
Gemini Keeps Capricorn by Anyta Sunday

pirra's review against another edition

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Último libro de la serie "signos del zodiaco" que hay en español y es una pena porque ya os digo que si hubiera más traducidos los leería.

Este creo que ha sido mi favorito de los 3. No sé si porque le he pillado el tranquillo a la pluma de la autora o porque ya sabía lo que podía esperar o simplemente porque esta historia es mejor que las otras dos.

Mención especial en este caso a los capítulos intermedios que han debido suponer un trabajo de traducción interesante, me han hecho reir y me han parecido muy "al hilo" de la historia.

Ambos personajes principales me han parecido adorables y creo que de las tres historias es en la que más tardan en llegar al primer beso (y lo demás) me ha tenido enganchadisima esperándolo.

De nuevo me habría gustado explorar un poquito más sobre los pasados de ambos así como las parejitas heterosexuales que les rodean.

Recomendaría a esta autora y esta saga porque si bien no te va a cambiar la vida ni te va a enseñar nada que no sepas, es posible que tampoco te sorprenda mucho... pero lo vas a disfrutar <3

bookish_notes's review against another edition

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Gemini Keeps Capricorn is a seriously cute story. I didn't really know where this was going at first. I think the story starts off a little bit disjointed compared to the last two books in the series. This book can be read as a standalone, but if I were to compared them...I was completely lost in the beginning about who the characters were and just what was happening overall. As I got further into the book (maybe starting around the 20% mark), I really started to get into the characters and loving their flirting-but-pretending-they're-not-flirting interactions.

Wesley is Japanese-American and he spends a lot his time analyzing astrology signs. The fact that he doesn't know his RA's birthday really bothers him. He knows his RA, Lloyd, is a Capricorn, but there's so much about Lloyd missing when Wesley doesn't know his exact birthday. Wesley is a Gemini and does his hardest to flirt with Lloyd in the most roundabout way possible. Wesley and Lloyd are very stubborn about keeping their feelings about the other to themselves, but literally everyone can sense the UST between them. And all they need is a little push to bring them together. Okay, maybe it's a BIG push.

There is of course a conflict of interest in that Lloyd is the dorm's RA and Wesley is a resident on Lloyd's floor. Lloyd is a man of principles. And Wesley is all about skirting them. I found this book hilarious due to how oblivious both Wesley and Lloyd are. The day-to-day interactions between the two are adorable. There's even a fake fiancé trope in this that is actually a lot of fun.

I did feel like the way Lloyd went on about everyone's astrology signs to be a bit too much? There were mentions of everyone's signs and the meanings behind them in the previous books, but not quite as much as this book. It feels super cheesy, but I suppose Wesley and Lloyd's ending made up for my feelings on that because HOW CUTE ARE THEY? <3 We do have a fun cast of secondary characters made up of people in the dorm, and Wesley's younger brother. We do see Theo and Jamie from Leo Loves Aries in this story and I loved seeing them again.

Gemini Keeps Capricorn is a fun story with little angst. It's a slow-burn romance with SO MUCH flirting, something the author is fantastic at writing. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a light, flirty romance.

***Thanks to Judith at Binge On Books/A Novel Takes PR for the ARC as part of a bookstagram tour***

liza5326's review against another edition

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This was a nice slow burn, friends to lovers story. I was into it from the beginning. Wesley and Lloyd are a great pair, a by the book RA and a break the rules kind of law student. They band together to help Wesley's brother and start to get even closer. Their friendship grows slowly and sweetly, it was entrancing and I was rooting for them. It was also nice to see Jamie and Theo from [b:Leo Loves Aries|32053864|Leo Loves Aries (Signs of Love, #1)|Anyta Sunday||52694520].

marlobo's review against another edition

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I enjoyed it a lot. It is no any news that the author is able to create marvelous characters, delicious banter and an amiable underlying humor, in this case -and for my joy- in the form of phonetic-gastronomic? word games.

In this instance zodiac stuff is more present than I would like; first because I'm not into zodiac beyond considering it a kind of social "snack", but also because Wesley is almost the polar opposite of one of my siblings, Gemini as Wesley, but who lives by the book; that only added noise to my reading.

A feature that this series has is that in the three pairings so far, one of them is virtually blind to what's nearly obvious:

* In [b:Leo Loves Aries|32053864|Leo Loves Aries (Signs of Love, #1)|Anyta Sunday||52694520] Theo is totally unaware that Jamie is gay -no gaydar there- and that he is bisexual, as himself say it in [b:Scorpio Hates Virgo|33308391|Scorpio Hates Virgo (Signs of Love, #2)|Anyta Sunday||54045919].
* In [b:Scorpio Hates Virgo|33308391|Scorpio Hates Virgo (Signs of Love, #2)|Anyta Sunday||54045919] Percy is oblivious -in part voluntarily- to the more than evident plot that the cul-de-sac and Cal weave around it; but he appear specially and sadly unaware of what happens to Frank.
* And in this book Wesley has a band over his eyes, no more no less.

