
Beautiful Prey 4 by Phoenix Daniels

literaygemini's review

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What happen here?

Beautiful Prey 1-3 and Creed were great reads! Like other readers I'd been waiting for this book since book 3 ended. I was sorely disappointed.

First, I don't know what happened with the editor but there are typos. Tracy is called Tammy in parts of the book.

Every character had a story instead of this being Tammy and Luca's is was like a "what's happening now". There were too many side stories. It was rushed. Tracy is one moment having second the bathroom of a club and the next she's a few months pregnant.

I don't remember so much slang in the other books, but it was annoying to the point that I stopped reading a few times.

Still, questions from book 3 weren't answered in this book.

I cannot recommend this book.

africreole's review

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Don't mess with the Storm and Savelli family

This tight-knit, loyal and loving family is a force to be reckoned with. All of their enemies find that out the hard way, even when the enemy seemingly comes from within. Beverly Beauvais has a lucky daughter Tammy, who asked for her life. I can see more stories being told surrounding her and Francis' single brother.

The Storm and Savelli men are more than alpha males, they are ultra alphas who use their sexual prowess to keep the women they love in line. Victoria, Natasha, Tamara, and Tracy are strong, independent, and sometimes stubborn and hard-headed women who love their men unconditionally and gladly surrender to their men.

In this book, we see Tracy growing out of her mourning for Steve and growing in love with Francis Savelli and all that he and the future offers for her and their baby. With her disappointment in her parent's not accepting Francis, she is overwhelmed with love and acceptance from Francis'
mother Rosa and his sister and brother.

I just love how Phoenix writes the relationships between these women. Their conversations are on point with how real girlfriends act and support each other. They aren't just friends, they are sisters whose bonds are strengthened through their men.

This book was full of drama and suspense throughout to the end. Phoenix had me clutching my pearls trying to figure things out. This was an enjoyable book to read.