
Splintered by A.G. Howard

acrosspages's review

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Este libro es un retelling de Alicia en el país de las maravillas, también va dirigido para jóvenes adultos y tiene tintes fantasiosos. Yo he leído solo dos retellings de Alicia en el país de las maravillas y ambos son completamente diferentes, la única cosa que es similar, es el espectro de enfermedad mental o locura que rodea a las historias, pero dado que Alicia en el país de maravillas (el original) de por sí es bastante insensato, no hay que preocuparse mucho por ello. La historia me pareció que agrego elementos originales.

El libro relata la historia de una joven que puede escuchar hablar a las flores y los insectos, eso la asusta ya que su madre fue enviada a un instituto mental por poseer ilusiones correspondientes a estas mismas características. Ella al ser una antepasada de Alicia Liddell , cree que todas las mujeres de su familia son inestables mentalmente y que tienen la terrible suerte de terminan en un manicomio, y eso teme que le suceda a ella. La escritora se plantea el tema al principio con esa misma base, la de desestabilidad mental, no obstante luego Alyssa Gardner, la protagonista, va a encontrar otra respuesta a esa locura, y va a comenzar su aventura por el país subterráneo.

Yo sostengo que los elementos del trama son los clásicos, solo que con un giro en el final relacionado a que hay un segundo libro por lo que la historia no termina totalmente ahí. Sin embargo el principio es intrigante, ya que te preguntas que es lo que sucede con su familia que todas las mujeres de generaciones en generaciones pueden escuchar flores e insectos, también puedes cuestionarte cómo se resolverá todo aquello y cuales son los secretos que esconde la madre de Alyssa. Hay mucho suspenso, y al llegar al clímax, en mi caso ya había construido mi teoría la cual fue acertada , pero aun así el clímax fue muy emocionante.

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mehsi's review against another edition

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Wonderful book. Really my favourite Alice in Wonderland story (next to the original).

magencorrie's review

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Splintered was a wonderful book to get lost in. A.G. Howard did splendidly to make a version of Wonderland and a story of Alice that I haven't seen or read anywhere.

This book is filled with adventure, love, and a land of very curious creatures. I really enjoyed reading Splintered!

(rest of review to come later)

bookjunquettes's review

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Today, I am reviewing Splintered by the wonderful A.G. Howard! It’s a delightfully trippy experience down the rabbit hole, into a very different version of Wonderland than Lewis Carroll showed us.

Intrigued? We both know you are, hehe.

Splintered was a gift from a wonderful friend, Rhiannon Paille and from the minute I saw the book, I was smitten.

Hook, line and sinker.

Splintered is about a young heroine, Alyssa, who, as it turns out, is a descendant of Alice Liddell herself!

Plot twist!

Imagine being related to the young girl who inspired a truly great man to write such marvellously clashing stories!

As a massive Wonderland fanatic myself, I was instantly drawn into the story, from the first line describing Alyssa’s unique mosaics to the equally intriguing Morpheus, something of a bad boy in his own right.

Love interest? Not quite.

That would be Jeb, Alyssa’s sk8erboi neighbour and completely oblivious to how Alyssa feels.

Poor Alyssa? Maybe..Morpheus is always there to lend a..hand.

Personally, I’ll take Morpheus and his many fine attributes, over a clueless Jeb any day of the week.

Now, before I go off on a tangent about Morpheus..*dreamy sigh* Back to the book!

Rather than the sweet but slightly odd Wonderland we’re used too, Splintered takes a decidedly morbid twist on its characters.

From a lake of tears, carnivorous plants and dinner that GIGGLES when being eaten, it’s not the same world Alice ventured down.

Instead of the normal characters, these are ‘Netherlings’, capable of things much more eerie and vicious than any seen before.

Imagine bugs that talk, not only the flowers, oysters that take their revenge, lost yet loved toys serving a macabre purpose. Those are just a few of the creatures..sorry, Netherlings that await you in Wonderland.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Morpheus is a Netherling as well? In Alice’s time, he was a much enigmatic character. Time has not changed that, not sure if it could..

Morpheus has my heart, wrapped in his wings and pinned to his hat, which is quite grand and elegant, hehe.

Before I bid you all adieu, I leave you with one of my favourite quotes from the book.

