
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

popthebutterfly's review

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Disclaimer: I received this e-book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Kingdom Cold

Author: Brittni Chenelle

Book Series: Kingdom Cold Book 1

Rating: 1/5

Publication Date: February 14, 2019

Genre: YA Fantsay

Recommended Age: can’t recommend, DNF-ed

Publisher: Indie Published

Pages: 278

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Synopsis: Attempted murder, that's how sixteen-year-old Princess Charlotte's engagement starts. It seems like the only thing she has in common with Prince Young of Vires is their mutual discontent.

When her kingdom's attacked, Charlotte's parents renegotiate her hand in marriage to a handsome stranger with a sinister plan. With the people Charlotte loves dying around her, and her kingdom's future at stake, the only person she can turn to is the prince she betrayed. But, should she save her kingdom or her heart?

One must fall.

Review: I had to DNF this book at 15%. I couldn’t connect with the characters and it didn’t feel like the book had a clearly defined plot. It’s also incredibly slow.

Verdict: Not for me.

chaos_code's review

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DNF at 41%

It had so much potential, but the plot moved too fast, and we didn't need the POV of all the side characters. There was also too much insta-love happening.

sassyowlreads's review

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I received a digital ARC of Kingdom Cold from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The language seemed far more appropriate for a stereotypical high schooler in present day than a YA fantasy book and seemed juvenile at times. The character development left a lot to be desired and the POVs for side characters seemed unnecessary most of the time.

A lot of parts seemed rushed or barely fleshed out, leaving me to feel lost or like I missed something.

r_j_setser's review

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This is your last chance to turn back now. Seriously, this book wrecked my world and I am warning you…stay away if you value your sleep or sanity.

Still here? Fabulous, I had hoped you’d ignore that warning like all true heros and heroines do in stories. Kingdom Cold is a book that I hated and loved all at the same time. I want to hug it close and never let it go, and also throw it across the room, very hard. I am really emotionally…not okay.

As I was reading the book in the beginning, I honestly was a little displeased at how fast paced it was and how simple and to the point the descriptions were. I felt like I was being jipped out of details, however, my mindset completely changed in the middle of the book and I realized that I was so invested in the story that I couldn’t even stop reading to eat dinner…It was honestly perfectly written for the story; details for the scenes that are important, and quick mentions of things that don’t have a detrimental impact on the plot.

Charlotte, Young, Milly, Minseo…..all of them were so perfectly unique. Charlotte and Young both have such a profound display of character development, I was so proud of them. We literally watch them grow from immature children to responsible and powerful leaders, and especially at the end of the book…wow. They really became what we thought they were incapable of just a few chapters ago. They were awesome characters, all of them were!

The story itself has action scenes that can get vivid and there is lots of blood. There is some sexual content as far as some characters discussing the “consummation ceremony” following the wedding, as well as other characters sleeping around and making jokes. There are some detailed kisses and though there is not a descriptive sex scene, there are several “implied” scenes in which it is quite clear as to what the characters are doing before the chapters end.

Overall, books with these types of endings are not at all my favorite and I try to stay away from them as much as possible, however with how much Kingdom Cold really affected me, I can’t help but to admit that it is every bit a 5 star novel. So, my final rating is 5 out of 5 stars, and from what I hear, fans of Kiera Cass will truly love this book.

P.S. Apparently book 2 comes out in June, but don’t worry, it’s not a cliffhanger ending THANK GOODNESS.

I received this book from the author for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are entirely my own.

This is a Review.

rebecca_readitreviewit's review

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I enjoyed it.

This was a book I wouldn't have chosen myself but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very fast paced and plot heavy. Surprisingly I want to continue the series. If you like royal tales I definitely recommend it.

bookbed's review

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"For a book supposedly set in medieval times, this is pretty forward-thinking… but in a good way. It may mean that the book is not so realistic in the way of traditional medieval-set romances but what the hell, it’s a fictional book and not an academic paper. Anything that advances the cause of equality should be welcomed." Continue reading our review here.

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destdest's review

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Fun premise. I love princess/royalty stories, and this one has diverse characters with alternating povs that aren't grating. Yooo, sign me up!

