
Dream chaser by Kristen Ashley

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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Mon premier livre de 2021 et j'ai décidé de commencer l'année avec une valeur niveau pour moi : Kristen Ashley =)
Je dois avouer que les derniers livres de KA m'ont moins convaincu ... Autant les Rock Chick, les Colorado Mountains ou les premiers Chaos MC sont gravés dans ma mémoire tellement je les ai lu et relu, autant ses derniers livres ne m'ont pas laissé un souvenir impérissable ...
Celui-là ne fait pas exception : j'ai bien aimé le couple Ryn / Boone (même si je suis moyennement fan des romances BDSM), tous les dramas autour de la famille de Ryn (même si j'ai eu du mal avec le fait de laisser des enfants à des parents incompétents ...) et l'intrigue avec les flics pourris (ce livre confirme que j'adore Cisco même si c'est un méchant ><)
j'ai l'impression de lire les premiers Rock Chick en moins bien et puis le coup des "couples choisis à l'avance", le pari sur quand ils coucheront ensemble ... Je trouve ça immature ? Infantile ? Ils sont censés être des adultes en fait !
Bref, une lecture agréable mais sans plus et surtout pas à la hauteur des premiers KA ...


My first book of 2021 and I decided to start the year with a safe bet for me : Kristen Ashley =)
I must admit that the last books of KA didn't convinced me ... While the Rock Chicks series, the Colorado Mountains series or the first Chaos MC books are engraved in my memory since I have read and re-read them way too many times, her last books did not left an unforgettable memory ...
This one is no exception: I liked the Ryn / Boone couple (although I am a moderate fan of BDSM romances), all the dramas around Ryn's family (although I struggled with the leaving children with incompetent parents thing ...) and the plot with corrupt cops (this book confirms that I love Cisco even though he's a bad guy ><)
I have the impression of reading the first Rock Chick books but less well written and then the thing of the "couples chosen in advance", the bet on when they will sleep together ... I find that immature ? childish ? They are supposed to be adults !
In short, a pleasant reading but nothing more and especially not up to the first KA ...

bookish_kayy's review against another edition

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Alpha heroes & enough suspense to fuel a rocket ship, Ashley has landed herself a new fan.
Did I read this one sitting? Heck yes.
Am I working my way through the Rock Chicks as well? Absolutely.

Something about a man that comes in with his radar locked on one woman just does me in, and Boone came in swinging.
And Ryn, adamant about having her own back and unwilling to just roll over for a man, gave as good as she got.
I can’t wait to continue this series, seriously, I’m so invested in this crew.

yesididbringabook's review against another edition

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Classic KA

gretareadsromance's review against another edition

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Kristen Ashley has always been a go to author for me. I love the world she created in Denver and that she has another series weaving in with all the others.

The Dream Team is back in this second book of the series. Ryn and Boone have crossed paths before but Ry has always shied away from Boone. Although they run in the same lifestyle Ryn has her fears due to some family trauma. Boone is an alpha as only KA can write them. He works tirelessly to insert himself in her life and help her realize how great they are together.

With some family dramatics and a mystery Ryn finds herself entangled in this story moves fast and is a very good read. So good to get back to this world and see how all the characters are doing over the years. Looking forward to more from the Dream Team!

amykastigar's review against another edition

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Two stars for old times’ sake. KA was once an author whose books I anticipated. And enjoyed. By contrast, this book was so boring I skimmed and struggled to finish it. I thought the crime plot line would save it, then I thought at least the BDSM angle might spice it up. Nope. Nothing but boring. AND to add insult to injury, apparently she’s going to string the boring crime plot line through the rest of the series. I won’t be joining her.

rockchick19's review against another edition

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Pure Kristen Ashley! You can always count on her to give you what you want. Its comforting, like home. This series is the new generation of the Rock chicks and I'm so glad she brought us back in. Of course I loved Ryn and Boone! Bring on more of the Dream Team!

bayou99's review against another edition

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2.75 - too much dwelling on the explanations of their kink culture. I’m good with their lifestyle, let’s just move on to the story, ok? It’s messing with the flow of the book

mooncricketjp's review against another edition

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I was a little unsure about how this book would play out for me but I ended up loving it!

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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I think Ryn is my favorite in the Dream Team series, because she's a tough cookie, but she's a soft cookie at the same time. She loves, and she loves hard. She's willing to walk through fire for the people she loves, not even seeing the detriment it could be to herself.
Boone was her perfect partner, too, and I adored how he was (mostly) able to work things through and just be there for her. In his alpha-commando way, of course.

digitlchic's review against another edition

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