becsa's review

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This review is for all the books I have read inside of it. As I finish I will go back and add in the two that I have not finished yet.

Special Agent Maximilian by Mimi Barbour

Lieutenant Commander Nik Baudin of the Navy Seals is about to face his toughest job yet when he goes undercover pretending to be his twin brother whom he never knew existed until right before someone leaves him for dead. Max Foster works for the FBI and really doesn't want Nik involved in his case but realizes they are running out of time working on the case with missing girls.

Special Agent Maya Barnes is partners with Max and knows something is wrong as Max is acting weird and she has never felt this level of attraction for her partner before now. When Nik confesses he is pretending to be Max, Maya must put her feelings aside and concentrate on the case.

Will the two solve the case in time and deal with their feelings or are there too many unknown factors in play?

I thought this was a great book with quite a few things I never saw coming. I found a couple of times where the author mistakenly put in Max instead of Nik but nothing that took away from the story.

I thought it was great how right away Maya started feeling things for Nik even though she thought it was Max but had no idea why she felt the attraction. There was also so much mystery with Julian and what his role was during the whole book.

Great read!

Murphy's Law by Jennifer Lowery

Jon Murphy was held captive for years in Azbakastan and upon returning to the US he has gone into the mountains for solitude away from everyone to deal with the shame he feels in letting his country down.

Widow Sara Sheldon has escaped to the mountains in fear of her deceased husband's family who want to take their daughter, Abby, away. When Sara is injured in a hike one night and loses Abby she turns to Jon for assistance in locating her.

When it is clear how much danger Sara is in, Jon must confront his own demons and return home to protect Sara and Abby but even then it is clear that he doesn't realize how much power and reach that Stephen Benchley has.

I thought this story was great and it kept me in suspense the whole time as I knew Stephen was never very far behind Sara. I loved how fast that Jon and Abby were able to connect and the special bond that the two of them shared on their own.

I thought Sara was an amazing and strong character with everything she had been through and the strength that she got just from protecting her daughter. There was nothing she wouldn't do to protect her and as a mother I can totally relate to that.

Jon was awesome and I completely understood why he shut himself off from the world. I also loved his family and want to read much more of them!!

Blazing Hotter by Chantel Rhondeau

Frankie Hernandez was always a typical cocky firefighter until he is caught in a fire with fellow firefighter Thayne Bloodgood and has ended up in a rehabilitation center trying to heal from the injuries he sustained. Unfortunately Frankie has all but given up on getting better until his attractive physical therapist, Cassie Flick, receives some beautiful flowers with a threatening note inside.

Cassie has an idea on who sent her the flowers but as she and Frankie begin to investigate it is clear they are in over their head when the flowers match a serial killers calling. Will Frankie be able to overcome his injuries and help protect Cassie or will she be the serial killers next victim?

This book was awesome and a great follow up to Blazing Love. I highly recommend reading that one first as you really get a sense of the change in Frankie due to the fire and understand more about him.

Frankie is one of my favorite characters as you really understood why he had distanced himself from everyone around him as he had so much guilt inside him and just wanted to be left alone. It was hard for him with Cassie as well as he didn't want to be viewed as less than a man, which is how he felt. His character has undergone a complete transformation within the two books and I'm glad how it all turned out.

Cassie was great and it was sad how everything went sideways for her with receiving the flowers, yet that is how she ends up with Frankie so that is all good!

There was definitely some surprises at the end and I'm glad part of it was a complete shock! Great read!

My Calling by Lyssa Layne

Saylor Warner watched her uncle die in front of her 6 years ago and now she is ready to become a paramedic and save lives. She has put her past behind her and is ready to move on and do some good.

Jonathan "Beck" Beckerdyte has been secretly watching over Saylor for the past 6 years making sure she is safe and has now become a paramedic just to keep a closer eye on her. He made a promise to keep her safe and that's what he is doing, no matter what the risk is to himself.

But the past has a way of catching up with you and when Saylor discovers who Beck is will she still trust him or will she leave again. When the danger is still there will they have a chance at escaping again?

This book was awesome and I was in for a total shocker!

I loved how Saylor wanted something good to come from the past and learn how to save lives so she wouldn't lose anyone else. Beck would go to the ends of the earth for Saylor and his love for her was so genuine but I loved how he was torn due to her Uncle Eddie.

This book had my emotions on such various levels and I wanted to scream and yell during parts and others I wanted to cry.

Great book!

Playing Without Rules - Rachelle Ayala

Wow - this book brought out so many emotions! It was an amazing read but have some Kleenex ready!

Marcia is a bar-owner with a pretty big secret and when her ex-fiance Brock comes back into town she knows she needs to hold her secret even closer. But when she breaks it off with her current boyfriend Conrad, for Brock, he may dig into finding out some secrets too.

Brock has come back into town to play baseball for the local team, but more importantly he has come back for Marcia and to find out why she broke off their engagement. But Brock has ghosts in his past too that he has kept from Marcia.

When the two begin to rekindle their romance they seem to be headed in the right direction until one event seems to set off a chain of events that neither may be able to recover from.

This book is heartbreaking yet through all the tears there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The book deals with some tough issues, like domestic abuse, but is done in a very tactful way. The emotions of the characters were raw and you felt all the pain that they did. The characters are believable and very well written!