One could speculate that this is a trait created on purpose and that we'll also see in the following installments. I say this now because, some interesting secondary characters have been appearing so far in the series and they intrigue me enough to ask me if there will be any story with them. I mean Randy -who seems to be a scatterbrain summa cum laude- and Frank, whom I ended up wanting to embrace and console in Scorpio Hates Virgo.

Now, to wait that next stories don't take too long to be published.

iam's review against another edition

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I adored this!
Gemini Keeps Capricorn made me laugh a lot, it's funny, cute and very light-hearted.

It's the story of Wesley, law student who lives in a dorm where he mainly spends his day studying - sometimes he studies law, but oftentimes he studies Lloyd, the RA of the floor he lives on (RA = Resident Assistant/Adviser, meaning Lloyd takes care of the students living on the floor and makes sure order is kept).
Wesley loves breaking rules. Lloyd likes making sure they are not broken. They are a hilarious pair with a wonderful friendship and incredible chemistry, reading about them was an absolute delight.

Wesley is a wonderful character, and it was him who was driving the story rather than a plot. He thinks fast, sometimes so fast that I had trouble keeping up with the jumps in conversations, but it was never too confusing or disturbed my flow of reading. He flirts a lot but not in a cringey way, he's refreshingly honest without bordering on offensive, and he's a bit clueless in some regards but never in a way that made me want to bang my head against the wall repeatedly.

I also loved all the side characters - Wesley's friends, his brother Caleb, Lloyd's mother, and even the glimpses we got of Jamie and Theo, along with Ryan, another RA who constantly annoys Lloyd, and some of the more clumsy residents on Wesley's floor.

One story arc dealt with Wesley's family situation, which is less than ideal - his mother is very conversative and has trouble accepting his "gaying" (is that a thing people actually say? I didn't quite understand where the term came from or what she exactly means with it or how it's supposed to work grammatically, though the intend of her using the word is quite clear), and his brother has troubles with school in which Wesley gets involved.
I can't judge how realistic all of it was, but I enjoyed reading about it and I appreciate that the author took the time to include such arguably unpleasant topics in an overall feel-good book, making it emotional but not sad.

I enjoy reading this series a lot, it makes me feel good and is exactly what I need at the moment, and so far Gemini Keeps Capricorn is definitely my favourite!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

robazizo's review against another edition

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While the characters were cute, the story was a bit of a mess. The beginning in particular was chaotic and I wondered if I missed something. It did get a bit better once the story progressed, but it never fully grabbed me.

eevebooks's review against another edition

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Este es un libro que ya estaba deseando leer para seguir con esta saga que se está convirtiendo en una de mis favoritas BL, ya no solo por esa intensidad entre sus páginas, sino porque la pluma de la autora, sus clichés y los diálogos junto a sus personajes son de las mejores cosas que he leído en mucho tiempo.

La trama me ha parecido una maravilla, sobre todo porque contiene ese cliché de fake dating que tanto me gusta. Creo que la química de estos dos personajes que son tan opuestos el uno del otro no ha podido ser más electrizante. Sentía todo el tiempo que la evolución de la trama con ellos era perfecta y que la forma en que se desarrollaba todos los clichés junto al fuego lento del romance era en la dosis necesaria para que no se te hiciera pesado nada del libro. Sin duda no puedo escoger cuál de todos los libros de la saga es mi favorito a estas alturas.

Los personajes me han encantado, aunque a estas alturas amo al mismo nivel a todas las parejas de cada libro que he leído de la saga. En este caso he visto un tira y afloja muy realista y que ha conseguido cortarme el aire todo el tiempo por lo bien llevado que está. La falsa relación también me ha parecido perfecta y es que la relación real de ambos va creciendo gracias a ello y a ese paso que han dado. Todo el romance está llevado en pequeñas dosis perfectas que van al ritmo necesario para que la historia se haga perfecta y sin nada con lo que poder quejarme.

La pluma de la autora sigue siendo igual de maravilla, captando a la perfección las emociones de los personajes y todo lo que ellos van sintiendo. Por no hablar de la capacidad de esta autora para hacer los mejores diálogos que he leído en mi vida y los cuales me parecen de lo más realistas y maravillosos.

Ahora os hablaré un poco de los personajes principales.

Por un lado tenemos a Wesley, uno de nuestros protagonistas masculinos. Él es un chico que es conocido por vivir su vida sin ataduras y como un completo ligón, cuando en realidad sus visitas nocturnas y del día van dirigidas al mismo hombre: su supervisor Lloyd, en quien no puede dejar de pensar. A pesar de que es todo lo opuesto a él, ya que Wes adora romper las normas y hacer locuras sin pensar, no puede evitar sentir cosas por ese gruñón al que nunca ha visto sonreír. Por ello cuando tiene que buscar la manera de mostrar responsabilidad y madurez al director de su hermano, para que este no lo subestime, no duda en pedirle ayuda a Lloyd para que se haga pasar por su prometido, sin saber que eso puede ser la chispa necesaria para que todo el autocontrol que llevaban encima arda.

