
Awaken by Kristen Day

dragon_goddess's review

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Absolutely amazing!! A true page Turner, I couldn't put it down for anything! Can't wait to read the next book!!

tartbarbie's review

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I received Awaken as part of the blog tour hosted by YA Novel Reader in return for a honest review. In the next chapter of Stasia's journey we have learned that she's to be the next leader for the Tydes. She will need to complete her essence and become immortal which requires her traveling to the underworld. In this book Stasia has her roommates for support as well as her boyfriend Finn who she feels she can really be herself with. A new girl shows up in school Nadia, after accidentally getting a look into her mind she sense's she filled with darkness but it may be more evil. As the day gets closer for Stasia to make her journey into the underworld she starts seeing ghosts. She's also being haunted by the reveries of a man who her soul knows but she doesn't.

When Stasia overhears Nadia talking to to the Sire leader about her she knows something is up and that Finn knows something she doesn't. When asked about the secret he denies knowing anything and plays it off that she's using it to get at Stasia. As the story progresses Stasia has several encounters one where she learns why Nadia is really tormenting her, one that could change her future forever. With the help of her friends Stasia will take a incredible journey into a world full of mystery and danger only to have to make the biggest decision of her life.

This book is so much darker then the first one filled with twists and turns that kept me guessing. I really liked Forsaken but Awaken had to take it to another level wow. Stasia grows so much as a character from where she started in the first book I felt I really could connect with her. The whole cast of character are great they add so much to the story and I kind of wish I had friends like Stasia that would follow me into the underworld. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Stasia and Finn as a couple but now I can't see it any other way they just have to be together. I found Awaken to be a little darker more intense than the first book, but I really like that it was hard for me to put it down. I loved the fast paced draw you in that I got from Awaken it just kept me wanting more even at the end with the cliffhanger it's still all I can think about. It's such a well written series that takes a new twist on mythology creating a complex story. I just really loved this book; it's driving me crazy to not have the next book.

readingbelle's review

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My gushy mushy very short review:

Words can NOT even describe this book. I love it!! Kristen takes all the things you love about Forsaken and then adds even more. This book get's darker (really darker!) in a way I wasn't expecting but soooo loved.

Finn is still totally sexy and mysterious and his relationship with Stasia is still fabulous. This one is a nail biter that takes you to the underworld and leaves you breathless with an ending that will make you glad that Chosen is just a few weeks away!!

mystikai's review

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Awaken is the second book in the Daughters of the Sea Trilogy and it did not disappoint. Starting off from where the first book left off, Stasia learned that she would go on her quest to the Underworld and plant the seed of immortality and complete her essence so she could become a true Sea Goddess sooner rather than later when she discovers her true birth date. Add to the mix the Princess of the Underworld turns up as a transfer student called Nadia and disrupts Stasia’s life, she reeks of evil and darkness, can pull Stasia into reveries and finding out a huge secret that Finn has been keeping from her. It is very gripping.

Like I said this did not disappoint I was throughly gripped. It was very well written and I cannot wait until Chosen (Book 3) is available.

ac223's review

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Not as good as Forsaken, the first book in the series, but I'm invested enough that I need to see how this plays out. My main issue with this book was the over the top, heart to heart moments. They usually go something like "Until I met you, I didn't know what it was to breathe. You are my air.." or something like that. After about the third heart to heart, I felt like a 9 year old rolling my eyes, and sticking my finger down my throat, in the universal gag me sign.

neenor's review

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Okay, I am stupidly torn about this novel. On one hand, I loved it just as much as I loved Forsaken - I liked the different characteristics of all the characters, the initial plot, the different powers, the mythical connections...but I also felt that the timing was off for this book. The events that I deemed unimportant went on for ages, and the bits I thought were important were only a chapter or two, max. Let me explain.

Awaken is a simple continuation from Forsaken. Stasia has found her destiny, and must make a journey to the Underworld to fulfill her essence and become rightful leader of the Tydes. However, combined with the fact she must do it before her 18th birthday and she doesn't know when that is, and the fact that her boyfriend, Finn, is going through his own dramatic change, a lot of things are hanging in the balance. And to make matters worse, enter Nadia - gorgeous, smart, and deadly - and she is going out of her way to make sure that Stasia doesn't complete her mission. But why?

As I said for the previous novel, the backstory for the entire trilogy is great. I've found it to be a bit of a mix between the Starcrossed trilogy, the Percy Jackson series, and the House of Night series. I say this because as I read the novel, I remembered parts of the mythical side of it from reading Starcrossed, it had the connection with the sea gods in Percy Jackson, and I found it had a structure much alike that of HoN. I think Day has made it so that it definitely appeals to teenagers who love fantasy, and because it is original there isn't the danger that someone has written about it before.

