
Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper

thehonestpuck's review

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This was an OK book. The world-building was interesting with a very different understanding of mermaids, selkies, and sirens than folks commonly have. The super-special main character was a little much for me, though.

rebecca_3's review

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This review can also be found on my blog: A Match Made in Heaven

This was amazing! It was my first mermaid book, but it was so much more! It had mermaids, sirens, selkies, gorgons, water sprites, and even a Greek god. But there was also so much to the story, with so much mythology and history, action, and omg the romance! If you love fiery and passionate romances with lots of pledges of undying love and self-sacrifice, this is for you. Even though they were unable to have a physical relationship until near the end, there was never any doubt about their love.

And I was really impressed with the story. It was my first mermaid book, as I said earlier, but I was expecting a simple forbidden romance between a mermaid/merman and a human, and a sacrifice having to be made to be together. But this was so much bigger, their decisions would affect worlds. How much are they willing to sacrifice to be together? And neither of them were straightforward merfolk or humans. They had very complicated heritages and very complicated roles in the larger conflict. I never knew what was going to happen next and I was really happy with how things were handled in the end.

I also loved the world this book created. I dont know if it was entirely based on mythology, but I would guess some of it was created by [a:Karen Amanda Hooper|5044405|Karen Amanda Hooper|]. I loved how everything fit together, all the different roles the water creatures played, and the ranking colours of the mermaids sounded so gorgeous. I wish I could have seen them. Treygan, Yara, Karoline, Nixie, they all sounded beautiful. They were all great characters too. And I loved Pango, he was hilarious. I am a little confused by Rownan though. At first he seemed like a really horrible guy, even after spending time with Yara for months. But then he seemed to change his stance so quickly. Not that I am complaining. I am glad he came around.

With the extremely unique situation Yara and Treygan find themselves in at the end, I am anxious to find out how it works for them in the future. The few glimpses of their uninterrupted happiness that we got to witness was amazing, and I cant wait to see more, but I know it cant be that easy. I cannot wait to see them fight for each other and their people again in [b:Dangerous Depths|13412960|Dangerous Depths (The Sea Monster Memoirs #2)|Karen Amanda Hooper||18688494] and to see their incredible strength, loyalty and love in action.

noctisora's review

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What an amazing debut by Karen Amanda Hooper! I was captivated by this story from the very beginning, and believe me when I say that Tangled Tides is definitely one of the best mermaid stories out there.

Hooper has certainly weaved quite a story. This book is so much more than a simple mermaid tale. Sirens, gorgons, and selkies all make an appearance, and the mythical world that Hooper creates for them is well-detailed and breathtaking. It was so easy to envision the underwater realm that Yara, Treygan, and their many companions live in. Another thing I loved was the elements of Greek mythology that were present. These elements give background to the merfolk and sea creatures, explaining how they came into being. I feel like with most mermaid stories, there is no mention of how or why mermaids exist, but instead, the reader just has to accept that they do. The fact that Hooper offers explanation to the history surrounding these sea creatures really sets her story apart from others and gives a fresh, new take to the classical mermaid tale.

The characters are also wonderful. Each one has their own, definitive voice, making it really easy to connect to them. Yara is faced with a tough decision that not only affects her, but hundreds of others, yet she is resolute and strong, and I really liked that about her. There are moments when she feels fear, but never once does she back down. All of her emotions come across really well, and I think she was an excellent main character. (I have to say I was a little surprised by her reaction to becoming a mermaid. She was angry, yes, but what about the freak out?? If you just got turned into a mermaid, you are entitled to freak out a little!) And then there is Treygan. Oh my, where do I even begin with him? He is strong, confident, smart, and the list goes on and on. He is just a great guy who really cares for Yara, and I love their relationship and chemistry. There were even a few instances where Treygan had to stop himself from having some inappropriate thoughts about Yara, which made him seem more ‘real’ and really fleshed out his character. There are also the minor characters, such as Pango, Rownan, and others, and I liked every one of them. It is very rare that side characters have their own voice (or personality, for that matter), and I applaud Hooper for creating such excellent characters.

