
Darkstrider by Aaron Hodges, Aaron Hodges

tawfek's review

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Ungrateful mortal, i had hoped you would embrace my blessings, no matter, you will receive them all the same.

Thanks to Booksirens, and Aaron Hodges for this novel, that i received in exchange for an honest review.

2 things i liked in this novel, and everything else i freaking despised to my very core.

First Thing, The last 20% and not even because of the huge plot twist, that is really not needed for this story at all, except if the writer will bet mortals against the immortal satana, but if the elohim have no chance against the satana, i have no idea how even Mikael who seems to be able to bypass the power of everyone around him will be able to do it.

Second thing, The Seer Character, Old crazy (who was never crazy) Vinnie herself, Seer characters present the writer, they present to us, that the writer knows what the fuck he is doing, and that he has a plan, and a vision for many of his characters, and the writer does have that in this novel.

Oh Also something i forgot to mention, now the idea of LITRPG world being streamed for monetary gain, is already used in Dungeon Crawler Carl, But The Elohim and The Satana, you are onto something there, i would be super interested to read a litrpg series, that explores that history and how The Satana came to rule the seven universes.

But now comes my harsh review that i had wrote after 80%, and will probably not change much of, everything nice i had to say ends here, so final constructive criticism to the writer, read more LITRPG, and don't read what comes next.

Most of this novel was like a bad TV movie, with bad writing, bad actors, bad story, stereotypical characters, and all too familiar plot and all too predictable events, that was utterly and completely boring.

Not enough progression to be called a litrpg, but more than that, it felt like a feeble attempt at mimicking the genre, the writing style had many boring flaws, specially when the writer kept repeating the same scene from different perspectives, with a boring plot like this you needed every page to make something interesting actually happen, or at least save us the trouble of reading the exact same thing over and over, this was really going on at the beginning of the novel, and then again at the last 20% of the novel once, it can be remedied, if the writer just realizes that it's not a good writing style to begin with, now the story not sure when did a friendly fight, between neighbors and friends, with blunted weapons deserved a novel written about it, or to be the sole event, that we are working towards for 70% of the novel.

Advice to the writer read more of the genre, to the point that you can come up with actual stories worth telling and actually be able to implement a good system of progression, that has various skills and classes and a ranking or level up system that actually matters in the story.

Making super humans, just to fight only humans, is the most boring use of progression i ever saw.

Harsh reality check, but it needed to be said, if i hadn't already dnfed my first booksirens novel, i would have dnfed this, and saved the writer, and the novel the negative review, and saved my time to read something that could entertain me to some extent.

meetmeinmalkovich's review

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Thanks to BookSirens, and Aaron Hodges for this novel, that i received in exchange for an honest review.

I am very new to litRPG as a subgenre, and this book popped up and it just felt like kismet to give it a try. I initially liked the cover and the title is badass.

It starts off strong and with some action, a good mix of showing and telling the reader and introducing them to the MC and overriding hero -- add in what seems to be a trope: new character wakes up with amnesia, having been dropped into a new world -- end with some ok SFF writing and BOOM you have this book. I didn't hate it, I just didn't love it as I was hoping I would. It's just pieces of it that made it hard to connect to.

With some tweaks I think this could be a cool series and would continue the series. I think the universe as a whole, if expanded on, could be worth reading about, too.