
Podwieczność by Brodi Ashton

juliajoanneblack's review against another edition

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Actual rating is 4.5 stars. If it wasn't for Jack I would have given it a full of 5 but anyway. Can't wait for Everbound.

berkekilic's review against another edition

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İlk önce söylemek istiyorum ki, kitabın isminin çevirisini çok beğendim. Orijinal adı Everneath. Yerkara olarak çevrilmesi çok iyi olmuş. Benim aklıma dahi gelmezdi, çok uyumlu olmuş.

Yerkara, Brodi Ashton’un aynı adlı üçlemesinin ilk kitabı. Kitap, mitoloji ve aşkın harmanladığı başarılı bir genç yetişkin romanı örneği. Bir kere çok hızlı okunuyor. Öyle ki, bir gece oturdum ve 334 sayfalık kitabın yüzde yetmişini okudum. Sabah kalktığımda ise geri kalan kısmını okudum. Yerkara’nın böyle hızlı okunmasının nedeni tabii ki hikâyenin akışı. Yazarın anlatımı oldukça sade. Bunun yanında merak unsurları ve karakterler sizi kitabın içine anında çekiyor.

Peki, nedir bu Yerkara? O, bir tür yer altı şehri. Hani Hades’in Ölüler Ülkesi gibi. Ancak Yerkara’ya ölünce gitmiyorsunuz. Aksine, sonsuza kadar yaşamayı seçtiğinizde gidiyorsunuz. Buranın sürekli sakinlerine Sonsuzyaşamcılar deniyor. Sonsuzyaşamcılar, sonsuzluklarını Yerkara’ya getirdikleri ölümlü insanların enerjilerine borçlular.

Nikki, bir yıl önce yaşadığı kötü gecenin ardından Cole’la Yerkara’ya gitmeyi seçti. Şimdi, yaşam enerjisi ve hafızasının bir kısmı kaybolmuş halde Yeryüzey’e, yani bildiğimiz dünyaya, döndü. Nikki’yi mümkün olmadığı sanıldığı gibi Yerkara’dan kurtaran bir şey var; sürekli düşündüğü eski sevgilisi Jack.

Nik, Yeryüzey’e döndü dönmesine, ancak burada istediği kadar uzun kalamayacak. Çünkü aslında eski yaşamına Jack’i doyasıya görmek ve ailesiyle son kez vedalaşmak için gördü. Omzundaki Gölgeler’in açtığı yara onun Yerkara’ya ait olduğunun bir kanıtı. Nikki, eğer Cole’un istediği gibi Yerkara’ya dönmezse, oranın çok daha karanlık bir yerine, Tüneller’e gitmek zorunda kalacak.

Kitap, aşk ve melankoli konusunda oldukça doyurucu. Nik ve Jack’in arasındaki ilişkisi çoğumuzun kalbini hızlandıracak türden. Elbette bir de Cole var. Nik onunla kalbi kırık olduğu için gitti ama Cole’un içinde hâlâ ümit var. Açıkçası ben Cole’u da Jack’i de çok sevdim. Dediğim gibi, Nik ve Jack’ın aşkı içime işledi ancak ortada kalan kötü çocuk Cole’a da üzülüyorum. Tahmin edersiniz ki bunda kendisinin “kötü çocuk” ve “sarışın” olmasının etkisi büyük. Yine de nefret edilesi bir karakter değil zaten Cole. O yüzden Nik ve Jack kavuşsun, Cole da huzuru kollarımda bulsun diyorum. :D

Yerkara’nın melankolik bir yanı olduğunu söylemiştim. Kitaptaki kaybolmuşluk duygusu ve Nikki’nin yaşadıkları sizi alıyor götürüyor. Bunun içimi boğduğunu falan sanmayın sakın. Aksine, hoşuma gitti. Çünkü yazar her şeyi dozunda işlemiş.

Hades ve Persephone mitinin yeri bende ayrıdır. Yerkara’da hem bu mitten hem de Orpheus ve Eurydice, Osiris gibi mitolojik hikâyelerden ilham alınmış. Bir mitoloji âşığı olarak kitaba karşı biraz daha olumlu bakmamı sağladı bu.

