sadiereadsagain's review

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This is a collection of writing about Sudan published back in 2001 when a group of authors and journalists visited the war-torn south of the country. They then wrote inspired by their time there and published it to raise funds and awareness.

I’m not sure I can say this book taught me anything more about the political side of the conflict, which still wages on even now. But to be honest I’m more interested in the human aspect, and I feel this book struck a note in that respect. I’ve never read a short story or writing collection – especially when it’s been written by a number of different authors – and been blown away by every single piece…but to be honest I wasn't all that excited by any of the pieces in this book. It started off on a high note with Alex Garland’s very short story, but other than that it was a bit bland. I think its mission is stronger than its individual components, which I suppose is fine in a charity effort, but it’s not going to end up on my favourites shelf! I’m still glad I read it though, as I feel it taught me something.

camzreadz's review

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Excertos de testemunhos de escritores e letrista que foram até ao Sudão para relatar o que viram e sentiam sobre os tempos do país enquanto havia guerra por petróleo e luta por ocupação territorial. No entanto este livro foi tudo do que eu não estava à espera.
Entre histórias que fogem ao assunto principal do livro a ficção onde se espera a verdade crua e pura da história e das pessoas de um país que está a passar um dos maiores problemas da sociedade deste mundo, quis deixar de ler o livro depois de ler as meras primeiras 50 páginas.
O que salvou foram as piadas entrelinhas e os factos sobre o Sudão, porque a escrita deixa muito a desejar. Encontrei este livro na secção de Viagem, mas não foi nesse navio que eu embarquei.