
Line of Fire by HelenKay Dimon

alwaysbooking's review

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I received a copy of this book for my honest review from NetGalley.

UGH I really wanted to give HelenKay Dimon more stars than 3. I really loved her previous books but this one fell somewhat short for me. The characters who well while thought out came off really naive and stubborn to me. The lack of conversation between the characters was to much for me to handle. I kept reading hoping they would turn the flaws into something to be transformed but no. They don't communicate the whole way through the book until the end :(

While I really enjoyed Molly in the previous book her guessing what Jason would want and how to protect them both seems childish in this book. She's a grown woman who can't have a conversation with a man she is in love with... Her character is understandably trying to protect herself since Jason was previously self destructive. They have both been through traumatic experiences of course but for some odd reason they think guessing what the other one wants or needs is the answer. There was little to no connection for me to these characters :( I also did not enjoy the fact that there was another couple having a love story within this main love story.

Don't get me wrong I really have enjoyed every HelenKay Dimon book until this one. So maybe this is my dud book with her. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for this book. I will read the next in this series just because I really enjoy the characters overall. I want to see how the next couple turns out.

bookloverchelle's review

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Another great read from HelenKay Dimon in the Greenway Range series. For years Molly has loved Jason but he has been on a path of self destruction that keeps breaking her heart. Jason has done his best to keep away from his best friend's little sister but he knows he can't keep his hands to himself forever. Especially when Molly decides she's ready to have a little fun without a commitment. Jason's in for the fun, but he wants the commitment. But can the secrets they both withhold keep them from their HEA? I love the Best Friend's Little Sister trope, I loved how sexy this story was. I did want to smack both Molly and Jason upside the head with how much they don't communicate or communicate in half sentences. Outside of that, another great read from Ms. Dimon!

**HelenKay is a personal friend, take this review however you'd like**

klndonnelly's review

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I have a fairly healthy tolerance for drama, y'all. I review books as a job, clearly I love stories and drama. What I don't love is stories out of balance. And this one was 100% out of balance.

I have a feeling Dimon views this series as one long book and each novel is chapters. I haven't read Book One and was TOTALLY LOST y'all for like the first fifty pages. There was absolutely, in my mind, NO justification for Molly to be behaving the way she was. Like, for fuck. Either you like him or you don't. Be a goddamn adult about it and decide. UGH.

Hot sex couldn't even redeem it for me.