
Qualify by Vera Nazarian

_mkarys's review

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Okay, why is this series so underhyped?

Qualify is a YA Dystopian Sci-fi read perfect for fans of the genre, especially books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and others even outside the Dystopian genre that have become pop culture classics. I could easily visualize the story, as if it were a movie, and it’s no surprise that the series has been optioned for film. Hollywood, why don’t you hurry up?

The fact that an asteroid is set for a collision course for Earth gave my subconscious quite the material for apocalyptic nightmares, but it made for quite the setup for a story, especially since survival depends on whether or not you have the necessary skills to qualify and be moved to Atlantis. And yet, despite the high stakes, the story isn’t just an adrenaline rush. Most of it takes place in the Regional Qualification Center, where the characters are split into dorms and attend lessons that will prepare them for the following tests. I really enjoyed this aspect of the story, because I love academic settings, and I loved learning more about the Atlanteans. I do admit, however, that I would have preferred if some of the other lessons that seemingly bring nothing to the plot would have been cut so as to not slow down the pace of the story.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the mystery surrounding the crash of the shuttles, since it brings in the “Who dun it” element that I’m weak for, and of course, the romance. The author sets up a love triangle between Gwen, Logan and Aeson, and unlike most love triangles, this was one that I actually enjoy. Both Logan and Aeson have things going on for them. Logan seems the more easily likeable character, but there’s something about Aeson…I have a feeling that there’s something beneath his arrogance and sarcasm, and I’m very curious to see where this budding connection with Gwen will lead in the future books. Oh, would you look at that. They’re all out, so I don’t have to wait!

So if you’re a fan of classic dystopians, academic settings, high stakes, and books that would look really good as movies, then please check out this book and series. I can’t wait to continue it!

Thank you to the author for gifting me a copy. Opinions are my own.

_ckarys's review

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If like me you’re a fan of the good old classic dystopians like The Hunger Games, then I cannot recommend QUALIFY enough. Reading this book made me so nostalgic, but it was also amazing to immerse myself into a completely different world, with characters that creep under your skin and keep you glued to the pages.

From the very start of the novel, the author did an amazing job at wooing me into the Lark family dynamic, to the point where I was crying within the first 10% of the book. Healthy family bonds are one of my favorite things in books, and the Larks are just precious! I may also have a shameless crush on big brother George, but don’t tell that to Logan or Aeson.

For the majority of the novel, the story takes place in a Qualification Center, which is perfect for fans of academic settings. This is also the place where the majority of the character and world-building happens, and I was very intrigued by the tidbits of Atlantean culture we got to learn alongside our protagonist, Gwen, which also added a touch of mystery (as I’m not wholly sold on the Atlantean’s humanitarian act) that made the read all the more enjoyable!

However, my favorite aspect of the story was the characters themselves. Qualify counts on a large cast of diverse characters with a plethora of different personalities. It’s no surprise this series is optioned for a screen adaptation! I loved the huge emphasis put on friendships and camaraderie, despite the premises of the novel would seem to put these characters one against the other. Gwen was the perfect protagonist to follow. She’s incredibly intelligent, but relatable in her clumsiness and generosity. I was also very engaged with her sentimental dramas. I adore her chemistry with Logan, but I love her scenes with the Atlantean pilot Aeson Kass even more. Those two are serving antagonistic banter, and I cannot wait to see more of their relationship unfolding in the next books, which are all already available!

My one complaint—and this comes down entirely to personal taste—is that I could have done with less descriptions of the lessons themselves. While some served to add insights on Atlantis and on elements that would prove vital to events of the novel, others felt unnecessarily descriptive and drawn out, and they slowed the otherwise incredible pacing of the story.

Thank you to the author for gifting me a copy. All opinions are my own.

amberbam's review

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I really like this story, but this book could have used an editor to clear out the unnecessary length. Also, I'm kind of confused by the last 1/3 of the book. I don't want to post any spoilers, but I expected it to be harder...but I do leave open the possibility it will be cleared up in the next book.

bibliovino's review

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I'm torn on my rating. The writing was nothing special, but the story and world building were crazy awesome. There were a few strange elements that I'm hoping will be cleared up in the sequel.

urlphantomhive's review against another edition

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Full review to come!

rickparadiso's review

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Superb book. Drew me right in. I am currently reading the second in the three (will be four by end of 2018) book series and it is (just like this book) hard to put down to do anything else. It was written for the YA crowd, but I am nearly 60 and enjoyed the stuffing out of it.

mynameisnotkaira's review

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Format: eBook
Genre: Science Fiction
Age rating: 12+

Okay, I’ll be honest. I only downloaded this book because I saw it on my eReader, and saw it was free. I had read a couple of free eBooks from my Kobo before, but most of them were… eh.

I downloaded it, had it for a while, and didn’t even open it. Mostly because I didn’t have very high expectations for it. But eventually, after seeing so many good reviews, I read it, and I am so glad I did.

