
Целуни звездите by A.L. Jackson

aporter0522's review against another edition

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Kiss the Stars is a new standalone from A.L. Jackson. I absolutely LOVE her writing and I swear each book is better than the last!!! In this story you meet Mia. She is a single mom who’s life has ran into some trouble. Leif is the drummer of a band and who is currently trying to lay low. The two of them meet and all the feelings start! Lots of emotion, love, laughter and steamy scenes make this book one of my favs!!! I absolutely cannot wait to see what Amy releases next!!

briandthemoon's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars!! I just loved the tangled stories of Leif and Mia! Jackson has an unique way of pulling emotion from her characters that you experience with them as you read. Looking forward to the next book in this series! I listened to this on audible and it was great!

daniwho's review against another edition

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Der Schreibstil ist gar nicht mein Fall.
Diese 2-3 Wörter Sätze nerven mich mit der Zeit nur.
Und die gibt es auf jeder Seite. Mehrmals.
Plotmässig hätte mir die Geschichte sonst gut gefallen, aber mir fehlten die echten Gefühle und von insta-love bin ich eben auch kein Fan.

thebookishattitude's review against another edition

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Well, here it is.... This book is one of A.L Jackson's best yet.

Broken from the death of her best friend in a robbery gone wrong, Mia West and her children have taken Lyrik up on his offer of a summer vacation in Savannah as a chance to heal. What she never anticipated was Leif Godwin.

That boy has the fires of hell nipping at his heels. He never waivers from his belief that having something pure and good is no longer in the cards for him. One taste of Mia has him deliciously unravelling but trying oh so hard not to.

Lryik was, and still is my favorite Sunder member, but his baby sister? She is pure fire! I loved her heart, her kindess and her ability to acknowledge that she hasn't delt with her grief or her torment, yet she's willing to put herself back out into life and live. Live for her and her children and just be.

Watching the past war with the present for Leif was heart breaking and when he's truth was finally told, I broke out those tissues!

This book was absolutely the perfect introduction for Carolina George. Set up in a way that drew you in knowing your favorite heavy metal band was in the forefront and getting to spend time and see how life for Sunder turned out after Stay, it also makes you curious, while Carolina George may have been in the side mirror for most of this story, the glimpses of Leif's band was enough.

I fell in love with Rhy's banter and attitudes through "text" and in person. I wanted to know why Richard has an air of cincal surrounding him and if Emily's southern charm is just an act?

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Well, here it is.

Kiss the Stars is the first book in this series and I want it all!

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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French & English reviews

Une romance de rock-star forte en émotions et en dramas !

Moi qui suis plutôt habituée aux romances de rockstar légères et sexy, j'ai beaucoup aimé celle-ci qui est beaucoup plus dure avec des héros brisés par la vie mais qui se reconstruisent ensemble même si tout n'est pas rose =) Techniquement c'est presque un slowburn parce que les héros se tournent longtemps autour mais il y a quand même un insta-love/lust/attraction dès leur première rencontre mais c'est tellement bien écrit ... <3
Il y avait quelques incohérences (pour des rock stars aussi célèbres, leur service de sécurité est très mauvais quand même xD Et dans quel univers l'héroïne monte DANS CETTE FOUTUE VOITURE AVEC SES ENFANTS !!??) et la fin était un peu précipitée (j'aurais voulu que l'histoire avec Knox soit plus développée et qu'on n'ait plus d'explications notamment sur le passé de Leif ... ) mais ça reste une bonne lecture =)
Je pense que je lirais les autres tomes avec le frère de l'héroïne notamment =D

Pour les fans de romance presque dark et avec des rockstars, je recommande =)


A rock-star romance full of emotions and dramas !

I who is rather used to light and sexy rockstar romances, I really liked this one which is much harder with heroes broken by life but who rebuild themselves together even if everything is not pink =) Technically it's almost a slowburn because the heroes turn around each other for a long time but there is still an insta-love / lust / attraction from their first meeting but it's so well written ... <3
There were a few inconsistencies (for such famous rock stars their security service is very bad xD And in what kind of universe did the heroine climb into IN THAT F*CKING CAR WITH HER CHILDREN !!??) and the end was a bit rushed (I would have liked the story with Knox to be more developed and that we have longer explanations, especially on Leif's past ...) but it's still a good read =)
I think I would read the other books with the heroine's brother in particular =D

For fans of almost dark romance and with rockstars, I recommend =)

maferg01's review against another edition

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Where do I even begin. A.L. Jackson has once again wowed me with a story that is gritty, angsty, and heartwarming all that the same time! Lyrik has long been my favorite of her bad boy rockers (and I was super pumped to revisit him in this one!) but Leif is probably a close second. Fate has had it for this poor boy from the start. I don't want to spoil anything for another reader but despite the fact that he thinks he is broken and will only ruin everything he touches, he contains a depth only Mia can see. He hides all his pain in those depths.
A.L. Jackson does not ever give you a fluffy tail of boy meets girl, they have a minor misunderstanding and come back together. She writes stories full of twists and turns, a labyrinth of a story that is interwoven beyond what you anticipate. I can't even image story mapping the books she writes and how long a process it is. She really likes to sneak a good left field twist in on you. You might see where she is heading, know you are in for something, but you really don't see it coming. I think I like these books the best. I like being kept on my toes.
You will not regret reading this series or truthfully any title by A.L. Jackson. But be ready. You are in for a ride.

