
Tall, Dark, and Vampire by Sara Humphreys

appalachianlibrary's review

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Loved this book! I loved it for the murder mystery...and the romance was good too ;)

franjessca's review

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Review also posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

Tall, Dark, and Vampire has now become my favorite book from Sara Humphreys (of course knowing Sara, I will end up loving the next book even more...I have a hard time deciding since her books always manage to capture my interest the minute I read the first page). This debut book into her new series, Dead in the City, was speculator from beginning to end. I had already loved the character Olivia from Undone, and I was intrigued to find out more about her in Tall, Dark, and Vampire and who she ended up with.

I give this book 5 full moons and highly recommend it to paranormal romance readers out there and readers who love reading vampire romances.

amysofta's review

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This is a new author to me. I was approved for the upcoming release, The Good, the Bad, and the Vampire, in this series through Net Galley and since it isn’t coming out until next year I decided I had time to read the first three books in the series before the review request title. I did not realize that this is a spin-off series from this author’s The Amoveo Legend series. It appears to be set in the same world and has some crossover characters, but on the whole I think that I am fine starting here as there is only some slight reference to other characters. I do want to go back and pick up the other series at some point though because from this first taste of this author I think she is right up my alley.

I have to say the cover through me for a loop just a bit. When I started it I thought it might be one of the lighter chick-lit funny vampire romances. Not that that is a bad thing, some of my favorite series (Argeneau series by Sands) fall into the same category. This series was a little grittier, darker and had more substance. There was more meat on the bones of this story than just a funny romp of two love interests coming together. I was pleasantly surprised and that will teach me to judge a book by its cover.

So what delighted me about this story. The main character just clicked for me. I could identify with her determination and loyalty. I felt for her sacrifice and admired her inner spunk. I also liked how this vampire romance centered around a female vamp and a human male, not that I haven’t read this setup before, but I think the paranormal world tends to be written in the reverse more often. It was nice to see a male adjust to the new strange world around him instead of the other way around for a change. The rules seemed fairly typical for most vamp romance stories, no big change or strange twist here. There were hints of other paranormal creatures that I look forward to learning about, although I imagine the other series could be a good source for the information. The cast of supporting characters were an interesting mix and created a fun new family to explore as the series continues. Lots of options for future stories.

The romance in the book was on the tamer side from what I’ve read. Nice amount of steam, but nothing scandalous. If you aren’t into all the more erotic side of romance this will be a nice safe option for you. The story was more mystery driven then about these two jumping in the sack. There was plenty of teasing, but the sex was kept till the very end of the story to build up tension. I started out really liking the male lead Doug, then half-way he turned into kind of an ass, but was redeemed by the end. I like the twist of history between these two characters, but will not say more for spoiler reasons. The bad guys were pretty run of the mill and one’s purpose I questioned right up until the end. I did see the ending coming, but was surprised in how the author brought us to the point.

Not a lot that didn’t work for me. Just a few character’s purpose that I questioned and I didn’t care for Doug’s little temper tantrum in the middle of the book. A bit predictable perhaps, but still a fun read, nice little romance and a good mystery to figure out. If you enjoy paranormal romance or urban fantasy I would definitely put this author on you list of to-read. Looking forward to the next, which I’m going to start right now.

kazen's review

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I realize that much of the world has gotten over vampires but I haven't. Paranormal escapism with sexy men and creatures humanoid enough not to set off my "ew creepy" gag reflex? Yes, please.

But let's face it, a lot of novels are the same - strong guy vamp gets instalove for mortal girl and fights over the fate of the mortal world ensue with lots of hot lovin' on the side. There's nothing wrong with hot lovin' but the rest grows old after a while.

Enter Tall, Dark, and Vampire. Here the coven is a group of women headed by Olivia, a 300 year old kick butt vamp. None of her brethren dream but for the past twenty years she has spent her days romping around a dreamscape with Douglas, her human lover several centuries dead.

So imagine her shock when he shows up at the door of her New York City club, The Coven, in the form of detective Doug Paxton. Add in some suspicious murders, cute furry creatures, and the fact that Doug has been having the dreams, too, and we're off and running.

From the start I knew this wasn't a debut novel - Humphreys' voice is self-assured and the world building early on shows promise. I love the gender role reversal and how strong Olivia can be.

As the story moved on a couple of things nagged at me, though. We're both told and shown over and over again that Olivia has a thing for hopeless cases. Most of the vampires she's turned were brutally attacked and near death, and even her two pets are rescues. This isn't a bad thing in and of itself but more subtlety would have been appreciated.

Later on Doug makes a rash decision that deeply affects his relationship with Olivia and frankly, his ability to stay alive until the end of the book. Instead of explaining the consequences and helping Doug realize what he's getting into Olivia just shrugs. Being that he's the guy in all her sexy dreams I thought she would be a little more invested in his welfare.

I was hoping that this series would follow two main characters so I could watch them develop over time but their happily ever after comes easily enough. I'm guessing that the other characters will get theirs at the series goes on but I'm not as interested in their stories (exceptions - Trixie and Damien).

All in all Tall, Dark, and Vampire is interesting for its premise and world building but tapers off into a more usual vampire novel. I won't be continuing this series but I am interested in checking out more of Humphreys' books to see if they're more my thing.

maria_nanci's review

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This wasn't a bad start to a series, but I felt like the story was too rushed. Still planning to read the next book when it comes out.

cleocleveland's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the heroine in this one. I liked that Olivia was the vampire and was both kick-ass and caring. Doug could be kind of an a-hole so I didn't really warm up to him. I did enjoy the search for the rogue and larger world building. I think most of the books in this series are fated mate and I found I wasn't really in the mood for that so I should save them for when that's a thing I want to read.

gurasees's review

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I loved it. This was the 1st vampire genre book i read and it was excellent. I recommend it very highly. Check it out!!!

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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When I first chose this book, I had no idea what to expect as this was my first time reading Sara Humphrey’s work. As I began reading I knew this was going to be a story that I was going to enjoy and I was right.
See my thoughts on this title at

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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When I first chose this book, I had no idea what to expect as this was my first time reading Sara Humphrey’s work. As I began reading I knew this was going to be a story that I was going to enjoy and I was right.
See my thoughts on this title at