
my 52 lists project: Journaling Inspiration for Kids by Moorea Seal

jbrooxd's review

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[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

3 stars = Good/solid/fine

I picked this one up because I have enjoyed the author's previous list books for adults. There aren't a lot of surprises with this - it's pretty straightforward. It includes stickers and some kid-friendly art with a summer/vacation/breezy vibe. Most lists include a prompt for kids to respond to, but there are a few where the list is already there and kids can circle their answers. It's a nice change to the format to keep things interesting.

Pair this with Annie's Life in Lists for a great gift idea.

aanya12's review

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The graphics wee stunning and it gave me splendid journaling ideas!
Awesome for people like me who want to start journaling but are complete chickens!

amullen03's review

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As a parent I found this book very useful. We are a homeschool family and are always looking for different ideas to write about. This book gives different lists and tells you exactly what to do. I can see myself getting this in a paperback version because it would allow my children to write right underneath each section. Throughout the book is 52 different lists that really make kids think. They have to really be real and honest with themselves to come up with answers and items to list. I think it's very important that kids sit and do some of these prompts.