otterno11's review

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The last of a fascinating, rare, unique series, "The Dreaming God" concludes this collection of eldritch Cthulhu Mythos fiction from Japan, and while not the strongest entry in the Lairs of the Hidden Gods series, it is a nice end to an interesting assemblage of tales. I quite enjoyed viewing Lovecraft's style of cosmic horror filtered through a Japanese point of view, and the stories here highlight some thought-provoking aspects of Japanese culture. For instance, Lovecraft's story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," seems to resonate strongly in the series, with three stories in this volume drawing inspiration from the Deep Ones depicted in that story. These stories are, in my mind, some of the most compelling in the series and "City of the Dreaming God," by Yufuko Senowo was my favorite here, as two academics realize how strange the little Japanese mountain town overlooking the sea really is, with some intriguing philosophical and theological debates included as well. Fushimi Kenji's "Rshanabi Street," also provides a dark exploration of a seedy, but mysterious, street in Tokyo, making for some very atmospheric moments. A worthy conclusion to an intriguing series.