Hooper’s awesome writing style coupled with great characters and an intriguing plot make Tangled Tides a must read for all. This is one of the best books published in 2011, and also one of the best mermaid stories available. I cannot for the sequel, which is still untitled. There is no release date set, but I hope it is soon! I cannot wait to see what Yara and Treygan’s next underwater adventure will be!

shanella's review against another edition

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When I first heard of Tangled Tides, by Karen Hooper, my mind immediately went to Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”. However, to say that Tangled Tides is just a fun story about mermaids would be doing it an injustice. Yes, it is a story where the protagonist is a mermaid, but there are other mythical sea creatures weaved tightly into the tale making it more than just another mermaid story.

Tangled Tides follows the story of Yara, as she is transformed from human to mermaid and the complicated web of family secrets that follow. There is mythology, betrayal, mystery and a splash of romance. Written using three different points of view, the reader gets a complete look from all parties involved.

I enjoyed this story immensely, though, in the very end I got a little confused and had to go re-read a few pages. However, the good far outweighed anything else. I loved the way Karen took different pieces of mythology and knitted them together as her own. I loved the world that she created - though I wished we could have seen more of Rathe and life there. I also appreciated the way she worked out communication under water - speaking through eye contact as opposed to voice.

Once I was hooked, I couldn’t put it down. Tangled is a good word to describe the twists and turns that can be found within the pages of this novel. Why do the mermaids want Yara? Why are the selkies fighting for her allegiance? Who is she and why is she important? The story keeps you on your toes, unraveling the secrets of Yara’s past and future.

I can’t wait to see what else lies ahead for Yara and the others. I think anyone who loves mythology and fantasy would enjoy this tale.

simplyadrift's review against another edition

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There was so much folklore in this story. I really liked it! To weave up this story and world there must have been a lot of research because there was just so much going on, so much history, the back stories sounded really complicated yet the way it was explained was very easy to understand.

The design of the book was also very interesting and very pretty. I liked the sea creature drawings for every character. It was a simple yet effective way from breaking up the P.O.V’s, I liked that the P.O.V’s would change several times in a chapter. This meant I didn’t feel like I was getting used to every character’s story, it felt like it connected.

The writing was a little iffy at the beginning to be honest. The story launched in right at the beginning leaving no room to set up the story. We were barely introduced to the main character before the main plot of the story leaped right in leaving us thinking ‘Wahh, what just happened?’, who’s who? What’s going on? etc.

The writing got a lot better as the story progressed though. The characters developed quite a lot through out the story which was very pleasing. I found that half way through I couldn’t put the book down, I just couldn’t stop reading.

The way the characters switched P.O.V actually worked really well, it flowed really well and I never once got drawn out of the story because of it. I’ve noticed with that style a lot of the time it affects the enjoyment for me, so the fact that it didn’t for this book was very pleasing and nice to know that I can enjoy a book that is written like this.

I liked this story because it was really interesting, I haven’t ever really read a story based on sea creatures or mermaids before so this book was a really good start to that topic. It was really entertaining and I loved it! I liked that the romance developed! None of this ‘insta-love’ stuff. Although, the way Yara flipped over the way she felt about Treygan was a little too fast I think.

Overall this was a pretty good book! I recommend giving it a go and pushing your way through the first few chapters if you get stuck at the writing like I did. Because it really is worth it.

Miss J

tamaraepps's review against another edition

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Tangled Tides is a contemporary book about magic and myth, featuring mermaids, sirens, selkies and gorgons, all in a completely new light. I have to admit that I was expecting a dark twist on the world of merfolk, but I think the story could be interpreted as dark or as a beautiful fairytale.

The story is told in first person through the eyes of the three main characters. I actually found this a bit of a problem in enjoying the story as I spent a lot of time trying to work out whose voice I was reading, rather than experiencing the story. While I think it would have been better told in third person, the positive of reading the different character perspectives made each side’s point of view crystal clear and understandable by the reader.

I found this book difficult to read for the first third as I felt it spent too much time telling me about the mer-world, rather than diving into the story. However, once I was past this point, the story suddenly became so intriguing that I found myself reading for hours, unwilling to pause as I wanted to know what was going to happen.

I would recommend Tangled Tides to anyone who still believes in fairytales or who enjoy discovering different ways of thinking. At the core, Tangled Tides is a book about a young girl deciding who she is, which the author shows through the different species involved.

[Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of this book in return for an honest review.]

kelseykeating's review against another edition

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Compared to the other mythical creatures in literature, mermaids don't have as much of a voice. Enter Karen Amanda Hooper's Tangled Tides. Mermaids are the main focus, but Karen doesn't just drop you at one act of myth, instead creating a whole world of deep and meaningful characters. Even those who only lasted a few pages were strong enough to stand alone in the world of the ocean depths. (Do I need to mention I couldn't put this book down even when I was on the treadmill?)
Yara (love the name) is wonderfully headstrong yet fragile when her whole world turns upside down and living underwater is no longer a questionable thing. I might have taken to being a fish a bit quicker, but Yara's determination to be human again toward the beginning is part of her charm.

Now, I read the reviews before I purchased this book and I would like to address those of the two star or less variety: I don't think they read past page 10. They are caught up in "seagarette" and "c-weed", which they deem somehow cliche when I've NEVER heard of those phrases before. They didn't give the story a chance, but YOU definitely should.

Ms. Hooper has drafted a world where each character's voice is unique and gives you a clear mind map of who they are and what they want. Yara and Treygan are a wonderful pair for humor, romance, and the tension that makes a reader's heart pound.

ruthsic's review against another edition

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Yara Jones doesn't believe in sea monsters-until she becomes one. When a hurricane hits her island home and she wakes up with fins, Yara finds herself tangled up in an underwater world of mysterious merfolk and secretive selkies. Both sides believe Yara can save them by fulfilling a broken promise and opening the sealed gateway to their realm, but they are battling over how it should be done. The selkies want to take her life. The merfolk want something far more precious.

Treygan, the stormy-eyed merman who turned Yara mer, will stop at nothing and sacrifice everything to protect his people-until he falls for Yara. The tides turn as Yara fights to save herself, hundreds of sea creatures, and the merman who has her heart. She could lose her soul in the process-or she might open the gateway to a love that's deeper than the oceans.

I am always up for any mermaid stories - they are a blend of myth and fantasy, and let me confess - I do love the story of the Little Mermaid (the original one, not the Disney version). There is something about being beautiful monsters and mermaids, sirens etc have always had this seductive draw. So, when I choose a mermaid story, I like the darker aspects too and Hooper really brought it out in this story. It has merfolk, sirens, selkies (first time reading about them) and gorgons, which means mythology! In the world of Tangled Tides, there has been a curse which blocked the way for these sea creatures into their realm and until the curse is fulfilled, they are surviving but long for returning. Yara is the key to unlock the curse, but considering curses are confusing things, no one is sure how it is to be broken, which means she is caught in the political feud between the selkies and the merfolk. Both want her to break it in their own way, and are ready to use any means to get her to their side, including kidnapping, lying and mysting her.

As a character, Yara seriously endured throughout the book. First her world is shattered, she is turned against her will and now she has a little over 2 weeks to decide how to give herself for the sake of the curse. Acclimatizing to being a sea monster aside, she longs for returning to her normal life. She starts falling for Treygan, the merman who is her guardian but his condition is such that they can never be together. Treygan is stoic and comes off a bit of a bleeding romantic who is all I-will-give-my-life-for-you but he grows on you. Rownan I actually hated, no matter what his reasons were. Character-wise, this book is rich and you find such fabulously written people (or is it merpeople?)

The thing I loved the most was the plot - it was all unexpected and I loved that it kept surprising me. The way the mythology of the gorgons was weaved into the curse and how it affected the creatures - I just adored it. There was good attention to details in regards to the soul sharing, the hallmarks and the realms which is so magical and I really applaud Hooper for it. Her best attribute when it comes to writing is the world-building and the relationships with the characters - a fact I liked even in the Kindrily series. Even the romance is beautiful at times and intense at others, but never overpowering the storyline. Highly recommended for mythology/paranormal lovers!

Received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

arguemore's review against another edition

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It has a plot, I'll give you that―but unfortunately, it is poorly written. Only mostly though, seeing as there were fleeting moments when it was able to provide a wonderful water world as a setting. Although engaging, the introduction of the characters was too fast. The arrival of the conflict came too quickly as well. What could have been mysterious and intriguing came out as too scattered and misguided. Now don't even get me started on the conversations. I believe what the author was aiming for was "witty banter" but all I got were conversations similar to a really bad soap opera with really bad actors that should be acting the lines out with natural ease but were feigning every thing they were supposed to say. Needless to say, I am disappointed.

quinlanathalar's review against another edition

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This book was unbelievably good. It's by far the best mermaid book I've read. Go put this one on your 'to-read shelf' immediately because you'd be crazy not to.