
(ID)entity by PJ Manney

vylotte's review against another edition

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Some interesting premises, and points for the secret society living in plain sight. There were some parts that felt untrue, though, where it pulled me out of the story and I thought, "There is no possible way those characters would have done that." I got about 3/4 through and put it aside.

2015 Phillip K Dick nominee, I can see why, though not my cup of tea.

margardenlady's review against another edition

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This was a really thought provoking book. All about the ethics of new technology, specifically memory implants and nanobots, but could've applied to anything new. Peter is a brilliant researcher, bent on pushing the intellectual envelope with his work. He runs, unwittingly into subversive uses of his technology and eventually, is drawn into a world wide conspiracy to grab power. Will he be able to eliminate the ring leaders? Will he survive? You'll have to find out.
Some of the details were hard to believe but exciting to consider.

ninotchka's review against another edition

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This was a Kindle First book I got through Amazon Prime. Therefore, it was free. I made it 8% or to page 41 before giving up. I appreciate the opportunity to read books for free. Especially books I would never consider buying. I suppose if you are very excited to read about nanobot terrorism and global conspiracies you might like this book. No one, however, is going to get excited about the prose.

jaybatson's review against another edition

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I'll keep it short & sweet: This was an enjoyable read. I'll read the next in the series.

The book combines some interesting tech, some completely nonsensical "I survived this crisis" situations for the main character, conspiracy theories, and overall action & excitement. Nothing groundbreaking, no major intellectual ideas to puzzle through, no ethical crises (well, some, but they're treated lightly enough and not meat for puzzlement).

Just nice, sci-fi fun.

conalo's review against another edition

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This is a fun enjoyable near-future what if sci-fi story. I enjoyed the world the author has built and the characters she portrays within. The end of the story might have been a little far fetched but I am willing to continue with this series to see where she takes it.

4 stars for a fun read. Recommended for fans of near future sci-fi.