Eğer rahat okunacak, farklı bir YA romanı okumak istiyorsanız Yerkara’yı kesinlikle öneriyorum!

charlottenw1's review against another edition

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Despite the reviews, I really enjoyed this book. I think it was an easy read and I loved the storyline to it.

jen286's review against another edition

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While I was instantly drawn into this book and started off loving it, by half way through it was still good but...I don't really know what it was about it that I didn't like as much. I have been thinking on it for a while and I can't explain why I just thought it was okay, not great. I thought the idea was really interesting, the writing just didn't make me love it for some reason. I really don't know why. Like the end should have been really exciting and make me want to go right out and read the next one to see what happens, when instead I just felt eh. And I don't know why.

beforemyway's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the last couple of chapters of the book. I read the first couple, and the last couple chapters. The middle chapters i found long, laborious, and unimportant, so i skipped through them.

pixelski's review against another edition

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For some reason my chest is constricting and my cheeks are wet and WHY when I didn't even like this that much? Not a huge fan of Cole and I sort of warmed up to Jack in the end but Nikki was so flat for me. Who is such a goody two shoes? The concept was great but I felt that the way things happened was really meh. And then the ending hit me and everything just really hurts right now. LIKE THAT LAST PAGE I CANNOT. I must get the rest of the series.

bookishvice's review against another edition

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Nikki Beckett chose the easy way out when the going got tough. What she didn't realize at the time was that the price for not feeling pain and heartache would be more painful than the emotions themselves. Nikki knows she took a wrong turn, and has chosen to return from the Everneath to find redemption. But even with her diminished emotions, Nikki is finding it hard to keep her (ex)boyfriend away. The thing is, Jack never gave up on her and now she's afraid of hoping they can somehow reconnect. But what's the use? She only has six months before the shades come for her and drag her forever into the Tunnels of the underworld. A tale of heartache, the power of emotions and soul mates, Everneath will keep you turning pages as the chapters countdown Nikki's last days on the surface.

Brodi Ashton has created an emotionally charged rendition of the tale of Hades and Persephone. With the theme of "the easy way is not always the right way," Everneath shows the horrible consequences Nikki has to face for choosing the easy way. It basically teaches us that pain is there for a reason, and sometimes it's better facing whatever hardships and feeling pain than end up like a Forfeit and feeling nothing at all. Told in semi-alternating chapters of Now and Last Year, we slowly find out what drove Nikki to choose the easy way. In the Now, Nikki tries to make the most of the last six months she'll ever have. She wants to be a better daughter, and a better sister. However she is afraid of being a better friend again especially to her ex, Jack Caputo.

Nikki not only has to deal with her emotionless state, and seeing her ex most days, she also has to fend off Cole's advances. He is the conniving Everliving bastard who took Nikki's energy, and now wants to take her back to the Everneath to be a queen. But, I couldn't help but liking and hating Cole at the same time. He's a being who can't feel, yet it's clear he feels something for Nikki and doesn't want her to die. Cole goes ballistic when he sees Jack is getting closer to Nikki again.

Jack's story broke my heart. He's the "good guy" sort of hero, and it was a nice change from all the "bad guy" heroes I've been reading lately. The way he's never given up on Nikki, how caring and understanding he is even when he doesn't know what's really going on with her, made me love him even more. What Nikki and Jack had was beautiful, and because of a misunderstanding it all went to hell. Literally. But now he wants a second chance, and the deadly forces of the Everneath aren't scary enough to make him give up on her.

The ending had me bouncing my leg and tapping my foot impatiently because I had figured out what would happen, but just knew nothing could be as easy as that. And then BOOM! The horrible twist! It left me feeling sort of defeated and sad, but at the same time hopeful. I know that the next book will be all about Nikki proving herself that she really deserves a soul mate like Jack. And I. CANNOT. WAIT! Everneath is just one of those books that keep you thinking about the characters and their choices even after you've read the last page. I know from now on I'll think of Nikki and Jack when I'm tempted to choose the easy way out.

sk24's review against another edition

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4.5/5 stars

So, Everneath started of a bit boring for my taste and I wasn't sure I was going to be all that into it or enjoy it as much as everyone else seemed to. But, I was WRONG! I was so freaking wrong, it's crazy. Now, after finishing the book, I can't even remember what I didn't like at the beginning. I really can't. This book was so very good. And that ending!! Oh. My. I can't believe that ending. Now I absolutely positively must read the next book right away! No waiting this time.

I really enjoyed the story. I like reading new modern twists on Greek Myths and this one did not disappoint. Nikki, the narrator of the story, had a bit of a rough time a few months ago and made a decision that changed her life. She was taken to the Everneath. Now, after deciding to Return to the human world, she has six months to make amends and make a big decision that will affect the rest of her life. I really liked Nikki. I thought that she was relateable and easy to connect with. I really felt for her sometimes, but she could also be frustrating as hell! She is one of those characters that makes decisions or does certain things that just makes the reader want to slap the silly out of her.