gretareadsromance's review against another edition

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What can I say? Another beautifully written book by A. L. Jackson! Kiss the Stars brings us back into a world I love and getting to read about Leif and Mia along with other favorite characters was great. Leif and Mia together make for a good story and the plot twist towards the end had me flipping pages as fast as I could!

jcwinje's review against another edition

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2.5 ⭐️ Was I entertained? Sure. Did I love this book? No. Struggled with some of the dialogue and am not sure I’d pick up a title by this author again.

profromance's review against another edition

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Overall Grade: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

If you fell in love with the rock stars of Sunder in A.L. Jackson’s Bleeding Stars series, then you WANT to read Kiss The Stars, Jackson’s newest offering. A standalone in her newest series, the Falling Stars series, Kiss The Stars marries the rockstars of Jackson’s group, Carolina George, with the rock stars of Sunder. It’s a story about brokenness and finding a completion in another person when you believe your penance for past sins shouldn’t allow it. As we found with the men of Sunder, Leif, the hero of Kiss The Stars, is more of the fraught heroic type, something we adore about Jackson’s stories. He’s a compilation of pieces broken by devastating events while seeking retribution for his losses. Jackson’s heroine, Mia, has also been fractured by the death of her best friend. Grieving and feeling lost, while needing to be stalwart for her children, she’s searching. One night, these two damaged souls meet, and their chemistry is electric. It is here where Jackson does her best work. It would be easy to simply love this story, but, to be honest, Kiss The Stars has the same sensibility as her Bleeding Stars: a hero or heroine finding redemption in the love of their soulmate. This reads as an extension of that series, offering us more connection to their world. It reminds us why we loved their stories as the heroes and heroines fight to overcome life’s challenges to find their happy ending. Kiss The Stars offers all of the best parts of Jackson. So...why should you read it?

There is a lyricism to this book. When I first read the books from the Bleeding Stars, each book read, to a certain degree, like a songbook of sorts. Her prose reads like song lyrics. Jackson is the queen of well-placed fragments that create a cadence to her words that feel like the poetry of a song. If it isn’t intentional that her stories for rock stars would offer this lyricism, then she easily intuits the presence of these characters through her words.
The characters of Mia and Leif are crafted in a way that creates an emotional connection from its start. These two are different sides of the same coin of tragedy. While their tragedies are very different, they are both struggling with living an abundant life. In meeting each other, they find life again. Jackson builds their relationship beautifully on the page, capturing them between equal parts of deflection, connection, and attraction. From one moment to the next, Jackson holds her readers captive to an emotional spectrum of frustration, tears, and happiness. Everything is here in this story, meaning this story is for everyone.

As she has shown us in the past, A.L. Jackson is a consummate storyteller. She stamps her books with her own style, punctuated with well-placed fragments and metaphors. In Kiss The Stars, readers will find the tale of Mia and Leif, two people destined for each other yet with the potential temporality of a falling star. Thankfully, the endearing love of these two is a reminder that love will always conquer the sins of our past, even when we believe ourselves unworthy of that love. If you missed those broken heroes from Sunder, then Kiss The Stars should be at the top of your Kindle library or e-book.

bibliophile90's review against another edition

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

"He was hotter than a thousand blazing suns. Yet somehow colder than the darkest hell. A falling star."

Kiss the Stars is the first book in the Falling Stars series. It features Mia West, who is the sister of rock-star Lyrik from the book Where Lightning Strikes, and Leif Godwin who is the drummer for the country band Carolina George. Mia is a single mother of two: Penny is eleven and Greyson is two years old. When a senseless crime rocks Mia West’s entire world, she agrees to spend the summer hiding out at her brother’s mansion in Savannah until the storm blows over. Leif finds himself at the guest house of this mansion when he is asked to temporarily fill in as a drummer for Lyrik's band.

"I'm no savior. You can be sure of that. But I'll gladly stand in the flames if it means keeping you from the fire."

The chemistry between Leif and Mia was really strong. They both have things they are dealing with both in past in present time. This opened up the way to some very suspenseful moments. Especially Leif has things he needs to handle before he can think of a future with Mia. He did his best to let Mia know that he wasn't good for her, but all of his actions show a different thing. He doesn't think he deserves her, but Mia isn't that easily pushed away. Also the way Leif interacted with Mia's kids was so beautiful. I especially loved the relationship he created with Penny, who was pretty shy. Both Mia and Leif were great characters and I enjoyed getting to know them. Both did a great job in healing each other. There was some suspenseful moments that had me on the edge of my seat, and I really wished there was more of that throughout the book. I think I mentioned this before in other reviews, but I really think AL Jackson would write a great romantic suspense novel.

"I wanted to carve out of place for him. Show him what it was like to belong. To be treasured and loved, the way he showed without asking for a thing in return."

Kiss the Stars was a great introduction to the Falling Stars series. I hope the other books are going to focus on the other three members in the Carolina George band. We briefly meet them in this book and I really liked them. I also loved being reunited with my favorite characters from the Bleeding Stars series. It was fun seeing what all of them were up to. This book was romantic, suspenseful, emotional, and funny as well. It really made me feel warm inside. AL Jackson has a way with words, and she really knows how to captivate and mesmerize me with it. I always end up highlighting a lot of quotes when I am reading her book. I recommend this book if you like your romance with a bit of suspense added to it. Also pick it up if you are a fan of the single parent trope, or if you like your heroes to be a bit broody and broken. Also him being a musician doesn't hurt at all.