
Twisted Reflections by Shay Fabbro, Shay West

babyleo's review

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Note: I was provided a copy of this book for review

Twisted Reflections is the second book in the Adventures of Alexis Davenport series and one that offers up a bit more information in the mystery that is Alexis Davenport and why she may have been chosen to stop someone messing with history. Alexis meets another traveller like herself during one of her trips who tries to help guide her on what her role may be. Their chance meeting gives Alexis an opportunity to gain more insight into her gift and realise just how important her mission is.

The novel covers a longer amount of time, but does jump forward most of it, skipping a lot of the school year. There is less importance placed on the Catelyn/Beau drama of the first book, and while there seemed to be a tense build up to the new school year West chooses to skip most of it instead, choosing to focus more on the summer holidays and Alexis’ relationship with her mother and friends.

Once again I felt that the time travelling aspect was a better read than the other parts in terms of story, style, and character, and though while some of the parts that faulted last time are improved, other issues develop and some are just redirected. Alexis again comes across as petulant and whiny, and she is certainly petty and jealous, but I’m starting to see that’s just who she is. But considering how much better she is when she is travelling it’s hard to see her as the same personality, though admittedly sometimes it slips through.

The writing and narrative is not perfect but the story is interesting and keeps you reading. The real intrigue comes from the time travelling parts where West writes curious and fascinating versions of historical moments and points in time. You forget any issue you had with the other parts and become involved with the period of time and the story it involves. The concept West has created is engaging and intriguing, with enough mystery and variability to keep you guessing and eager to find out, but not slow enough that it becomes predictable.

The ending is also once again very well done. It manages to bring the story to a new level and natural progression that adds a twist and a surprise to the reader while also offering more information and making you eager for the next book.

A longer version of this review was posted on my blog

writerjholland's review

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Read the full review at Tales Between the PagesI'm conflicted about Twisted Reflections. It is just as good as Dangerous Reflections but I think that it is too short. A YA book at 190 pages just isn't long enough to develop the plot. Book at that length are generally for middle-grade readers. In truth, the plot of Twisted Reflections could have been tacked on to the end Dangerous Reflections quite easily. Or, perhaps, split between Dangerous Reflections and the third book, Desperate Reflections. Since current YA trends are geared toward trilogies, Shay West might have felt some pressure to produce a trilogy when she might have only had enough plot for two books. Because Twisted Reflections is so short, it feels quite rushed. The school year flies by in a few chapters. The ending also feels rushed.

Also, I want to express my pet peeve with books set during present times that have villains with names that sound like they should be in a bad fantasy novel. Lane Stygian seems too forced. I know she held a contest and this was the winner ... but I can't help but want a last name that you might actually run across in Chicago and not in Rivendell.

Nevertheless, Twisted Reflections is an exciting read. Alexis grows as a character. The conflict between Alexis, her mother, and her aunt comes to a head. Though, I had to roll my eyes a little when Alexis's mom automatically assumes the answer is drugs when she starts noticing changes in Alexis. That feels like a cop out. She and her mother have a close relationship. Usually when you're that close there's at least some benefit of the doubt happening. The overly-strict parent is an archetype that I'd like to see go by the wayside anyway.

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inahreads's review

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I was very much excited when I received the news from the Publisher that I will be receiving an e-ARC of Twisted Reflections after I reviewed the first book, Dangerous Reflections (click here for the review). I'm really interested to see how things go for Alex in this book.

This one did not disappoint. I got to see how Alex handles her "gift" and continues to fight off the Drifter. There were new characters too. I think the addition of Sean and Gavin's characters were very wise and helpful for the story.

I loved the action in this book. I think it's more action-packed than the first one. I also liked the places where Alex made her little "trips". Egypt and Sparta are pretty cool and I think these places emphasized Alex's strengths and her being a "badass." Although, Alex's character kind of annoyed me in some parts of the book, but I think it's just Alex being a teenager.

Shay West's writing is absolutely spot-on. She knows how teenager's minds work and I really like it.

Overall, the book really got to me easily. The cover was really pretty, the characters were written well. I loved it more than I loved the first one. This is a great follow up to Dangerous Reflections and I hope the third one will be as action-packed, or maybe more, as this one.

Review also posted on The Bibliophile Confessions