
Sliggers by Michael Yowell

vikingwolf's review

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The first thing I noticed about this book was the scary cover, which I love! The book itself turned out to be a decent read overall once it got into the plot. We do spend a lot of time focusing on the personal lives of the characters. Mason returns to town and is rocked with his mother's death, he's getting on the wrong side of the gang who bullied him at school and trying to date his childhood friend Eaver. His friend Danny lives with his bullying father Ricky, who is also secretly sleeping with the girl Danny has a crush on, Ricky wants Danny to quit school and get a job but won't give him one at his store. Danny is 20 and it is beyond me why he continues to be a doormat to a father who doesn't care about him. Why doesn't he move in with Mason? Eaver's mother puts pressure on her to work in the family business and not go to college. Yes, very supportive parents in this town!

Away from the family and love angst, people are starting to go missing around town from fishermen to courting couples. A local man insists that it is Sliggers, a mythical monster used in stories to scare previous generations of kids but this time the man is right. Sliggers are hitting town, attacking people in the water, the beaches and now in the town itself. The police join forces with a few concerned locals to try and find the lair of the creatues and destroy them before they destroy the town. I liked the whole idea of the Sliggers and the attacks on the people were nicely written and entertaining. Characters like Cinch-the cook who first sees the Sliggers, the police, the diving biologist...I very much liked the scenes they were in. While I liked our three MCs, I could do without their personal relationships, but it didn't destroy the main story either. The Sliggers and the investigation were interesting enough that the story didn't need the vendetta with Mal. Again though, I didn't hate it or anything.

It was a decent horror story and was well written. Characters were varied and mostly interesting. If you like a sea monster creature feature then this will keep you going for a few hours.I would read more by the author.