
Cherished by You by Steph Nuss

caseroo7's review

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I absolutely love the Love in the City series from Steph Nuss! Each book is a great read on it's own, but the entire group of characters here are great and I love seeing them all as the series continues. Each book can be a standalone and are definitely enjoyable, but I would recommend reading them all in order if possible for the full experience. Cherished by You is the fourth book in the series and centers around Tessa and Justin. I have to admit I have been waiting for their story and I really think that theirs might be my favorite so far! There is something special about these two, and I just knew I was going to love their book from seeing them previously.

Tessa Wilder has been in love with her friend Justin James since she has known him, but she hasn't been able to tell him how she feels. Each time she tries to subtly flirt with him, he doesn't seem to get it and she fears that if she tells him he will reject her. So she has stayed quiet so as not to ruin their friendship. But when her brother decides he wants to move out on his own, she offers to let him keep the apartment while she looks for something else. Not wanting Tessa to live in a bad area, Justin offers to let Tessa move into his spare room. The more time they spend together, the more they begin to grow closer and soon they are finally exploring the connection between them. But just as they are starting to build a relationship, one unexpected moment threatens everything.

I loved Tessa and Justin so much. Tessa was strong and smart, and I loved how she took care of her brother. She did what she had to do for him, and I really admired her. She was a great role model for him, and she was just so easy to like. Justin was a bit different than most heroes you read about, and honestly I loved him for that! He had some quirks, being a bit of an introvert and on the OCD side. But he was also a really great guy, and he and Tessa were perfect for one another. These two just fit together, and I really loved how they brought out different sides of each other. There is nothing sexier than a guy who is a bit nerdy, but is able to dirty talk with the best of them in bed, and Justin was beyond fantastic at it. The chemistry between these two was smoking hot, and I loved that he was such an unexpected surprise for both Tessa and the reader.

Overall, this was a great addition to the series and one that I really enjoyed. It is hard to pick a favorite here, but I really think that Cherished by You is it! I couldn't put it down and I loved Tessa and Justin. The only thing that kept this one from being a five star read for me was that I wish that Justin and Tessa had talked about their feelings a bit sooner. If it hadn't been for their friends, i'm not sure they would have ever started to see what they needed to do where the other was concerned. I wanted Tessa to tell Justin she had liked him for so long, and I wanted Justin to just make a move. These two were great though, and I am already looking forward to Paige's story next. I really liked how this one set it up for her, and I can't wait to see what is really going on with her. Steph Nuss is a great writer, and I highly recommend this series.

**ARC Provided by Southern Belle Promotions**

cherryredsreads's review

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Omg I devoured like devoured this book this morning! made my Monday & start to the week freaking Amazing!

[a:Steph Nuss|7392900|Steph Nuss|] you rocked it!

Yes Justin... Yes Justin.... you are MINE!!  

The gang is back and we finally get Justin & Tessa story!

If you haven't started this series, you need to jump on it ASAP!

1st: they are all in NYC!  <3 this!! While reading these books, Steph Nuss brings us visually into the fast paced city of New York and into the lives of this amazing group of friends who each find love in different ways.

2nd: Justin is the brilliant, sexy professor who is always in the background of his friends.  He is the observant from afar, but when it comes to Tessa moving in with him, he learns that he can't be quiet anymore to his true feelings for her.

I loved how Steph gives us Justin's POV of just what it is like to view a woman who he has fought his feelings for.  

And the man is a romantic, will make you swoon like a baby being sung a lullaby!

3rd: Tessa is just awesome!  I love her attitude of being a such a nurturing Big sister to her brother Trey and putting everyone else 1st before herself.    She does it in a way that makes you smile, happy & wish she was your friend too! She may look a bit shy but don't let that fool you. She can take you down if you mess with her or anyone she loves.  She loves to plan parties and thinks outside of the box but always of what she knows people will love.  

Justin.... yes Justin is my new favorite Book Boyfriend in this series although, I might need to be a greedy book whore and say I'll take them all!

Tessa you got it right when you tell us what you have dreamt about in Justin!

Laughs ( I snorted LOL at Bayler's smart mouth! Gosh I missed her!), Sexy times that had my Cherries popping left and right, OMG moments that will have you squeezing your Kindle/Ipad, phone or paperback copy hard because Steph Nuss knows how to set us up for surprises that you would not expect to happen.

I loved this book.  It is set in the Fall and it is the perfect read for this time of the year!

This book will make you even fall more in love with the characters and will remind you that it is important to let your Family & friends know that even if they are close or far away, that you are always there for them no matter what and never let a day go by without telling them you love them with either a hug, kiss, phone call, letter and even a simple text saying you are thinking about them :)

Must read Book for 2015!

**ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review***

5 Cherries Popped


kimmylovestoread's review

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I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ever read a book and as soon as you are done, want to go back to before you read it, just so you could read it again for the first time? Well, this is how I feel about this book. I've been looking forward to Justin & Tessa's story for a while now, so I was ready. And I absolutely devoured it! This book is definitely my favorite of the series and Justin has made his way onto my book boyfriend list. I. LOVE. HIM.

It's always the quiet ones. They sit back. They observe. They give advice when needed. They keep their feelings for the woman they love hidden and and then...BAM...they confess their feelings, start dirty talking and make you want to take a cold shower. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Justin Jameson. HOLY. CRAP. I knew he was going to be the dark horse of the group. And I was not let down. There is a scene in this book that may be the most ovary exploding thing I have ever read. And I read a lot of books. I have lost track of how many times I have read that particular scene. It's that amazing.

Tessa is giving up her apartment so her brother and his friend can live there and be close to NYU. Tessa needs a place to live and Justin has a spare bedroom. She can even live there rent free. But here's the thing: Tessa has been in love with Justin for a long time. She not only thinks that she would never be good enough for him, but she he only thinks that he only sees her as a friend. Tessa reluctantly accepts his offer and sees this as a way to finally get over him (she even tries online dating, but that is a disaster), while the rest of the group sees this as way for them to FINALLY get together.

Turns out the two of them living together was a FANTASTIC idea and they grow close. Although they had been friends for a long time, they still had a lot to learn about each other. While they grew up in very different family situations, they have a lot in common and understand each other. Justin is there for her when her past creeps into her dreams and she needs comforting. To an outsider it would look like they slowly fall in love with each throughout the book, but it's very clear that they are way past that point before the book even started.

One of my favorite parts of this book is the banter. Steph knows how to write banter and the banter in this book is some A+ stuff. When the guys are hanging out with each other are some of my favorite moments in the series. The guys are such wiseasses and love to give each other crap...which is how I would describe myself, so I really appreciate it. And they are some great moments between the ladies that had me laughing as well. Those are the laugh out loud moments and one of the many reasons that make me love this series so much. I just love this crew and the whole dang series. I can't wait to see what Steph will give us in the next book!