Raising one hand, he tilts his hat to that sexy slant. “You want me. Admit it.”
Even if he’s partly right, I’ll never tell him. “Why would I want you?”
He lifts thee fingers to countdown. “Mysterious. Rebellious. Troubled. All those qualities women find irresistible.”
“Such an optimist.”
“My cup is never empty.”
“Too bad your brain is.” The words bite, but my smile softens with affection.” – Morpheus, Alyssa *Splintered*

If you enjoyed the review, go and pick up a copy of Splintered, say “HI!” to A.G. Howard on her Facebook! Make sure to tell her Tara sent you.

krista_billings's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I love well known stories retold from different perspectives. I couldn't put this one down. It was never boring or predictable. I can't wait to read Unhinged.

booktallie's review

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A fantastical re-imaging of the Alice in Wonderland story by Lewis Carroll, is glorious portray in A.G. Howard debut Splintered. Wonderland has never seemed so evil. Howard has taken a magical concept and put her spin on the prettiness of the Wonderland world, making even the white rabbit seem grotesque and troublesome. There was much to be admired in Splintered but in the same instance there was something I didn't fully connect to and I think the romance may have been the culprit.

Splintered is the story of a young girl, Alyssa Gardner, who, like all the females in her family is 'cursed', with the ability to talk to insects and plants. Alyssa, the great-great-great-granddaughter to Alice Liddel, whom Lewis Carrol base his great telling on, fears that the curse that placed her mother in a mental institution will soon be her own fate. Her family and the curse have a connection to the story of Alice and Wonderland and as Alyssa delves further into her family curse she realizes that she must go down the rabbit hole to save her mother and to learn the truth about her family and their origins.
Howard, without a doubt, captured the raw essence of Wonderland. Even though it's a much darker version, it still holds the spirit of the childhood tale. The characters, the dialogue, even the actions while in Wonderland feel original and new and yet we've actual heard some of it before. Every character has their own way of speaking, their own personality, and it's so easy to be immersed within the elegantly described world.

Alyssa is a bit of a tom-boy and likes to skateboard. She is creative, artsy and imaginative, and you can tell this right away with the opening chapters. Howard lays a lot of groundwork to help the reader understand and sympathize with Alyssa and her motivations. And it is this reason why the reader can connect so immensely with her. Her childhood friend, named Jeb, is her constant companion and crush. She believe that he only cares for her in what she thinks is in a "brotherly" way, but we all know that'll get squashed eventually. Jeb's protectiveness of Alyssa is downright overbearing, and her other love interest, Morpheus, uses the fact to his advantage and to gain favor with Alyssa. Morpheus is handsome, charming and suspicious. Jeb hates him instantly while Alyssa is swarmed with memories, realizing that this man has been with her through her entire childhood teaching her things about Wonderland, which explains why she has felt so comfortable in that strange world. However, Jeb seemed to morph to fit Alyssa's needs, and they'd often converse about their feelings during the action. So in essence, we'd have brief romantic-drama interludes that just felt wrong and unnecessary. I’m always up for a good love-triangle but I do not need a pause to get that there is a romance between characters. The book had a slow lagging pace, but it really does picked up when Morpheus entered. His character was new, refreshing, entertaining and also the catalyst for many exciting turns. But by the end, I was left wanting a little more out of his relationship with Alyssa.

The plot was intricately woven and incredibly hard to guess. I was shocked by each revelation and each new twist, especially since I've heard the tale of Alice all before. But Alyssa takes a journey that while sometimes replicates her ancestry, it's an entirely new adventure that's full of changes to the original text.

Overall, I applaud Howard for capturing the spirit of Wonderland and putting her dark spin on the magical world, but the romance (love triangle-ness) really obstructed my connection to Alyssa who spent most of the time worrying about boys instead of her own sanity and her mother's. I look forward to reading Unhinged, the sequel to this incredible debut.

tonatyuh's review

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weird sometimes but i loved it

maddie_orart's review

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Review also posted on Of Reading and Random Things

Splintered takes us back to Wonderland many years after Alice left, and it’s not as fun and happy as we thought it would be (I’m imagining the Disney version in my head). To break her family curse, Alyssa Gardner has to go to Wonderland and fix the mess Alice left behind. I really like the concept of the story and I think it’s more like a sequel to the original Alice in Wonderland rather than a retelling.

