pussreboots's review

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With Matt Smith taking over as the Eleventh Doctor, there is a new series of comics. The first of which is Doctor Who: The Ripper by Tony Lee.

Although The Ripper will mostly be about the Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory going against Jack the Ripper, the first issue (and the only one included in the NetGalley preview) is an introductory adventure involving a planet inhabited by holograms. Put that together with the TARDIS and email spam and imagine the consequences.

The artwork is good. The characters look like the actors in the series. It took a page for me to recognize Rory but I was more taken aback by all the other weirdness going on inside the TARDIS.

purplemind's review

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threadpanda's review

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Enjoyable Doctor Who "episode" in graphic novel form. Very reminiscent of early Season 5 episodes.

knitchick's review

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A graphic novel compilation of several issues from the ongoing IDW comic series by Tony Lee, this book covers the Doctor's adventure investigating Jack the Ripper. Tony is a Doctor Who fan and it shows in his writing, which feels as if it was an episode you missed when it aired on TV. Any Doctor Who fan would love this, as well as anyone interested in the mystery of Jack the Ripper!