However, another feature it had in common with HoN, I didn't like so much - that being how annoying the main heroine is. A lot of people know that I really don't like Zoey Redbird - and now I really don't like Stasia. Here are some features that are similar and just as annoying: that fact that whenever Zoey spiritually grows, she gets some new wacky tattoo, which is the same for Stasia; one moment she is the dumbest scardy-cat on the face on the Earth, the next she's being all bold in the face of danger; she spends most of her time whinging about her boyfriend. She hasn't gotten to the point where she is as annoying as Zoey, but it sure is getting there, and I just wanted to punch her.

Aside from Stasia (stupid nickname, I've got to add) I adored the rest of the characters! Carmen, Willow and Phoebe are all so different, and I feel as if they represent all the different aspects a teenage girl's friends could have. I also found Finn just as sexy as last time - however, he seemed to have softened a bit. What appealed to me last time was how dark and dangerous he was, but now he's...sort of like Stasia's little lamb. Still hot, but not as great. However, I thought the best portrayed character was Nadia - she was evil and hatred coursed through her; whenever she was in a chapter, she made me shudder with fear, but I loved it anyway. I'd like to see more evil characters like her.

Lastly, I just want to quickly say something about the writing. It was good and easy to read, and I found myself finishing this book in no time. Day writes in such a way that everything flows smoothly. However, as I said earlier, I thought that some things - like Stasia's despair over Finn, and her going out to find her real birth date - took far too much of the novel up, whereas travelling to the Underworld took up, what, 10% of the book? It needed more, at least 30%, since that was the main goal of the tale. I also thought that far too many semicolons were used. As a writer myself, I've found that when I write for a while, I tend to use ; after every other sentence, and when I go back and reread it, I really how misplaced they are. I felt that Day didn't do this, and that the majority of the semicolons were used in the wrong context.

Overall, although I feel like I have complained a lot during this novel, I did enjoy it - not as much as Awaken, but I still really liked it. It is quick-paced and is written in such a way that it just flows smoothly. The plot and backstory are addictive, and I can't actually wait until the release of the final novel, Chosen - I want to know what happens next! If you want a copy of Awaken, hit up the giveaway below, or click on one of the links above.

booklovinmamas's review

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Full Review posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

If there is one thing I love about Kristen Day is how she can make my emotions go haywire when reading.  I about threw my iPad across the room when Stasia got the biggest bombshell in her life from that wicked Princess Nadia.  (Poor Stasia)

If your a fan of the young adult genre and love paranormal and mythology, you will love this trilogy from Kristen Day.
The last book in the trilogy comes out real soon, and I'm counting down to it.
Thanks to YOUR Blog Tours for introducing Kristen Day and her fabulous books to me so that I can add her to my favorite authors.
I received a complimentary copy of "Awaken" in exchange for an honest review.

erenn87's review

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Oh my god! I love books that are about Mythology and these books do it for me. Forsaken was such an enjoyable read for me. Great characters, great chemistry and super hot hotties! I loved the way the friendship between the girls. I WANT that type of friendship. These books pull you in so much! I think in Awaken, you get a better sense of what is going on and you get to grow through Stasia's development with her. Awaken was intriguing, funny, adventurous. There wasn't a single spot where I wanted to put it down.

lifeandliterature's review

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No, no, no, no , NO!!! Just.... NO!!!! You're going to end it like that!!! You're going to leave me hanging like that!!! OH. MY. WORD!!! Talk about emotions!! SO. MANY. EMOTIONS!!! One minute I was up, then I was down. I was happy, then I was sad. And now? Now I'm feeling a whole lot of frustration mixed in with a huge dose of anticipation!! But above all of that is the pure and simple fact of how amazing this book was!!!

Book two in the Daughters of the Sea series could almost be described as the growth of Stasia, because she truly comes into her own in this book. As Finn and her friends help her prepare for the journey to the Underworld that she will embark on she was plagued with doubts about her ability to be able to achieve what is expected of her. But she handles the pressure and then some as there were times when it seemed like she was being bombarded from every direction!! But it's once she takes that journey to the Underworld that we see how truly strong and capable she is!!

I can't tell you how much I love Stasia's group of friends. They are witty and full of character. Each one different, but all willing to go to extreme lengths to show their love and support for her.

And then we have Finn. Gorgeous, loving, caring, protective Finn!! But he's been keeping a secret!! And not just some itty bitty little secret. No, this is a whopper!!! And it sends Stasia into a spin!!

Book one was just a teaser to prepare us for the awesomeness of this book!! There is more action, more suspense, more evil and more twists and turns. And when you get to the end of that final page... Well, prepare to be left reeling!! February just can't come quick enough!!!

bethm1974's review

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Oh my goodness! What a ride this story is taking me on! Sometimes you find a book that just grabs you right from the beginning and doesn't let go....Awaken is that book! Just like Forsaken before it, Awaken draws you in...You feel for Stasia and Finn, and root for them throughout the book. And let me just say I want friends like Willow, Phoebe and Carmen on my side! The way they care about each other, take up for each other, and stand together against the odds just makes you want to grab the pom poms and cheer! I love how this book showed the darker side of what people sometimes have to do to be with the one you love. And my gosh, the ending... It is going to be excruciating waiting for Chosen!!!!