
Between by Mary Ting

leacherry's review

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Give it up for Mary Ting!! She has really outdone herself with the sequel to Crossroads. Between is an amazing story full of laughs, romance and heartache. I felt every emotion while reading the different POVs. I was thinking about what to write with the review but as soon as I got to the end of the story all I could think about was `What will happen next?` `What will happen with Michael and Claudia?` `Will love really conquer all?` Now we all will have to wait for the next one. All I can say is that; Mary, you are an amazing author, and a great friend to those around you!! Keep it up, and let the magic in you fly!

treykuzmanov's review against another edition

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Wow, I love this book. Mary Ting did really good job.
In Between, she introduces us with few new characters, and ofcourse new worlds.
Claudia, the main girl, is not so safe anymore. Every girl with the same name as her, is getting killed. But what happens?
Who wants her special soul? And Who will protect her?
The second book isn't released yet and I'm already waiting for third book!

bstaats's review against another edition

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Mary Ting's YA debut Crossroads was one of the first books I read when I started getting back into reading last year. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and it was one of the first angel paranormal books I had read; plus, I found the personal touches Mary incorporated in her story charming. So when I found out that there would be a sequel, I was curious to find out what would happen in the series and interested to find out what new information would be revealed.

I was optimistic when I started reading Between, but I found the beginning slow and difficult to get into; but after the first quarter, the pace of the story quickened and the stakes were raised. But I soon realized that there were far too many issues in the book that I was seriously unimpressed with.

Reasons to Read:

1.A great portrayal of friendships:
The main thing that really kept me going is that I loved the relationships between the secondary characters, especially David and Vivian, but even Caleb. It is so enjoyable to read about characters who care about each other so much and have such strong relationships with each other. And the affection they feel for Michael and Claudia is evident as well. I LOVE that, and this was the main reason why David and Vivian are my favourite characters.

But that's where it ends for me. Unfortunately, I didn't find Between to be as well put together as Crossroads and found the writing and editing to be lacking. It was especially noticeable in the dialogue- I don't know any teenagers who talk to each other so formally (often using "shall", few contractions, formal vocabulary, etc). And much of the slow pace at the beginning of the story was due to the convoluted, lengthy descriptions of mundane details (such as Claudia's outfit).
Now, I will admit that it's been about a year since I read Crossroads, but I found myself so confused about the issues and difficulties experienced by the characters and how they related, and even their relevance to the story overall. To be honest, I'm still not really clear on WHY love between Michael and Claudia is forbidden - and there were too many plot twists that felt like they were thrown in to the story just to make things more dramatic.

There's one more thing though, and this is what I had a real issue with the book. I'm going to put on my super serious hat for a moment. This is a slight spoiler, but it honestly isn't important to the main plot, so go ahead and read it. Because I think it needs to be addressed; in fact, I chose to continue reading this book even when I contemplated marking it as DNF (did not finish) because I wanted to talk about this issue. I was seriously unimpressed, dismayed, and frustrated with Michael and Claudia (and even Austin) as characters. For varying reasons, but they all come down to one thing: Claudia's role as a love interest and a woman. Please don't disregard this as some silly feminist rant, because I think it's a very important consideration to make. At one point in the book, a guy (neither Austin nor Michael, I should add) forces Claudia to kiss him. He lures her into an empty, dark room and attempts to go even further - the implication I had is that he would go as far as he could get away with. That's sexual assault, plain and simple. And at first, Claudia fights back (bonus points for her!) but what disappointed me was her reaction to the assault - it's entirely brushed off. Claudia is supposed to be such a kind, forgiving girl that she makes excuses for this behaviour and it doesn't bother her in any way that someone would take advantage of her like that.

That's not okay. I had hoped this would be dealt with or resolved, but the only other time it comes up is when she mentions that she's relieved that it won't be "awkward" at school if she runs into this guy. What?! A guy assaults a girl, and she's worried it might be "awkward" since he was beat up? No, just no. That to me, is an irresponsible dismissal of a very serious issue.

Now perhaps my frustration with this event coloured my understanding of later incidents as well. For example, Austin is pretty handy with some mind manipulation that he definitely takes advantage of in his own way. Which, again, isn't dealt with but is supposed to be portrayed as somewhat romantic, I believe. Um, no. That's an invasion to an individual.

Finally, Michael completely irked me. For someone who is supposed to be so sweet and caring (and he often is very thoughtful of Claudia's wants and needs) I can't believe how often he complains about Claudia trying to fend for herself (such as learning defensive moves). He says she's stubborn for trying to fight and defend herself, and is actually ANGRY with her for doing so. That's not sweet- that's controlling and demeaning.

I don't like these gestures, which are quite harmful attitudes, being wrapped up and presented as something sweet and kind. I wish that this had been turned in to an opportunity to raise these questions and deal with these issues, but instead it seemed to be accepted, even praised, in the story. Instead, I would recommend a series like Tamora Pierce's Song of the Lioness Quartet which deals with these exact issues, even if it is a different genre, because they're handled very well in that story.

