
Between Now and Forever by Dylan Allen

wandering_reader's review

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This was disappointing. Whilst the author explored some poignant themes, and there was good chemistry between the characters, I felt like we spent too much time with the main characters apart and it was quite boring at times. I was sent a review copy of this, and there were lots of grammatical errors which made the book harder to read - hopefully these are rectified in the final copy. I was also disappointed that I would have to wait until book 3 in this series to get the happily ever after.

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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5 Stars / 3 Steam Fans

I have been waiting for this story for seems like forever and Dylan Allen did not disappoint!! I first met Carter and Liz through a novella audiobook on the Read Me Romance podcast and ever since then I have been waiting to get their history. This is one emotional ride that I know ends with a happy ending but this beginning of the journey is HARD! Elizabeth has a father that is just evil and a mixed bag of family members that tested all of my emotions. I was instantly in love with Carter as soon as he entered the main story. No matter what his back story was he had my heart because the things that he had been through really connected to my heart. I cannot wait for the next part of their journey!! This is a three book series so there is a jaw dropping ending to this book.

This specific video review will be included in the October 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

kellyg_5013's review

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She is bringing her A game.... and by that I mean ANGST! Dylan Allen was breaking my heart all through this book! From the very beginning when you hear about how Elisabeth hides herself because of how people treat her right up until the end when....... the cliffhanging bomb drops! (you thought I was going spoil it didn't ya) Carter is such a sensitive soul trapped in this shell that puts off so much animosity! And Beth is such a fighter.... fighting this overbearing father that she has so that she can keep true to herself. This book left me with a few things to ponder.... and now I will spend the next month going over the whole story in my head while I wait for the next part!!!

saharadawn29's review

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O.M.Geee! This poor girl... Gah.. Emotional rollercoaster. This really is a must read, has everything, steamy romance, hot broken guy... Oh ya. Now we need book 2 ! Like right now ... Can't sleep must read..
My review on Amazon:
This girl, Beth, how much more can she take? I want to just hug her ! This girl has no one rooting for her except her brother. Her brother is this angel that wants the world for her. She gets to the lows of lows and meets this incredible guy who just adores her to death. She finally sees the world differently and then bam. I'm not saying anymore, you have to read it!

smonro's review

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at first i was mad at her for how she lets her father treat her that way, and then when he sent her away into some kind of cult my god people there were crazy. We can't forget the plot twist at the end when Carter finds out that Deke is his brother

canadian_chaos_gremlin's review

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Holy hit you with the feels Batman! This is the first book by Dylan Allen that I have read and honestly, I do not know why I waited so long! This story was really raw and beautiful but also heartbreaking and earth shattering! We have Beth who just wants to fit in. Then we have Carter who just wants to live his life but on his own terms. But these two together? It is pure magic. Their stolen moments and their connection is just stunning. But as things play out, your heart shatters with everything these two go through on their own.
Honestly, it is hard to write this review because I just want to scream from the rooftops about this whole story and what happened to these two. Allen writes a story that will suck you in and leave you begging for more. And you have to know that this is a trilogy, so the ending… Oh man. My heart. What I really loved about this book aside from the concept, is the fluidity of the words. They just melt off the page and you devour this story. The characters are so raw and in so much pain for various reasons but find solace in each other. I am so looking forward to the second book!

minareads_'s review

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I really really loved the first few pages up until the Hs brother died.
Then it just turned into a an unbelievable drama fest.
But the writing is great. So I'm gonna weather this and save an actual rating for when/if I finish the trilogy

kbton's review

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This was a well written romance that ended on a good cliffhanger. I'm isolating for like three weeks, so it's likely I'll finish the trilogy by the end of week three.

alwaysfullybooked's review

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Soo conflicted with this. It's an interesting story line but I'm not sure if I liked the execution as much. Maybe the second book will shed some light

boghunden's review

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I adored this book, and I absolutely loved Carter right from the beginning.

This is one twisted tale indeed. It starts off ever so sweet with a very lovely prologue, but boy oh boy, how things change.

Elizabeth is a lovely heroine, struggling with ALL.THE.THINGS. Seriously. Her life is NOT one that you envy or even want for your worst enemy. I felt for her all the time. At the same time, I identified with some of her feelings, especially in regards to
making your family proud and wanting (needing?) their acceptance

Carter is a great hero as well. He has issues of his own and lots of flaws, but he's also very reasonable and easy to relate to.

There's a wide variety of characters in this book, but they were easy to keep track of.

The reason this wasn't a five star read for me is that it felt too much as the beginning of a book. I get that it's a trilogy and I'm okay with that, but I think the pacing was a bit too slow, at least for my liking.

The book ends with a cliffhanger, but I have to say I wasn't too surprised. It's not that I saw it coming exactly, but I had a pretty good idea where it was going, and in the end, I wasn't too far off. That being said, I'm still VERY excited to see where this is headed!! :D