
Things We Lost by Carrie Whitethorne, Shae Banks

jesbruno's review

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Things We Lost by Shae Banks is the first book in the Loving Locksley series and as my first read by this author, I was surprised how fast I was attached to Nathalie and Jason’s story. After thirteen years of never knowing the real reason as to why Jason “ghosted” Nathalie, can she forgive him? And will Nathalie give their relationship a second chance?

This couple had a lot of cute moments leading up to the first coffee date. Jason won me over just by everything he did or said to prove that Nathalie could trust him with her heart. I would agree with some reviewers that some parts of the book were predictable, but I read a lot of romance books. I see certain things and I think I know how things are going to playing out but that didn’t stop me from really liking this story and wanting more from these characters and author. I really want a book about Nathalie's best friend Haylie.

P.S. I loved the British slang in this book.

fish3718's review

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Loving Locksley is a new series by Shae Banks and Things We Lost is the title. This is my first book by Shae Banks and I have to admit that this story peaked my interest. I am slowly becoming a fan of contemporary romance novels and that is what this story is but it is also about second chances. Let me be real for a moment, if my ex-boyfriend would want back into my life I am not sure if i could be tempted to take him back. Well that is what Nathalie was challenged with Jason. Thirteen years prior Jason was everything to Nathalie and he one day left and did not turn back. Fast forward to present and Nathalie was out with friends and in comes Jason. She did not want anything to do with him. She was hurt and not wanting to get hurt again. Well as it goes Nathalie caves in and went out for coffee with Jason and one thing leads to another and BAM she is with him again. Will this time be different? Is there secrets that each person does not want to surface? Will this second chance work? Enjoy the story and find the answers to these questions plus more.

bwagner's review

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I enjoyed this second chance story. The story is creative and well written. The characters made me feel as if I was right there with them. Natalie and Jason had a thing years ago. Then one night she ran into the one person she never expected, Jason. I enjoyed Jason’s determination to convince her to have coffee with him. You would think everything is good but not. They both have pasts and they both have secrets. Will it tear them apart once again? I highly recommend this book

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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This is my first book by Shae Banks. And luckily for me it won’t be my last. The main characters are Nathalie and Jason who knew each other from childhood. They lost touch after high school when Jason left for college, never to return.

This story seems to prove the theory of “it’s a small world”. Some of the events surrounding Nathalie seem to be fate but how do we really know that Jason didn’t have his hands in it. The coincidences seem a little too easy.

Nathalie has a new job and new boss but along comes an old love. The mix seems to be more than Nathalie can handle.

Jason has a point to prove, not only to himself but to his family and to Nathalie. The past is just that, in the past. Things have changed and Jason wants Nat to see that he has changed too.

I am looking forward to reading more from Banks and hopefully this series as well.

angelahayes's review

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3 ½ Stars

Things We Lost is the first book in the Loving Locksley Series by Shae Banks. This is my first book by Ms. Banks, so I really didn’t know what to expect when I started the story. The book had shown up on my recommended book feed, and I thought the synopsis sounded interesting, so I one-clicked and jumped in. This is a contemporary/second chance romance- and is a quick and easy read.
Nathalie Johnson is on a ‘girls-night-out’ with her friend, when she encounters the man who left without so much as a backward glance and a broken heart 13 years ago- Jason Locksley. Much has happened in that time, but it still stings a little and she’s still wary of him. There are unresolved issues between them. But he’s nothing but persistent and manages to convince her to have coffee with him anyway. But persistence and determination win out and as you have probably guessed by now, he gets his second chance. But do they really have a chance of making things work after all this time? Will some misunderstandings tear them apart again?
This was a sweet story. Ms. Banks used a tried and tested formula for her story, and wrote quite well- I just found it to be a little predictable- and it didn’t really WOW me like I was hoping for.
I am looking forward to exploring some of Ms. Banks other works to see what else she can do.

Thank you, Ms. Banks!

Merged review:

3 ½ Stars

Things We Lost is the first book in the Loving Locksley Series by Shae Banks. This is my first book by Ms. Banks, so I really didn’t know what to expect when I started the story. The book had shown up on my recommended book feed, and I thought the synopsis sounded interesting, so I one-clicked and jumped in. This is a contemporary/second chance romance- and is a quick and easy read.
Nathalie Johnson is on a ‘girls-night-out’ with her friend, when she encounters the man who left without so much as a backward glance and a broken heart 13 years ago- Jason Locksley. Much has happened in that time, but it still stings a little and she’s still wary of him. There are unresolved issues between them. But he’s nothing but persistent and manages to convince her to have coffee with him anyway. But persistence and determination win out and as you have probably guessed by now, he gets his second chance. But do they really have a chance of making things work after all this time? Will some misunderstandings tear them apart again?
This was a sweet story. Ms. Banks used a tried and tested formula for her story, and wrote quite well- I just found it to be a little predictable- and it didn’t really WOW me like I was hoping for.
I am looking forward to exploring some of Ms. Banks other works to see what else she can do.

Thank you, Ms. Banks!

jennadb's review

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Things We Lost (Loving Locksley Book 1) by Shae Banks is a sweet second chance romance story that is a little emotional. It is a little predictable with the time tested story of boy meets girl and falls in love then one disappears and breaks the others heart but reunite years later. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, I did really enjoy the story. I liked the characters and Shaes depiction of them made them seem real and likeable.

The boy of Nat’s dreams left with no reason why, boy she thought would be with her for the rest of her life but of course he broke her heart. Now she has finally gotten her life back on track after a disastrous marriage gone terribly wrong she is now faced with the man who broke her heart once again.

I look forward to see what Shae has instore for us next.

rooskie87's review

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Things We Lost (Loving Locksley Book 1) by Shae Banks
5 stars

Let me start by saying, this was such a great book. I love second chance romances, and this one was very interesting. I connected with Nat, I felt for all she had been through. And Jason, I really really liked him. I did, i so did. He explained the past asked for forgiveness and tried to earn her trust back. If the book ended at this point, it still would have been a great read.
But, we get sucker punched, for lack of a better phrase. I didn't see it coming, I had no idea, no little voice saying "wait for it", nothing. And then after that, a small scene and then over. Do we get more? Heaven help me I need to know more here and I will be waiting with bated breath and festering feelings as I'm so confused why I feel ok about this books actions! I haven't felt this way in quite some time. Im on both sides of the fence here and i need to know where to go!
I will be reading more from this author and hopefully we get more dual pov as the small snippet from Jason left me wanting more on his side. Ugh going to dive into some ice cream to drown my traitorous feelings over here lol