I'm aware that this series has its own following, but I was utterly disillusioned with the saga after reading Between. I just can't recommend this one.

E-book received from author for review.

zombiemom54's review against another edition

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Cried like a baby along with these amazingly tangible characters. I'm loving this series!

jeanz's review against another edition

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WOW I did not expect to say this but this second book of the series is even better than the first!
It is so well written! The relationships with Claudia and the Alkins are becoming even closer, the love between her and Michael is plain to see and beautifully depicted throughout the novel. Claudia is also feeling a strange confused sort of attraction to Austin. I love the Alkins trying to learn the "human" speech and dress sense etc. Davin is as humorous as ever and Caleb is coming to the fore and speaking more within this book than he did in bk1.
This book has humour, suspense, fights,death, joy, sadness, sacrifice and heartbreak
In this book Claudia has to learn to let go of her grief over the death of Gamma and learn to use her "secret" power. Claudia hates the way that other Claudia Emerson's are being killed as they are being mistaken for her. Claudia also realises she will probably end up facing this demon called Aliah before the fight is over. Though as ever she feels safe that she has the Alkins to protect her.
Davin and Michael try do "normal-human" things in this second book more too, like the Valentines School Dance with Claudia and her friend.
Michael also faces a heartbreakingly no win situation, an extremely difficult thing he is ordered to do as part of his duty concerning Claudia. We find out there is a spy within the angels.......not necessarily the one you will immediately jump to the conclusion of it being either.....
I didn't want this book to end... I loved it and was reading it through blurred vision at the part when Michael has to make his heartbreaking choice, that really he doesn't have an actual choice as he is ordered to do it. The book ended by setting the scene, for the next book. Michael has a new mission, as does Davin, and Claudia is also on the brink of starting a new different sector of her life too.
I love all the characters in this series of books, how they interact with each other and all love Claudia in their own ways. All the characters have their own little quirks and personalities and of course their own destinies too.
I have to add that I think the cover goes brilliantly with the book, depicting Claudia and Michael and their deepening relationship on it.
So did I enjoy it? Loved It! Would I recommend it? YES!
Can't wait for Book three in this series!

shubba_the_emoreader's review against another edition

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Blog Post:

Claudia is trying to get life back back on track and trying to lead a normal life. However, being a very special soul things don't go to plan. She soon finds herself in danger and is "kidnapped" by the Earth Angels to keep her safe from Aliah who wants her soul! But only Claudia can defeat the evil Aliah. Will she be strong enough to defeat Aliah?

After reading Crossroads and being so excited for the next book. When I got a chance to review it early I was like HELL YEAH!! and it doesn't disappoint.

Between is one of those books that sucks you in. It truely captures your imagination from start to finish. And its the chemistry between all the characters that I feel does this. Claudia, I love. I am mean seriously she is adorable. When faced with dangers she is like "bring it on" even though she is terrified! Her relationship with Michael will make you melt. Michael, oh dear, Michael. It's forbidden for them to be together but he would do just about anything for Claudia. Their romance is quite lovey dovey but not in a omg this is too much kinda way. It's perfect! And then Mary throws another guy into the mix to spice things up and Yeah, I feel, big. Austin. He is smitten with Claudia and they share this weird connection. They care for each other but they annoy each other as well. It's so cute! And of course my fave Davin is back!! And he is better than ever! He is so funny and sweet and I want a Davin.

With Crossroads I found it a little slow to start but Between is fast paced from the start. Introducing you to new characters and dangers start away it get your attention completely. There is never dull moment for the gang. Whether it's spending time in cosy situations or being put in danger and fighting for their lifes. It's nothing sort of amazing!

So overall, did I like it?OMG, Yes, What a ride!!! I adored Crossroads but Between oh lord! It blew it right out the park!! It's bigger and better. Full of danger, excitment, passion, betrayal and above all love! If you haven't started on this series yet, please, I beg you go now because Mary Ting is such a wonderful author who leaves you breathless with each book and begging for more!

esuelerue's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed reading this book! It was such a good sequel to the first book. I like how Mary is able to intertwine the angel and human world and tell a story. I recommend this book to all book lovers everywhere!

honeybee13's review against another edition

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This book will make you smile, laugh, and cry. It has more substance of angelic myth outside the love story, which was very romantic. I can't wait to dive into the next book!

myntop's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book even more than the first. As with any good book there were many ups and downs. Watching Claudia's relationships with Michael, the other alkins, Austin, Holly and Patrick was great. I cried with everyone at the heartbreaking moment when Michael was forced to do something he didn't want to do. Most of all though, I was intrigued and surprised at the myth told by Katherine at the end. I'm very interested in getting to book three to find out more about these demons that began with Cain. And though my heart is broken for Claudia, I'm eager to see how she adjusts to her new life.