
Perfect Timing by Aimee Brissay

atheresa's review

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Lovely relationship development. Good sex but NO LUBE. Clunky transitions. Too many plot holes. Rushed ending.

mrella's review

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Update: I have no patience left. Shawn’s friend and then the hermit were the last straws. DNF-ing at 75%.

- Bad research.
- Bad editing. Especially in the second part of the book.
- Weird dialogue that stretches on forever, but doesn’t offer much. Often it just goes in circles.
- Plot holes... um... not much of a plot, tho. The MCs are running from bad vamps. And talking. And having sex. That’s the plot. Still - plot holes.
- Very little world building. Just two guys on the run. 68% and little to none explanation as to why this is happening, or who is behind it; no history of vamps or jaguars to speak of. OK, so the author did throw us a couple of bones, but even then they were, ugh, bare bones - a bloody murder scene.
- Changing POVs sound the same. Many times I wasn’t sure whose turn/chapter it was.

Will definitely not waste my time on book 2.


I am changing my translation-related-crimes shelf to foreign-language-related-crimes. Though this is more of research than language related. The Russian names in the book are messed up. What is common today was not so 300 years ago. Easy enough to look up.

OK, not everyone is going to research (and they don't have to, should be the author's task), so I am explaining the faux pas in question in case anyone is curious:

In Russia, name Valentin was only used by monks and clergy until the second half of 19th century. Obviously, it was not a given birth name. Even assuming Valentin was a monk/father, I highly doubt he would have kept his religious moniker after turning into a vampire (being gay aside).
Shortened name for Valentin that the author used, Vladik, is actually a different name altogether. I left the note in the status updates.

n_hasek's review

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I couldn't finish this. I ended at 70%. (I saved my progress, so I may continue at a later date and rate it.)

The pacing was awkward and it felt more like the author was trying to /tell/ me a story rather than let the story tell itself. Half of what I read felt like filler and the other half felt like it was trying to rush through to the ending.

The skip from strangers to lovers was unbelievably quick, Like, first few chapters of a 200-so page book, quick. I've never been a fan of 'insta-love' stories where their partner is picked out by whatever fate/s the story has. It seemed as if they just met and then are referring to each other (in their heads) as their 'Lover'.

Overall, it wasn't a bad book, nor was it very good. It was kind of in the middle. It has its good points and negative ones. I don't feel comfortable rating this because I didn't finish it, I would have rated it about 3 stars if I had.