
The Gravity of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry

alittlewrightreading's review against another edition

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My rating is really a 3.5 but I didn’t feel like it was a 4 for me.

Most of the side characters were downright awful. And the characters kept making decisions that disappointed me.

Graham’s character took too long to get over his past so he was just mean for a majority of the book.

The last 20% of the book was the best part. I loved it which is where the .5 came from. I did really feel for Lucy and I loved her and her personality.

This might not be a book I’d recommend often BUT if I thought a person would enjoy it more than me I would definitely tell them to check it out.

layla87's review against another edition

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4.25 stars

My favorite in the series.
It wasn't a perfect book but I absolutely loved the characters in this one. I also liked the time jumps to show that it wasn't really an instalove situation.

It did need more steam IMO lol. I mean...all that grumpiness would have tranaslated into a great beast in the sheets

leeshell's review against another edition

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I'd just like to take a moment of silence for my sleep, because I got none folks. Did I read this book in one sitting? Yes. Did I read this book in one sitting WELL past my self designated bedtime? Yup. Did I read this book in one sitting WELL past my self designated bedtime, knowing FULL well I have work in the morning? why yes, yes I did.
Do I regret it looking back? nope.

This book was so freaking good.
I was a little hesitant at the start, Lucy was kind of getting on my nerves, but you know what? she was right she really does grow on you, kind of like an ingrown toenail.

Graham, my sweet sweet Graham, I so desperately needed this man to be happy. Seeing him happy made me happy and if that isn't a win in my book then I don't know what is.

The development of the relationship was everything I wanted, seriously though *checks notes* I have no notes.

So happy I picked this up, my only complaint is that I can't read this again for the first time.

zhalia14's review against another edition

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This book wrecked me - in the best and most awful ways.

hestongeorgia's review against another edition

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all this sisters drama makes me so happy i'm an only child

crashderby's review against another edition

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when I started this book, I wasn't sure what kind of book I was reading. it was on a friends "read" list and she liked it, so I figured I'd give it a shot. This book grew on me in so many ways and I very much became emotionally attached. it made me giggle, it made me smile, and it made me cry - literally. while at work, actually. its a great story told in a great way. I'd recommend it any day.

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

4.5 stars

The Gravity of Us was a wonderful read. This book messed me up in the best of ways. There were a few times where I teared up and once where I almost seriously cried, which for me is a big deal. I don't usually actually cry at books so...this book got to me. It was like the perfect storm for me reading this story. I was super happy at the end, I almost cried because it was so perfect and sweet and wonderful, but it really made me think about loved ones I have lost and I was so caught up in my head I couldn't move on. It was great even if it was a downer at times.

This is the story of Lucy and Graham. Lucy who feels everything and Graham who tries his hardest to feel nothing. These two...they shouldn't have worked. They shouldn't have had a connection, shouldn't have felt anything towards the other, there are some significant reasons why they shouldn't be together, but one very good reason why they should. One reason that wipes away those reasons why not. When you find your other half you have to figure out how to keep them in the face of everything else.

When Graham and Lucy first meet he couldn't have known what the future would hold. She is just a fan that is also trapped outside after they went out a door they didn't realize would lock. She is just a girl who is hippie-dippie and not at all who he would want to be around. I mean she feels everything so strongly and he has no idea what to do with this. His past made him close down emotions and try to not have any. Try to not feel anything so nothing can hurt him like it did. Oh, Graham. I loved him. I loved watching him open up when he is faced with a situation he never thought he would find himself in. I loved watching Lucy show him how to be a bit freer. I loved how awkward he was with conversation, but he was trying. He was trying to be nice to Lucy he just didn't always know how. It was really sweet and I loved him. He was wonderful even if he is not the best with words. If he doesn't always know what to say even though he is an amazing author. He can write, but he can't always speak well. I loved him. He really was a sweetheart underneath his cold exterior.

And Lucy was so incredibly sweet. She is one of the kindest people ever. She will forgive you almost anything if you apologize. She will come back time and time again when you mess up or say something stupid or whatever. If she cares about you that is a wonderful gift. She was amazing. So giving and wonderful and full of life.

It definitely wasn't an instant love connection between these two, but slowly they start to fall for each other. Graham doesn't really know what he is doing as he has never cared like that about someone before, but oh he broke my heart at times. He tries so hard and by the end he is the best. He still has flaws, he knows he does, but he is trying to be better for Lucy. To be what she deserves. To be a bit more like her. I loved this story. It was a rough one for me to read especially with some of the things that happened and the timing for me, but it was great. A wonderful end to this amazing series.

*Note: I received a free copy of this book for voluntary review consideration

libreria_azzurra's review against another edition

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book_recs_by_amy's review against another edition

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3.5 ⭐️

briandthemoon's review against another edition

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Not every love story fits simply into a neatly wrapped box. I love the amount of character development we get in this standalone novel. The story is gritty and real while at the same time steals your breath in the best way!