
Brave New Pond by Jennifer L. Holm, Matthew Holm

donalynbooks's review

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The next installment in the adventures of Squish, a middle school amoeba. This is a fun series with science facts about one-celled organisms and pond life.

innocentsmith's review

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Squish the amoeba is back, this time dealing with peer pressure and staying true to yourself.

mlhahn's review

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What a crazy premise for a series...but they make it work!!!

shazzerwise's review

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I'm taking to Squish quite like I did to Babymouse, but these are still pretty enjoyable.

bp0128bd's review

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Second in the Squish graphic chapter books for kids. Will Pod and Squish fit in at school this year?

important_idiot's review

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I enjoyed this one. There's a lesson to be learned and that's great! I recommend this whole series to your kids. Definitely worth getting.

sducharme's review

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To what lengths will Squish go to be part of the cool crowd? I love how his daydreams intertwine with the themes surfacing in his real world. Daydreams are drawn in grey tones make them easy to distinguish from his real life drawn in black and green.

kelleemoye's review

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The Holms continue to teach science through an entertaining story of Squish the amoeba. In this fun story, while learning about the make ups of a pond, Squish also teaches about bullying and standing up for yourself.

cstoeger's review

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Squish is starting a new school year, and he wants to do this one right. Will he alienate his friends to become part of the popular crowd or will he stick up to the mean Algae brothers?

shicklin's review

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Great graphic novel with great themes on friendships and new starts.