
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

erica_andthebooklings's review

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This book deserves a much higher rating. All the 1 star ratings from arc reviewers I think reflects the fact that the publishing company sent arcs to the wrong reviewers. This was an excellent book set in a rich reimagining of nineteenth century Europe. The magic system is grounded in real folklore and a believable Victorian era society. It's not for lovers of Sarah J Maas-style YA fantasy - it's for the historical fiction lover. Also, I should looking out for info dumps because that was a major complaint and didn't find any so there's that. The story is so heavily influenced by the society and culture of the characters and the author did a fantastic job of providing relevant historical information.

betsyrisen's review

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I wrote a long review which I accidentally deleted, so to sum up:

I needed a YA trilogy. This one had magic and Hungary in it. I can't believe how this woman who is not Hungarian has Hungarians pegged so completely.

"There were Grandmama’s stories, of course, of a paradoxical people who could “weep from one eye and laugh with the other,” a people who laughed when they mourned and wept when they were joyful." I mean come on.

As to the actual story, I can't even begin to discuss it because (while I should have anticipated this due to the setting of the book, suprise Petofi Sandor was just too much for me). On to book two...

bookishneverland's review

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This book started out so well. I was truly enthralled by Anna and her family's interactions and felt Anna's need to fit into the Luminate Society. However, by the end of the book, I found her to be the most inconsistent character. Her character development was not a thing and it seemed to me she only cared about anyone when it suited her. Only when people did as she asked did she care and it was extremely frustrating. Overall I enjoyed the book but truly hope the characters have much more development in Lost Crow Conspiracy.

racheladventure's review

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A captivating series beginning with great historical weaving.

colecordium's review

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I am REALLY intrigued by this book that takes place in MY HOME COUNTRY. Like WHAT?

If you’ve seen me on any kind of social media – instagram, twitter, goodreads – this past year and a half, you probably saw that Blood Rose Rebellion was my number one most anticipated book for 2017. A magical story, inspired by my oh-so-not magical country? Sign me the hell up! So when Rosalyn messaged me about an ARC copy, I jumped on the chance.

Blood Rose Rebellion is a first book of a new fantasy trilogy, set in 19th century Hungary, during the reign of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Anna Arden is exiled to Hungary after disastrous magical events, much to her dismay. She is accompanied there with her grandmother, Lady Zrínyi, to spend time with their Hungarian family. There, Anna meets a group of Romani people, on the verge of rebellion.

In this world, the Luminates, is a magical group all with different abilities. This is the upper-class society Anna grows up, with only one flaw: she is a Barren, meaning she doesn’t have any power in a place where magical power is everything. Only the rich people have access to magic, so obviously this leads to a rebellion from the poor, who demands that magic should be free for everyone. For this, they need Anna, who could be the key to free magic from the rich.

What I really needed to overcome were my own prejudices to enjoy this book. Romani people these days are nothing like the travelers they were in the past and I am glad that this book helped me overcome some of those prejudices. While it wasn’t written in any Romani people’s point of view, it was good to know more about them.

While I found the writing to be a bit slow and not as action packed, I still enjoyed it very much. I really loved that for once I didn’t need a glossary or any dictionary to understand the foreign words. After all it is my own native language. I happen to know Rosalyn spent time here in Hungary, and I loved that my little country inspired this story.

All in all, it was a great start of an intriguing trilogy. If you like magic, romance, and history, which I am a huge fan of, then Blood Rose Rebellion is just what you are looking for.

leahka89's review

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I really enjoyed the setting of the story and also the basic premise. I had trouble with Anna, our MC, who made foolish decision after foolish decision and could not see answers that were right in front of her. The big reveal of what she was turned out to be lack luster since it was easy to guess less than halfway through the book.

I think this book could have really knocked it out of the park, but unfortunately the execution fell flat. I am doubtful that I will continue the series as it releases.

forsakenfates's review

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This was a difficult book for me. It had many positive aspects but many negative ones as well. I'm going to start with the negative, then move to the positive to end on a good note.

First off, the writing seemed all over the place to me. I really struggled to place myself in the story and the character's world and this was largely due to the writing style not matching the story. It is hard to explain but I do not think the writing was consistent with the depth of the story and the world if that makes sense. That being said, the writing quality did improve as the book went on and that was nice to see. On top of the lackluster writing, the plot was lacking the action typical of this genre that gets me into the book and hooked on the story. The plot was interesting sure, but I was not that invested in what was going to happen. And the way this book ended I have no idea how there are going to be two more books in this series. With a chapter or two more, this book could have tied everything up and been a fine standalone fantasy novel. The epilogue left a little bit open as to when the consequences of the end of the book are but not enough that I'm dying to read the next installment. One final thing I want to mention is something that conspired between two characters that really bothered me. We have multiple instances of distant cousins kissing, while this take place in the 1800s and that may be something that was more normal back then, it still left me uncomfortable every time it happened. These characters are most likely not endgame for Rosalyn Eves, but I still do not think it was necessary to the story.

As for the positive aspects of this book, the magic system is by far the best part of this book. We have this fascinating magic system that I really wish we had more backstory and information about. There definitely was not enough world building done to fully explain the magic system and how the binding worked and how things were before the Circle. But this idea of a magic reservoir that people dip into when they go to cast a spell is unique and I even enjoyed the little bit of information we got about the different castes within the magic system. There are a lot of different powers that I wish we had gotten to delve further into. Maybe that will happen in subsequent books but not sure based on how this one ended. I'm not sure I will continue with this series, I may pick up subsequent books but I have no need to do so as I do with other first books in series.

*Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book!*

celsius273's review

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ARC received from NPL Teen Book Giveaway

Started off nice, but then started to drag. The magic is fresh and intriguing, but there's a lack of excitement. Full review to come closer to release date - March 28th 2017

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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3.5 stars

I liked the story. It dragged on a bit and Anna had moments of self pity that could irritate, but overall it was good. I wanted more of the relationship building between Anna and her cousins. Maybe with the next book we'll
See if that happens.

tt_reads123's review

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Ok definite DNF. I should have read the reviews before borrowing this book