aneibauer's review

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Otherful by Mike Kleba and Ryan O'Hara is a must-read for all educators. This book is one of the most influential resources I have used to improve my craft as an educator. The leadership principles that they discuss helped motivate me to step into more of a leadership role in my building. Too often, teachers are pitted against one another and isolate themselves and their pedagogy. Kleba and O'Hara remind us of the importance of supporting each other by understanding our Fears, Interests, Responsibilities, and Experiences. Otherful is an important handbook for educators, administrators, and all other teacher-leaders in a school building who work with students. I highly recommend you buy copies for all of the members of your team and read it together; a perfect way to get pumped up in the weeks before school begins in the fall.

kgreads24's review

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Pretty easy read of anecdotes and lessons about teaching and leading in a school setting. Though written for administrators, content and message can easily transfer to teachers. The main tenet is using the strengths and talents around us to build something better. It's a good reminder that in a collaborative environment, "we" is more powerful than "me."