I liked the two main characters. Young's sweet. A normal, polite prince trying to live up to expectations. He's adorable and slightly naive and pure in the sense, he's barely kissed anyone. While Charlotte is a super dramatic would-be theater kid with all her performances. Her first meeting with her betrothed-to-be went like "ohhh, you're the one I'm marrying?"

I like that she's vulnerable but has her own agency. She's ready to save herself and anyone else she cares about by any means necessary.

Haha, I was hooked with the story from the get-go. There are so many whatttt? Just happened?? And junk got real moments. Of course, with some wedding night shenanigans. Oh my.

Also, there's a really touching moment when a character dies and another character says, "every moment you had with them is what you have left. " I'm paraphrasing, but that part stood out to me.

MAJOR Spoilers:
how did Milly fall for Young so quickly??? Like ... I think she's just starved for love because she rebounded so quickly. I feel like only bad things happen to Milly to the bitter end.

Come on, now the love triangle with the two brothers? Let's not do this. That always ends messy and awkward.

The downside, I really hated how Minseo fell for Charlotte. Like, why was he so captivated by her? I hated the strain it put on Minseo-Young's relationship. These are the same two brothers that did everything to protect each other and a girl comes between them. Well, it was one-sided on Minseo's part.

Let's be honest. I enjoyed the slow pace Young and Charlotte were taking, and I figured it would be book 2 before any real romantic development would take place. But... all of a sudden Young gives Charlotte breath and a reason to live? A bunch of Charlotte's thoughts toward the end are drenched in syrup... oh yeah, and she's pregnant. I know many months had passed, but it felt like a drastic change. They were really connecting after the wedding then Young left and then they were soulmates. I really wanted an emphasis on the time skip.
Ehh, I'm not complaining. Considering the ending, I'm glad I got my fluff.


I feel like all the women in this story die or are left unhappy. Milly never found love. dead. Charlotte's mom. dead. Sasha? dead. Charlotte? pregnant-widow with no parents and no kingdom. Mina just trying to marry Minseo and make the kingdom happy. dead. I hope Morgana can live a peaceful life.

DANG! Why did Young have to die? ;__; Can’t we get a magical Disney kiss and bring him back? And thank you that Minseo and Charlotte didn’t get together after his death. It would just be too much. We don't need that Uncle-daddy business. update: well ... that's what book 2's looking like xD

Ain’t no happy endings, kiddie. Whoo. That ending almost got a little depressing.

Overall, I would recommend! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it even though I didn't like how Minseo changed and some aspects of the ending. I'm excited to see more from this author.
4.5 stars

littlefawn's review

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*I recieved this book for free in exchange for an honest review*

I loved the idea of this book, and I'm super glad it was not drug out into multiple books (small favors), even though part of me feels it should have been, because I feel there's a lot missing...

We have Charlotte and Young, Emmett and Minseo... a love square? Battle after battle, glossed over battle scenes, clean sex scenes, and obviously murder.
I felt the book could have used more details, the characters lacked depth and there wasn't much growth.

2.5 stars

heatherhy01's review

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I received this book from the author and am so glowingly happy that I accepted it as I adored it!!

Basically, Charlotte’s parents have set up an arranged marriage for her. She had always dreamed of being able to marry for love but being a Princess, duty always comes first and she is left marrying a stranger. Young is not so thrilled at marrying her either but he knows his duty as Prince of Vires and accepts it willingly.

This book is filled with treachery, romance, death and betrayal, not to mention heartbreak also. (mostly mine!) We get many POV’s from mainly Charlotte but Young and Minseo also. I adore this way of storytelling so it was definitely a win in my book! (pun completely intended)

The ending had completely shattered my heart and I really did not see it coming! After all these characters had been though. It took my a couple weeks to wrap my brain around the fact that yes! I really did read that! Kudos to Ms. Chenelle for actually shocking me!

I am not sure if this is completely a stand alone but feel that the story could definitely continue on if the author chose to do so. I would actually love the idea of another book with these characters.

Thank you to the author for this review copy in exchange of an honest review.

moraa's review

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I liked that this book included characters from different ethnicities but the execution just didn't do it for me. After reading the description, I was excited to read this book because I'd never read a book with such a premise before. Unfortunately, this book didn't live up to the hype. The main character was a little too childish for me and the tension between her and her mother seemed manufactured to me. I wanted to like this book but it wasn't done in a way I would have liked.