A.G. Howard has created a beautiful Wonderland. It’s dark, mysterious, and I thought it’s creepy. The writing is very descriptive and I could easily imagine the world she created. Wonderland’s residents in this book are so different from Lewis Carroll’s version (again, I’m thinking of the Disney movie). They are darker, more mysterious and grotesque (?). For example, the White Rabbit Rabid White:

“It’s not the White Rabbit or any kind of rabbit at all. It’s a tiny, dwarfish creature the size of a bunny. The legs, arms, and body are humanoid but fleshless –a bleached out skeleton.

The exception to the skeletal appearance is his bald head and his face of an old man, covered with flesh as pale as an albino’s.

Long white antlers sprout from behind each of his small human ears.”

Page 101

I thought that all the Wonderlanders (is that a word?) are done beautifully, each has their own unique traits and I really enjoyed reading about them.

The main plot of the story was also really fun to read. Following Alyssa on her journey through Wonderland to complete a series of tasks/tests was great. I like how A.G. Howard used the story Alice in Wonderland as the foundation of Splintered instead of creating her own thing. I really like the plot twist about what really happened to Alice which I won’t mention here because spoiler. I do think the ending was a bit rushed. There’s a scene with Morpheus and the Bandersnatch that happened so fast I had to re-read to make sure I got it right.

I couldn’t really relate to Alyssa, though. I guess she’s okay, but I really don’t like how she has to think/talk about or mention Jeb in every other sentence. I mean, I get it. You looove Jeb. Enough already. She’s constantly wondering if Jeb loves her back, or if it’s just a ruse to get them home and it’s really annoying because there are bigger, more important things going on. I like Alyssa so much better when Jeb wasn’t around. Jeb’s girlfriend Taelor was so mean to her for no reason and she didn’t really defend herself or anything until the end of the book after they came back from Wonderland. I guess it’s supposed to show that she’s a stronger character after facing everything that happened in Wonderland, and she actually said it too, something like “I’m stronger now, not like I was before I fell down the rabbit hole”, but I don’t really see it. I feel like she’s still the same as she was at the beginning. Maybe it’s just me, but I think that the whole reason Taelor exists in this story and being mean to Alyssa is so this ‘defending herself’ scene could happen. Oh, and also to create drama between Alyssa and Jeb, because every time something happens, Taelor’s name comes up.

It’s not that I don’t like Alyssa at all, I actually like her most of the time, when she’s doing cool magical netherling things and not thinking about Jeb. I have a lot of issues with Jeb, as you can probably deduct from all of the above. I don’t know why he’s a love interest. I rolled my eyes so many times while reading and it was all because of Jeb. I don’t and probably never will understand the whole “I’m dating her so I can stop thinking about you” thing. I mean, fine, if you want to date someone else, but why does it have to be the one person who is so mean to your best friend? And he actually tells Alyssa to ‘be nice’ to Taelor because ‘Taelor is dealing with a lot of things’. What. Is. That. Okay, I’ll stop now. I think I’ve made it obvious that I don’t like Jeb so I’ll stop :).

There’s a love triangle in this book but it’s not really much of a triangle because the whole time I knew who she was going to end up with. But I just have to say that Morpheus is the best thing in the entire book. He’s like the puppet master that orchestrates everything and it’s so much fun to read. It’s like when I’m watching Once Upon a Time and every time something happens you just know it’s Rumpelstiltskin’s fault. Morpheus is mysterious, manipulative and he’s willing to do almost anything for his own gain. He’s like the Warner of Splintered and I love it. Of course there were times when I was reading that I thought ‘hmmm, this guy is actually awful’, but I still love Morpheus anyway. He loves Alyssa and he believes in her (like Warner and Juliette :) ) and he lets her make her own decisions (unlike Jeb).

Overall, I think this book is pretty good, it has a good storyline and good writing. I do like all the characters except Jeb, and I love the Wonderland that A.G. Howard has created. While I don’t LOVE this book or think that it’s the most amazing book ever, I do like it enough that I will continue reading the sequels. This book may not be for everyone but it could be your next favorite book.

“Tearing down the rest of the world won’t make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That’s what fills the emptiness. It’s the only things that can.”

adelle_bookworm's review against another edition

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To teda byla jízda. Překvapilo mě to, takovým tím zvláštním způsobem, a jsem spokojená. Jen ten konec se mi nelíbil, už to je ohraný...
A sakra se nemůžu rozhodnout mezi Zachem a Morfeem :D

themoonsbacchanal's review against another edition

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adventurous dark funny hopeful lighthearted mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