Wes es un personaje que me ha vuelto loca porque me ha hecho reír como nunca y he adorado esa locura tan grande que tiene. Creo que de los dos ha sido mi favorito solo por el hecho de que nunca parecía contenerse a la hora de ir hacia adelante con lo que quería, aunque obviamente tuviese miedo en muchos momentos. Es muy decidido y juguetón y eso le daba mucho juego al lado de Lloyd quien se contenía bastante y no mostraba esas emociones hasta que Wes llegaba con su picardía para hacer tambalear sus muros. Me ha gustado ver su manera de seducir al hombre que le interesaba y como convertía todo en un juego de provocación constante que me ha tenido sin respiración hasta a mí. Y eso es un puntazo que no me esperaba nada de él y he adorado al igual que su lado desvergonzado para pedir cosas.

Por otro lado tenemos a Lloyd, nuestro otro protagonista masculino. De él no puedo hablar demasiado porque no tiene punto de vista, pero sí puedo deciros un poco cómo es él y lo que me ha parecido. Él es un chico que siempre se ha regido por las normas de su cargo, no le gusta infligirlas y siempre va con la verdad por delante ante todo. Además una de esas normas es justamente no salir con ninguno de los estudiantes que supervisa bajo ninguna circunstancia. O al menos esa es su intención hasta que llega Wesley, un ligón completamente desvergonzado que parece dispuesto a darlo todo para que él caiga en sus redes. Lo que él no sabe, es que Lloyd es más cabezota de lo que parece y que va a darlo todo para demostrar a géminis que no tiene nada que hacer contra un capricornio. ¿Lo conseguirá?

Lloyd es un personaje que me ha encantado desde el inicio y eso que no imaginé que alguien tan serio podría emocionarme tanto y tenerme con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja a cada minuto. Y es que aunque no reflejaba sus emociones de primeras y disimulaba mucho frente a Wes, se aprecia a la perfección que es alguien con muchos sentimientos por dentro. No tiene punto de vista pero es como si lo tuviera, porque a través de los ojos de Wes eres capaz de atisbar todo lo que siente y la forma en que va creciendo a lo largo de la historia, cosa que me ha maravillado y me ha tenido con un suspiro tras otro por esa personalidad tan arrolladora que tiene dentro de tanto intento de indiferencia.

En resumen, "Géminis se queda con Capricornio" es el tercer libro de una saga que va a quedarse en mi corazón para siempre. La trama no puede ser mejor y es que los clichés que contienen me encantan y son de mis favoritos, por no hablar de que la relación que se va hilando en la trama la veo de lo más realista junto a su romance y a esa manera en que van creciendo de la mano. Los personajes no han podido ser mejores, todas sus conversaciones, las acciones que llevaban juntos, sus tira y afloja han sido magistrales. Lo único que puedo decir es que me duele tener que despedirme de ellos por el cariño que les he tomado y las ganas que he tenido de seguir leyéndolos, pero ha sido igual de perfecto que los anteriores. La pluma de la autora sigue siendo maravillosa y es que la forma en que puede crear diálogos tan realistas o la manera en que capta las emociones de cada personaje consigue erizarte la piel y dejarte con una sonrisa tonta en la cara con cada interacción y suceso.

jacqueleenthereadingqueen's review against another edition

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The 3rd installment in the Signs of Love series was unfortunately my least favorite of the three. Thats not to say I didn't like the book, because I did. I just did not love it like I loved Leo loves Aries or even Scorpio Hates Virgo. First off the book started out like right in the thick of things and the writing in this edition contained a lot of stream of consciousness. I had trouble following sometimes. It just didn't read like a regular Anyta Sunday book. I couldn't put my finger on it.

The story line was cute and contained the signature slow burn trend we have in this series. Wesley the law student, with ZERO love and interest in laws ( or rules for that matter), and Lloyd his RA who happens to be king of rules is a fun match up. Watching Wesley push Lloyd's buttons repeatedly had me just waiting for when Lloyd would finally explode. Even if I wasn't in love with this book, I still recommend it if you enjoyed the first two in the series as Jamie and Theo make an appearance.

thecorioliseffect's review against another edition

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I loved this. These sings of love books are always so freaking fun. I love the banter in them. I love the chemistry between them. They're always super fun. I also don't know what it is because this book has very little smut and is very low angst. (i.e. there is NO angst.) And normally I want the smut and I DEFINITELY want the angst. But with these, I still always love them?? Idk how she does it.

josie123_'s review against another edition

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This was okay? My least favourite Anyta Sunday book. I did not connect to the characters as much as I did with all her other books but it was fine. The romance was cute Wes and Lloyd together were cute. I liked the side characters my fav Caleb and MacDonald