
O homem mais rico da Babilónia by George S. Clason

rflacrtna's review against another edition

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Seria melhor se não fosse tão repetitivo e chegou em uma parte onde o autor simplesmente começou a contar fábulas da babilônia e ficou por isso mesmo shsjs

Eu sei que esse é um clássico, mas talvez pq já li livros semelhantes não vi nada de tão extraordinário na mensagem. No final das contas foi só um livro curto mas que foi muito difícil pra mim ler.

Ta na média. Nem péssimo, nem ótimo.

lucindaslibrary's review against another edition

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Definitely a great book to learn from.

I've heard that this book was a must read for anyone that wanted to learn more about managing money. I highly suggest picking up this book. Worth the read. Worth the time. Learn how to be smarter with money.

dlahn's review against another edition

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A top-notch book on personal finance.

seanius's review against another edition

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Biblically styled text of solid old fashioned financial advice: work hard, save a little, invest regularly, and live within your means. Some idiosyncrasies include the specification of a slave as being black (which could be interpreted in various ways...) and also the bizarre pattern of male protagonists suddenly baring their chests to the narrator. Possibly worth a read - is generally hopeful in tone, that work can lead to good, and even is a good in itself. Shamelessly holds material success as a positive thing, and left me wondering if all the pseudo spiritual dismissal of wealth I encountered as an R.C. is really entirely the best way...

sysevich's review against another edition

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ser sincera e dizer que me surpreendi muito com o livro. eu tinha expectativas mto baixas quando vi que eram só "parábolas" com lição de moral, mas elas acabam sendo mais efetivas do que você só falar os ensinamentos.
o george fez uma contextualização na babilonia que ficou muito divertida e gostosa de ler, as lições são muito relevantes pra quem lida diariamente com dinheiro e eu tenho certeza que vão me ajudar quando precisar delas. eu recomendo muito a leitura, até pq é um livro curtinho que te ajuda muito.

amandatracera's review against another edition

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2.5 estrelas.

yosep's review against another edition

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'Conjuring 2' was the best horror flick I have watched so far in life.
'The Richest Man in Babylon' is the best book on personal finance management that I have read so far in life.

I very strongly recommend everyone to pick up this book.
Unless you are already a veteran in managing personal finance, this book will change your life.
I guarantee it - as long as you read it with an open mind.

constantine2020's review against another edition

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Rating: 3.0/5.0

Nonfiction + Business

I picked up this one because I heard many good things about it. I might be a bit late because I feel the majority of the points and lessons discussed by this book are very familiar to me. I found it very interesting to see this book reads more like a fiction. I feel this is good for someone who wants to read and know about all the basics in finance and economics in a simple easy way. One of the main tips that the author insisted on is saving 10% of whatever you earn, and then make that saved amount earn further by investing it wisely in something you are aware of. Don't invest your money in something you have no knowledge about or give it to someone to invest it in something he has no enough knowledge about.

“Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you only take what is worth having.”

Another advice the author gives is controlling the expenditure in different ways. One way is to own your own home instead of living in a rented property and paying the rent. Then there is an important tip of building yourself and your abilities because the more educated and experienced you are the higher will be the chance that you will earn more in the future.

The book is old, written a long time ago. Most of the lessons and advices are still very much valid until this day. But all this is definitely not enough to cover the complex economics of today. You will not find it covering everything that relates to our times. Do I recommend it? Well, yes but not alone. You need to read more books about finance and investments because basics alone are not enough for you to gain the knowledge and expertise that you aim for. I give The Richest Man In Babylon 3.0 stars out of 5.0.

“THE FIVE LAWS OF GOLD I. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family. II. Gold labor the diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field. III. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling. IV. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep. V. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.”