with her. There's this one conversation with one of the teachers at her school where he lists all these rebellious things she's got up to whilst at school and the whole time I just wished we saw that side of her rather than just hearing about it through somebody else. I think if the book was narrated by one of the other characters such as Ally or Lanalee then I would have been a lot more connected with the story, because those two characters - who the majority of the plot revolves around - were more interesting characters to me. I was even drawn to Jane's sister Joan more than I was her.

I did like the mystery throughout the story of trying to find out just what was going on. Ally acting suspiciously peaked my curiosity and I found myself wanting to know what Lanalee was plotting because it was clear she was the character to be keeping an eye on. As it started to descend into more freaky stuff I started to lose interest because it got too weird. I just couldn't really go along with what was happening.

The book isn't too long so it was good to kill a few hours. I think some of my problems struggling to connect with characters were down to the fact the book was so short. It almost felt like a short story, and I think it maybe could have been told better in that format.

It's really hard to review this book because on the one hand, it kept my attention and the writing was good and entertaining enough but I just didn't connect with the main character and the plot was just a little too out there. I did find the climax to the story drew me in and had me turning pages but I don't think it would be a book I'd re-read.

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combledore's review

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I read this over the summer, I think, and remember next to nothing about it. It wasn't bad, really, but it was pretty average. [a:Maureen Johnson|10317|Maureen Johnson|] has written much better.

akalexander24's review

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It all started with a cupcake...

Well, not really. It started at prom night, when Alison's date never came. Stood up by a guy off the internet, the shame! And then Jane's boyfriend of just over seven months broke up with her and started ignoring her even as a friend. And then the cupcake. And Ally's puke all over the freshman. And then Ally's new haircut. And then Jane found out that her best-and-only friend was dating her ex, but also had sold her soul to the devil.

Well, the devil likes games... the question is, who's the better player? Jane... or Satan?

Wow. I'm impressed. This is a much better book than I thought it would be. I'm not really one for the supernatural, but MJ didn't do anything weird like have a demon slayer hook up with Jane (though Owen is pretty cool for a 116-year-old 14-year-old) or have the demons really just be misunderstood... and you can never really be sure if everyone's going to die in the end or not. I mean, there's a distinct possibility through the entire thing that Ally or Jane could just die. Fun, right? YES.

Devilish is set in Providence, Rhode Island. Which, for the record, is a lot more interesting than it sounds. They have trollies. Do we have trollies where I am? No, no we do not. We don't have a subway, even. We also don't--so far as I know--have an all-female Catholic school. This book does. And it also has a heaping plate of MJ humour--the best kind. And a few dead people. And cupcakes. What more could you want?*

*Edward Cullen? Sorry, nobody sparkles and the dead guys keep their hands off. So sorry to disappoint you.

lizamwhelan's review

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This book, was an extremely quick read, couldn't put the book down, I'm checking out more of her books soon.
Basically, it's really simple, talks about a girl, Jane, who is extremely smart, and her best friend Alison. Alison & Jane are not popular, and in the beginning, they have a big little day, and Alison recieves a cupcake whom, she later discovers is from basically, the Devil's worker, and she sells her soul to the devil. It's extremely whitty and written quite well, anyone that likes comedy and adventure should read it (: !

doncasterkitten's review

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started off slow, but actually picked up. I don't know if I want a sequel or just more with Owen, though

talearchives's review

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It's Jane's senior year and something strange is happening at her school, and it has affected her best friend, Allison, the most. For as long as Jane and Ally have been friends, Jane has always had to protect her, be somewhat of a mother to her. So when Ally suddenly starts hanging out with the new girl and has more confidence, nice clothes, and won't talk to Jane, Jane knows something strange is going on. Turns out Ally sold her soul to the devil so she could get confidence in return. Now Jane has to figure out a way to save Ally's soul without risking her own.

Devilish was a fun read. An all girls Catholic school has a demon running around trying to get a soul. I love the fact that there is a demon in a religious school. And it comes in the form of a very tall, skinny girl named Lanalee.

The one thing that bugged me was that Jane and Ally's friendship was a little weird. Jane was basically Ally's mom. She'd have to make sure Ally was OK and make sure she wouldn't have a nervous break down. But it worked for the story and once I got to the middle of the book it didn't bother me anymore.

Jane is apparently very smart, so she doesn't believe in this devil nonsense. But when she witnesses someone shoot themselves in the head, and live, she starts to understand that there really is a devil (or demon? I didn't really understand that part) stealing souls. There were some creepy parts. Like the guy getting shot. And the bath tube filling up with blood. So the story isn't that light and fluffy the whole time. But Jane's quirky attitude keeps everything from getting too serious.

Overall, I liked Devilish. It was a fun, light read that kept me intrigued throughout the whole book.

tohelenback's review

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As much as I adore Maureen, I just wasn't impressed by this one.