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Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Russell Freedman

ehays84's review

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I think if I could pick one book that all Americans should read right now, it would be this one. It speaks of the best of America--when Biblical principles are applied in a functioning democracy. It speaks of courageous love triumphing over terrible hate. We need this more than ever right now.

And I would also choose this book because it is extremely well done. The format is very inviting, with simple language, excellent quotes interspersed, and lots of photographs. And for anyone who might think that this book is too "easy" or "simple", I would challenge you to try to write something like this. It's much harder than it might seem (having written many, many history papers myself). And actually the fact that it is so smoothly done is what makes it seem so easy. Writing anything concise is much harder than writing anything long.

Too many Americans just don't know their own history, and we see that to our peril. The other reason this is so important is that people can be much more thoughtful about their beliefs when considering them in a historical scenario than a current one because current events tie so quickly to fear, but historical ones seem safer. But then, hopefully, parallels are made, and people can change their current beliefs and actions more easily.

I hope that this book will be an excellent ending to the year for my 8th graders.

I plan to read and own all of Freedman's books of this style in the future.

minseigle's review

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Had to read this book with my 6th grade students! It was very factual and had good information that we didn't learn elsewhere. The only warning I have is that the n-word appears several times, so you may need to warn children ahead of time to be mature about it. ;)

stacisantefort's review

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This book is informative about the Montgomery Bus Boycott during the civil rights era. It begins in the early phases of the movement and leads up to Rosa Parks being arrested and how that was the beginning of the boycott. The book covers how the boycott was formed and led up to talk about Martin Luther King Jr and how he became such a major leader during this time. The book follows MLKJ through his leadership until his death.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was extremely informative, but was not boring like some other informative books I have read. It was an easy read and kept my attention while giving me more insight to how and why the Montgomery Bus Boycot occurred. I gave this book 5 stars. Although I have learned about the boycott my whole life, this book provided new and insightful information.

I would use this book in my classroom when we were going over the civil rights and Montgomery Bus Boycott. After teaching about it, I would have each student pick a different leader during the civil rights movement to do a report on. This book would serve as a great resource for the children as it is an easy read and very informative.

1110 lexile. Grade level 4-12

zirgo's review

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informative medium-paced


mjoylewis's review

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Once again, Freedman turns fact into a personal narrative, something fun to read. I felt like he was speaking to me as I was reading. I felt like I was experiencing the boycott as it was happening. I felt like it really spoke to your emotions as a reader, even though it was nonfiction. A great story that needs to be heard.

abigailbat's review

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Russell Freedman tells the story of the Montgomery bus boycott with his usual accessible style and top-notch research. Lots of photos bring the time, place, and people to life. If kids can get past the rather dull cover and pick up the book, they will find a well-told story and lots to think and talk about.

Full review on my blog:

cmcahill's review

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Great look at the Montgomery Bus boycott. This 114 page book includes information about the boycott that go beyond the Rosa Parks story. I highly recommend this book.

thisfoxreads's review

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I absolutely love Russell Freedman's wonderful nonfiction books for children and teens. Thoroughly readable and interesting--for ALL ages.

evamadera1's review

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challenging informative inspiring medium-paced


Russell Freedman did a masterful job with this book. I have read nearly all of his work and he has not disappointed.
In this book, his prose balances well with the photographs added for context, enhancing not repeating the information. He does not shy away from difficult subjects yet manages to do so without any inflection of opinion. He also avoids "dumbing down" the content for younger audiences. Some writers believe that they must take away quality from their writing to make it fit the older elementary or younger middle grades age group. Those kids see right through that. Russell Freedman tells a captivating story that I need to add to my classroom library shelves.

angelina41's review

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A wonderful explanation of the bus boycott in Montgomery. Middle and high schoolers would benefit most, but anyone wanting a thorough examination of the events would enjoy it.