
The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

blumenstadtkind's review against another edition

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Where do i start to prais this book?
There are books where you just can´t quit put into words how much you liked them.

"The Demon´s Lexicon" was definitely a really thrilling book, which captured me until the end. It was intransparent and confusing (which i like about books)and the things that happend definitely surprised me though i would never imagine them to happen.
The main characters where a bit inaccessable at the beginning but they grow to me throughout the book and i really like them now.

Well, to say it short: A really exciting book that I´ll love to recommend warmly to anyone.


Wo soll ich nur anfangen das Buch zu loben?
Es gibt Bücher da kann man einfach nicht richtig in Worte fassen wie gut es einem gefallen hat.
"Der Zirkel des Dämons" war auf jedenfall ein sehr spannendes Buch das mich bis zum Schluss gefesselt hat. Es war undursichtig und verworren und es passierte garantiert nicht das womit man gerechnet hätte.
Die Hauptfiguren waren manchmal ein wenig unzugänglich, aber letztendlich wachsen sie einem im Laufe des Buches doch sehr ans Herz.

Kurzum, ein sehr spannendes Buch das ich nur zu gerne weiterempfehle.

kristid's review against another edition

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The Demon’s Lexicon was unlike any fantasy novel I have read. It’s a dark fantasy full of corrupt magicians and body inhabiting demons. Brennan also manages to throw a little humor in there as well.

I thought that the beginning of the novel was a little slow, but then the plot picked up and moved along nicely. Once you begin to read it’s impossible not to become completely engrossed in the story.

The characterization in this novel was awesome! Nick’s struggles and emotions just leapt off the page, you can’t help but be drawn to him. And it wasn’t just Nick’s character that really stood out to me, they all did. Despite the few appearances of their mother, I still felt her character was very well portrayed. Brennan did an awesome job! And I especially loved the relationship between Alan and Nick.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The plot twists.... totally did not see them coming AT ALL. The foreshadowing is very light, it’s there but you’ve really got to pay attention. Once the big twist is revealed, the story takes on a whole new light.

Can’t wait for the next one!

litagentsaritza's review against another edition

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I'm completely enamored with [a:Sarah Rees Brennan|836009|Sarah Rees Brennan|]'s Nick. I loved this book so much that words fail me. At least... words that would give away too much of this amazing story away. You just have to go and read it.

Summary: Nick and his brother, Alan, have spent their lives on the run from magic. Their father was murdered, and their mother was driven mad by magicians and the demons who give them power. The magicians are hunting the Ryves family for a charm that Nick's mother stole -- a charm that keeps her alive -- and they want it badly enough to kill again.

Danger draws even closer when a brother and sister come to the Ryves family for help. The boy wears a demon's mark, a sign of death that almost nothing can erase...and when Alan also gets marked by a demon, Nick is des-perate to save him. The only way to do that is to kill one of the magicians they have been hiding from for so long.

Ensnared in a deadly game of cat and mouse, Nick starts to suspect that his brother is telling him lie after lie about their past. As the magicians' Circle closes in on their family, Nick uncovers the secret that could destroy them all.

This is the Demon's Lexicon. Turn the page.

What I liked about this book: Hmm... let's see, it's got brothers who hunt demons... AWESOME! It's got a brother (Nick) who's just not bothered by the slaying of the demons that marked his brother for death. Hmm... what's not to like about THAT? Oh and let's not forget the feisty girl with the pink hair whose gay brother is also marked for death and just knows how to lighten the mood and bring a little humanness to the demonic ride of magic, illusions, large swords and gun-wielding kick-ass big brothers.

Seriously. Go buy it right now and be sure to pick up her sequel The Demon's Covenant: The Demon's Lexicon Trilogy #2.

What are you still doing here? Go get this book! Like NOW!

snarkywench's review against another edition

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The Demon's Lexicon has been handed a double-edged sword in the masses of YA blogger excitement that it has received. Hype can be a dangerous thing and in this case it left me feeling a little disappointed. Not because the novel was bad, on contrary is a great read but I was expecting more.

That being said, Brennan did a whole lot of things right in this debut effort. Nick is a singularly interesting character. He's prickly, selfish, judgemental and filled with a rage that won't ever been quenched. I wholeheartedly loved this character from word go. He's dark, complex and can quite capably rationalise any decision he makes with a bark that is in no way as bad as his bite. He is quite simply a deliciously intriguing, relatable and smoking hot.

My issue is largely with the other characters. I simply didn't care. Brennan did such a great job in rooting the narrative from Nick's perceptive, that I fully bought into the other's uselessness. Even Alan, undoubtedly Nick's only care in the world, left me a little ambivalent. Mae and Jamie frustrated me because they frustrated Nick. The superior crafting of Nick left the others distinctly inferior in my eyes. That being said, the humour that was infused in the randomness of their predicament is great as it the portrayal of each character's motivations. It's just that Nick is such a dominant creation that the others are mere spectres.

The novel sets a cracking pace with event after event of situations that make the brothers situation all the more dire. The reader gets caught up in the intrigue, the danger and the mysticism that dominates the story. Like many reviews have pointed out, it takes some time to get riled up but the story unleashes like no other.

The Demon's Lexicon is a novel that I really enjoyed reading. Brennan's concept is fabulous with a deep mythos attached and a meaty twist that I didn't predict. Her characterisation is great, though more use of Olivia would have been fabulous. The author's got a detailed eye that makes Nick's journey a whirlwind of awesomeness. I will be hanging out for the sequel.

jameyanne's review against another edition

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I have to admit, the first two thirds of this book were a slog. But then it picked up, and I couldn't put it down. Most of my issues with the first 200 pages is that it was very hard to sympathize with Nick, but having reached the end I realize that was the point, and it was all very well done.

margeryb's review against another edition

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This is a testament to how much a writer can grow because about a decade after Sarah Rees Brennan published this, she'll publish 'In Other Lands' which is book I gave five stars on this very website (and in my heart, lol).

The Demon's Lexicon, while having serviceable sentence-t0-sentence writing and a fair backbone of a concept, fell apart on a lot of storytelling elements. It definitely has a case of a saggy middle, which the characters treading water for a long while before the climax. A lot of the dialogue is stilted and unnatural (excluding Jamie, whose reactions of mixed sarcasm and horror to the new supernatural world he has just been opened up to were a highlight). While the characters had a lot of secrets, they didn't have a lot of depth. While brooding a fair amount, our protagonist didn't do a lot to resolve the climax or really push much of the plot along. The plot was pushed along by the brother off-page.

Had to force myself through it. Will not be reading the rest of the series. However, I will not be giving up on Rees Brennan's future books.

dhieta's review against another edition

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Serasa baca fanfic.

sarahannkateri's review

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Any book that has a full-fledged sociopath as the main character is going to be difficult to connect with, and the creepily incestuous relationship dynamics and clunky attempts at humor made this book even harder to really enjoy.

It was interesting though, and I'll still probably read the sequel, so...

octagonal's review against another edition

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I LOVE EVERYTHING. Except the cover... okay, but everything else!

Alan needs to come RIGHT HERE to get hugs. I'm giving them out liberally right now, and he needs them. EVERYONE needs them. I want to just hug this book and transfer my feelings of "I love you, precious bb!" to every character.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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WOW, this was definitely different! I thought it was very well written, and a great story! I want to know some more background stories now, though. Good thing I already have the Demon's Covenant on my kindle :D