Nikki's boyfriend on the surface is Jack...well, he was her boyfriend before she left. At first, I wasn't sure I liked Jack. He seemed like your stereotypical jock, with his many past girlfriends before Nikki. As it turns out, though, he really did love Nikki and he's not the person I thought he was. He is actually very endearing.

Cole is the confusing dude who took Nikki and sucked her dry of emotions and, ultimately, is the reason she is facing the fate she is throughout this story. I'm not sure about my feelings for Cole. One minute I liked him and the next I couldn't stand him. I guess I'll have to read Neverfall and see what my opinion is after that. Though, to be honest, I'm really fighting with myself because although I feel that I should read Neverfall, I really just want to skip straight to Everbound to continue this story that has enveloped me!

I thought the writing was decent. The story-telling was very good, as it was able to fully pull me in and I didn't want to put the book down. I had one tiny issue, though. The novel has parts of the present (labelled "now") and parts of the past, but the entire narration is in past tense. So, when the part of the chapter that was in the present and labelled "now" came up and then it was written in past tense, I found that strange. I think it would have flowed better if the past was in past tense and then when it jumped to now, it was present tense. Makes more sense to me.

I would recommend this book! Yes, I would. Okay...I can't wait any to read Neverfall and Everbound!! :)

Come visit SIK Book Reviews to read more of my reviews!

sqeeker's review against another edition

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- Wow! What a journey! I loved this book, and I can't wait to devour Everbound!!

- I love that this was a take on Hades and Persephone! It was really unique and fresh!

- I liked how mysterious everything is at the beginning. I just couldn't read fast enough, so I could get all the details and pieces.

- I felt a lot of emotions throughout the book, but I think anxiety was my constant companion, and it just got worse the farther I got into the story. I also felt sad, anticipated, eager, frustrated, hopeful, and gushy.

- I love how the story is mostly taking place in the present, but there are parts that jump back to Nikki's past. It was really cool how the author incorporated it all.

- I love that Jack called Nikki "Becks". It was heart warming. I loved Jack and Nikki's relationship period! It was so awesome.

- I feel like I connected with Nikki on several levels. They way she reacted to stuff is a lot how I react to things. It made the book more real for me.

- I don't know what to think of Cole. I want to hate him so much, but I can't, but I do, but I don't! It's complicated.

- I really liked Will's character. He was kind of a bum, but he was valuable. I hope we get to see more of him in the future books.

- The ending is killing me! I feel like screaming! I want to just dive right into the next book, but I think I need to separate myself from this series for a little bit. I can't handle the emotional intensity.

literaryanna's review against another edition

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More of my reviews can be found at Literary Exploration

Upon first inspection of this book, I really thought it was going to be an awesome read. I absolutely love the cover, the faceless girl in the flowing red dress is pretty enchanting, but somehow it just didn't measure up to my expectations. I really didn't connect with the characters at all and the story seemed somewhat jumbled and confusing. It was definitely a quick read (it took me about 3 hours to get through) and I'm looking forward to reading the next one because I really want to know what happens, but I just didn't love it like I wanted to.

The characters were pretty bland in my opinion. Nikki is basically a mess, returned from the Everneath for 6 months to carry out some unfinished business with her family and boyfriend Jack. Cole was pretty awesome, he has that bad boy spirit I love so much, but he's obviously not a good guy. However, I was definitely rooting for him more than once. Jack is alright, he's a sweet guy and he obviously loves Nikki, but their relationship just seemed kind of off to me.

The story itself was kind of mismanaged and confusing. Nikki spends 100 years in the Everneath (which is only 6 months in the real world) and then she comes back for 6 months. This is where I started getting confused because I have no idea why she had to come back. Also, the story is written alternating between before she went into the Everneath and after her return to the surface. It gets kind of annoying, constantly switching between the past and the present, and I just became really overwhelmed at one point and had to put the book down. Some other things didn't make sense to me either, but I'll let that go for now.

Overall, I wasn't too impressed with Everneath although the ending definitely has me wanting to read the next one. I liked it enough to keep reading, and it was a good enough read. I probably wouldn't recommend it to many of my friends, but if you're a mythology or paranormal lover than you might like this one. I wasn't wow'd by it, but I'm glad I read it nonetheless.