
Letters Away: A Poetic Journey by Elias Raven, Sharon Johnson

rcrg's review

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Words of Love

Letters Away: A Poetic Journey is a group of love poems between Jacob and Belle. They are true works of art which show us a love that transcends distance. There is such purity to their writings and I felt my own heart expand when reading these beautifully written words.

shealwaysreads's review

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Letters the way poetic journey follows the prequel of letters away. I was drawn to this after reading letters away the prequel thinking that this was going to be in a letter format as well it was not a letter for me to say.

This was in a home setting but also let her take form because each his palm was signed by either Jake up at Bella which are characters from the prequel as well.

I enjoyed both other poem but I think I enjoyed Bellas palms a little bit more than Jake ups not saying that his were not in good they were brilliantly written I just felt more of a connection with Bella.

The only thought that I found was at the poems were not in sequential order so we were jumping back-and-forth between a 1950 to 1952 to get back to 1951 and so forth I think the book would have gotten so much more out of it had the poems been in the order of the journey.

But besides that, the poems are exquisitely written in a phenomenal and heart wrenching way with their feelings being those that are all too familiar to me.

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