labunnywtf's review

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I liked this more than Reis's Pieces. I think it's because I attached myself to more of the players. I felt for/about them more strongly, and found myself more absorbed by each page.

I don't know if it was a good idea or a really bad idea to read this while dealing with my own extremely hormonal (pre)teenager. On the one hand, it makes me intensely appreciative of how good I've got it. On the other hand. If she were to exhibit signs of this, would I immediately start flipping out, flashing to what Amanda and her family went through? Would I have the ability to be patient? Or would I completely flip out like Carol did?

Despite the fact that her illness makes her a serious raging bitch, I like Amanda. I like this character a lot. Which makes what she goes through so much more painful to read. And even though you like her, it doesn't stop you from wondering why everyone around her, especially the brand spankin' new boyfriend, doesn't run screaming for the hills.

Ryan is a fantastic character, but he's a little too Prince Charming. Yes, he loses his temper a few times, but he puppy dogs back for more. During the camping trip, it's understandable, because she levels out, and the family is something new and wonderful to him. But seriously, if I'd just started dating someone and they acted like this, I don't think I could've stuck it out, great sex or not.

Which leads back to my original insight of whether I could deal with this or not. I think I would be pre-support group Carol. Angry and frustrated and hurt, and having awful thoughts about wanting a child gone, gone, gone, just to stop what is seriously messing her world up.

I had a harder time empathizing with Jerry. I guess he just felt more removed from me because he took a clinical approach on almost everything. Christy, I went back and forth between awful heart wrenching sympathy and wanting to throttle her. But the scene where her sister invites her out to eat dinner pretty much destroyed my heart. I could see this happening between any sisters, ill or not. I could see it happening to my niece with her mother. So that definitely put Christy on firmer footing with me.

I think the title of the book is perfection. I started out thinking it would have a direct connection to Amanda, that maybe she had an episode because someone ate the last of the Cocoa Puffs. But the actual origin of it is so much better than that. It relates to how this illness effects those around the person so deeply, and can screw with even the most basic daily activity.

I wish we'd had a "bad guy". We had a glimpse of what could have been with Sarah, mentally blaming the fact that Amanda had always gotten what she wanted, and people are so quick to slap a label on. But that passed by the way side too quickly. So much of mental illness gets pushed to the side as, "Just another bad kid", and people are quick to turn a blind eye to a very real sickness.

Maybe she can include that in her next book. I look forward to reading it.

jlholowaty's review

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A great look into Bipolar Disorder - how it affects everyone involved, not just the "owner" of the illness. Intriguing story. While the ending was not what I expected (or wanted), it's very much a should read for anyone wanting to see into the world of Bipolar Disorder.