The moment I read those few pages I knew I’d love it. Not because they were action-packed or anything, but because it didn’t immediately dive into the science fiction, but still showed Gwen’s (the main character) normal life, before Qualification. It showed her life in her point of view as a teenager, not a serious and mature teenager because in many science fiction/dystopian/fantasy books the characters seem a little too “grown-up” for their age.

Basically, an asteroid is about to wipe out Earth. But unexpectedly, Atlanteans from another planet reach out to them to save them. Yep, Atlanteans. As in people from Atlantis. Turns out, Atlantis used to be a real city, but they escaped Earth and inhabited a new faraway planet. But instead of Atlantis being a mythical underwater city, Atlantis has more advanced technology rather than special powers. So yes, they finally decide to contact the humans on Earth to save them. But there’s a problem: They can only save a small population of Earth, and to be saved and brought to Atlantis, you must be a teenager, and you must Qualify.

Which means that if you’re a child or an adult, you have no chance of being saved.

This book is from Gwen Lark’s point of view. This starts off with them having to qualify for the semi-finals, and then the preparation for the finals.

But as they train, things happen. People get framed for crimes, Gwen finds out something about her voice and discovers things she never should have.

After reading this book, I couldn’t believe that so much had happened in just 600 pages.

For sure. You know how in some books there are only like 250 pages and at the end, the character is a whole new person? Well in this book, it isn’t like that. We can see that Gwen has changed, but not from being an awkward girl to a super cool girl. We see that Qualification has changed her a little. I don’t like all the characters, but you know what? That's what's good about the characters, they aren’t all likable. Some you love, some you hate. Makes the story more fun. The one character I don’t think I’ll ever like is Aeson Kass. I’ve already read the other books in the series and I know that he does change, but there’s something about him I don’t like.

I really liked the setting, but I think because there were only a few settings I didn’t get to see much of the different places. Somehow, I don’t know why the part where they go to the Qualification Centre was very satisfying somehow… I know. It doesn’t make sense.

Things/Characters I Liked:
- Gwen Lark
- Laronda
- Oalla Keigeri
- The *drama*
- The science fiction bits
- The "action"
- The pool scene where Gwen trash-talked Aeson

Things/Characters I Disliked
- Aeson Kass (ew)
- Xelio Veka-whatever
- The slow parts

That ending was interesting, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a cliffhanger, but it kind of is? It didn’t bother me that much to be honest. But what DID bother me, what I thought about for days after reading it, was what Oalla said to Gwen before the Finals.

I really enjoyed this book. Really, really, really. I just feel like this book wasn’t at its best, probably because it’s the first one, that's why I rarely rate the first book in any series 5 stars.
I rate this book 4.5/5.

Read this book if…
- You like science fiction
- You want just the right amount of drama
- You’re looking for an underrated series

eiramsor11's review

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If I had to put one series on the throne for my ultimate favorite, it is this one. I am a sucker for end-of-the-world plots, but lord I was so impressed with this storyline. I was blown away by the detailed world-building, the sci-fi, so thought out and fascinating. I usually dislike main characters being in high school in YA books, or girls who are “so smart and the best at whatever gift/talent” but I will hypocritically say that I loved it in this one, because it belongs here.
Everything was exciting to me from start to finish, I could reread various scenes forever because of the panic and curiosity they give me. What makes this series 'it' for me is the competition for survival, the technology, Gwen's IQ in the worst situations, and of course, the love story.

sarahheartsbooks's review against another edition

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Where to start...

I started this book because I asked my fiance to pick a book from my Kindle for me to read next, and he arbitrarily picked Qualify. So I started reading. And I wan't sure about it. So I read some more. And I still wasn't sure about it.

And then next thing I know, he was having to remind me to perform daily human functions, such as eating, showering, and you know, going to work.

I can't even tell you exactly where in the story it happened, but I just got Sucked. In.

I was reading every spare minute I had, I was getting grumpy when people tried to talk to me, and I admit, at one point I even sat in the car until I was finished with a chapter because I knew I wouldn't be able to read once I walked in the house.

There really was just something about this book. The story was pretty original, the Semi-Finals were AMAZING, and even though Gwen was quite MarySue-ish and drove me crazy at first, by the time we got to the RQC, I didn't even care. I LOVED this book.

Sometimes the timing is a little crazy. We get endless details about some things, then pretty much skip over giant chunks of time, but again, this isn't something that killed the book for me because I was just so obsessed with the story and finding out what happened next.

Oh, and
SpoilerAtlantis Tech is SUCH a cool idea. Being musically inclined myself, I love the whole concept of music based tech.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is into the YA sci-fi romance genre. It's certainly not the most technical book I've ever read, but it was just SUCH a fun read! :)

csheehan72's review

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I got this book off of Amazon as a free introduction to Nazarian's work. It's a YA dystopian novel and starts out very similarly to the Mockingbird least the films as I haven't read those books yet. After a bit she gained her own ground and the book really got going. The overall plot is interesting and her writing is entertaining. I felt like it moved along quite well inspite of the length of the book. I think she has a great knack for story, but I felt like this well as the others in this series...could use a good editor to tighten up the writing.