frompemberleytomiltonblog's review

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4,5 rounded up to 5

A More Agreeable Man is a smart and original Pride and Prejudice variation in which, after a brief stay in Ramsgate, Jane Bennet returns home engaged to George Wickham. While Jane’s betrothed enchants everyone with his agreeable manners, Elizabeth Bennet is not easily fooled by his charms, and senses something is wrong with the man her sister has just met, but she is alone in her suspicions until Mr. Bingley arrives in the neighborhood with his friend Mr. Darcy whose sister had told him about the presence of both Mr. Wickham and Jane Bennet in Ramsgate the prior summer.

I found this premise very original and clever because it allowed the main characters to join forces and develop a relationship based not only on friendship but also mutual respect. The intellect both characters display is part of the attraction they feel for each other, and I always love when this happens. I love to read a romance in which Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth in part due to her intellect, and that is precisely what happens in A More Agreeable Man.

The originality of this story is fascinating! I absolutely loved the idea of Jane Bennet being led by Wickham, especially because that is a very believable plotline in my opinion. I also loved that Mr. Bingley was a bit more persistent and consistent in this story and that he never lost hope that he could still gain Jane’s affections. It was also interesting to see how Jane Bennet was conflicted throughout the story, even if she was indeed a secondary character in it. It felt like all characters were thoughtfully crafted in this narrative, and I loved it.

Despite the fact that both Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley have interesting personalities, the main characters were definitely Darcy and Elizabeth who join forces to uncover Mr. Wickham’s motives to enter into an alliance with Jane. I loved that they had a mutual goal, and that they found a partner in each other. I only wished their interactions could have started sooner in the book because it took them some time to speak to each other and come together in this mission. Nevertheless, when they did, their dialogues were incredible! I loved the fact that the author didn’t simply describe them as intelligent people, she showed us through their dialogues how witty they both were.

I also liked some of the secondary characters and their interventions, especially Mary! There were times when I wished she would have stayed put, but in the end she redeemed herself but helping our dear couple. In fact, I loved all her interactions, she was an interesting secondary character that I believe brought life into this book.

Other aspects I liked in this book were the setting and the author’s writing style because she made me feel I was in Meryton with all the characters. I felt absorbed with the story and that is the best think that can happen when I’m reading a book.

Lastly, I loved Mr. Darcy! I loved his patience and reactions to the outburst from the Bennet family. I don’t know how he was able to act in such a gentlemanly manner, but I did love it. The author depicted him as a mature and controlled gentleman, and I loved it.

In conclusion, A More Agreeable Man is a unique, captivating, and masterfully written novel that will delight readers who enjoy it when Elizabeth and Darcy work together to achieve a common objective. It is an excellent book and I highly recommend it.