
Following Atticus LP by Tom Ryan

shawneereads's review against another edition

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Very cute. As a NH native, I really appreciated the depiction of my own backyard. I appreciate the author's love for the mountains. It gave me a new view of the mountains I call home.

amylynnreads's review against another edition

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Endearing, well told, but repetitive at times

This story is told with warmth and came about as a result of facing fears head on. I love the insights shared that were discovered across miles of beautiful, cold, and (at times) treacherous trails. The story was heart-warming and often captivating. I gave the book four stars instead of five because there was a period in the book (somewhere in the middle) where I grew tired of reading about another cold hike with Atticus. The stories felt similar and repetitive and I lost interest in the book for awhile. I, however, came back to finish it and was glad that I did. The storyline did continue to evolve, my interest was renewed, and I was drawn back into this endearing story and glad that I didn't give up on it. I felt that it was worth the read.

r_lynn13's review against another edition

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This memoir makes me want to hike especially since Tom and Atticus focused on my beloved White Mountains. I may not hike the 4,000 foot peaks, but I will learn more about the Whites, myself, and my dog on future trips.

libscote's review against another edition

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I'm not as attached to my pets as Mr. Ryan I guess, because there were definitely times when I was like, "It's a dog. So it can't go into a restaurant any more because of health code violations." But overall, it was sweet to read about the little dog's determination to climb mountains and get better, and to see the impact pets can have on their owners lives.

I will admit that I listened to the audio, and there were times when I thought that Ryan was repeating himself, so perhaps there could have been some changes in the editing to change that, or maybe I was just zoning in and out.

sammah's review against another edition

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I started this book a couple of days ago, and I could not have picked it up at a better time. I had to put down my dear sweet beagle today, on the cusp of summer coming and preparing to spend the summer hiking and taking to the woods. While I am still understandably heart broken, reading abut Tom and his adventures with Atticus M. Finch did help to make me feel a bit better. Dogs are beautiful, resilient creatures who throw their all into loving us. It is our duty love, respect, and take care of them in return.

I'm thankful for the years I had with all of my fur babies, and while I'll miss my sweet beagle I think the time in the woods this summer with my German Shepherd will help in the healing process. Bonnie Beagle loved nothing in this world better than chasing rabbits through the woods, open fields, and anywhere else she could manage to squeeze into. We'll miss her, but we'll be closer to her again out there in the places she loved most.

jndutc's review against another edition

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Very moving and inspirational, and I'm glad to have read it (definitely worth your time!), but be warned that the author tends to ramble and jump aimlessly from tale to tale. It can be very distracting.

gloshmo's review against another edition

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Actual rating - 3.5 stars.

There was potential for this to be a 5-star read. I love animal friendship stories, particularly those featuring dogs. Unfortunately, the writing style brought the rating down for me.

The author's use of overly descriptive language was overdone, particularly in the first half of the book. There were portions of the story that didn't seem pertinent to the overall novel, and the author frequently added details that didn't seem necessary. All of this resulted in a story that did not flow smoothly.

I will likely read the author's other book. I'm hoping that with experience, his writing style has improved.

ashlykimchi's review against another edition

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I'm so happy that I was lucky enough to receive this ARC for free from Goodreads First Reads!
I couldn't put this down; Tom Ryan's descriptions of the White Mountains held me captivated.
Even at work, between customers, I was reading.
This book wasn't just about a hiking dog. Tom's telling of his relationship with Atticus, and their amazing adventures in the mountains, made me want to buy a miniature schnauzer and start hiking.
I laughed, I cried, I went, "awwwwwwww" - Therefor, I heartily recommend this one to animal lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone with a heart!

delaney106's review against another edition

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You would think his dog was Jesus reincarnate by the way he talked about him. Very self-indulgent and over dramatic.

sgrewal's review against another edition

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This is the first review I have written for this site. This book was extraordinary. I read it in two days (I would have read it faster had I not had other stuff to do). The book seemed like it would be a typical "animal book," but it was so much more than that: reconnecting with family, the wilderness, unconventional spirituality, finding one's self, classic literature, and love for animals.

The writing was easy to read, filled with small excerpts from classic authors like Thoreau, Frost, etc. I think it's a book everyone should read - it made me laugh (out loud...on public transportation), and it made me cry. Now that's a darn good book.