
Dark Bastard by India Kells

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

Dark Bastard is the fifth book in the Dark Sparrow series by India Kells. I have been eagerly waiting for this book to kit my Kindle ever since finishing book four. As I have said so many times before, Ms. Kell’s never fails to deliver an exciting read, and this story certainly delivered on that count. It is becoming harder and harder to choose a favourite from the series as Ms. Kells ups the ante each and every time.
This is a fantastic romantic suspense- full of tension, action, danger, chemistry, intrigue, dramatic developments, gripping and suspenseful details, complex characters, sizzle, romance, emotion, family , hope, love, and plenty more.
As with every one of Ms. Kells' books so far, I was hooked right from the beginning, I really couldn’t put it down and was glued to the pages- completely devouring it in a couple of hours as I needed to know what happens. As expected, the story is superbly written, with a complex and multi-layered storyline that proved to be not only emotional, but also an exciting and incredibly engrossing read.
This is Sam and Ellie’s story- and OMG did I feel for those two. So much. They have been through so much and I was so happy they found each other- but that’s not to say there weren’t a few anxious moments through the story. I could feel their sadness and the weight of their ‘burdens’. Sam was ready to end it all- but a misdialled number connects him with Ellie- and so the adventure begins.
I love how Ms. Kells is a master of interconnected details- and how the details in this book help to build on the previous ones- building a bigger picture of the brothers and their on-going father ‘issues’. And even though this book could be read as a standalone, there is much to gain by reading the previous four books first- which really do help to build a ‘bigger picture’. Plus, the other books are superb stories in their own rights!
OMG- I have already pre-ordered the next book, ‘King Bastard’- as it looks set to be amazing!!! Can. Not. Wait!!!

Thank You, India Kells!

kazbo5771's review

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Dark Bastard is the 5th book in the amazing Dark Sparrow series by India Kells. I have become a huge fan of India Kells over the last few years and the Dark Sparrow series is one of my favourite books series’.
Since I read the 4th book in the series and got a little tidbit of what was coming in Dark Bastard I could not wait to read Sam’s story. I just knew it was going to be deep and dark and amazing. I’m so glad to say that I was right (India Kells does not disappoint). Sam’s story makes for some very hard reading as both he and Ellie, the female lead, are both in a very bad place mentally but India Kells does the most amazing job and you are totally sucked into their story and taken on an amazing rollercoaster journey as they continue with the job of bringing down Sam’s evil father (father to all the ‘bastards’ in the series) and trying to keep themselves alive at the same time.
I absolutely loved Dark Bastard, not only for the amazing characters that Sam and Ellie are but the incredible storywriting ability that India Kells has.
We not only have one of the Bastard brothers left and I’m sure Oz’s story will be just as amazing as the 5 before. I can’t wait to see what India Kells has in store for Oz.

desjmom's review

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Dark Bastard, Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5 finally tells us more about Sam Sarkhan. Sam is ready for all this craziness in his life to end. A twist of fate in the form of a misdial, puts Ellie in his path. When he sticks around to make sure she is safe, his worst nightmare comes to life. This book tugged at my heart so much. I cannot wait for the next book to come out.

kirchersmiles's review

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Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5) by India Kells

5 Stars (deserves so many more)

This is absolutely one of my favorite series ever. I'm loving this continuing storyline and these brothers just keep pulling me in. You really must read these in order to get the whole dynamic of what exactly is happening, and what has happened. Sam was always just mentioned in previous books, you knew he was there and played a huge part, but you don't know what that part is until this book.

My heart strings were being pulled right from the first chapter. Both Sam and Ellie had such heartbreaking stories and yet were both so very strong. I felt every emotion in this book, and truly think it might just be my favorite of them all so far. That is hard to say because they are all completely amazing.

This part gave us a little more of the ongoing storyline, up close and personal, which was scary in itself. Each one of these books keep me on the edge of my seat and I've learned to quit guessing what's going to happen next because this author has all of her own ideas that keep throwing me for a loop. I read this in one sitting because I literally could not put it down.

Lazarus is up next, and the little snippet at the end of this one has me needing that story even more.

I can't recommend this series enough, read them in order, seriously! Then get ready because you will want to read them all over again and again.


jennadb's review

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Dark Bastard is a Dark Sparrow Novel by India Kells. India is one of those authors that is a must grab her book as soon as it appears. It is a fantastic series and Dark Bastard is another wonderful book in this series. You have to read the books in order, so you get the full background and understanding of just who these alpha men are. Trust me you will fall in love with them. India’s stories are compelling and enthralling due to her carefully woven threads that are full of fear, frustration, and angst which is palpable. Dark Bastard is another action packed read with you on the edge of the seat whilst we journey along with the men that India puts through their paces and we right along with them.

rooskie87's review

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On the verge of ending it all, Sam misdials his brother and calls Ellie, who also is on the verge. This was a book that kept me intrigued the entire time. But do kindrid spirits really fan the flame or will outside forces ruin what they've found?

hncald78's review

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This left me shattered. Completely shattered. I love how India Kells walks me through a beautiful story every single time filled with a beautiful relationship and so much emotion. This book - wow. Couldn’t put it down. If you are looking for a guaranteed page turner, filled with suspense and raw emotion, this book is a MUST read. Now!!

tracy_wilkin93's review

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Dark Bastard is book five in the Dark Sparrow series by the enigmatic author, India Kells. There is nothing better than a troubled soul that finds the light. It appeals to my dark and twisted side. There is always an abundance of excitement and adrenalin inducing action. I love the evolving of each character. The author can spin a tale so the reader can almost feel like an extension of the book. I become one with the characters and there hurt is my hurt. Their triumphs are mine. Their tragedies break my heart. Sam needs to save Evie, while battling his own demons. Their charisma was spine tingling and the feeling between them was everything. Emotions were always high and anything could happen at the next turn of the page. A reader needs to brace. For anything. For everything. This author provides all. Everything a reader could ever possibly want or need in a romance. Its all there. Nothing is spared. An that makes this series, these characters, and this author, unforgettable. Losing a piece of my heart to each and every character is magical. 5 stars.