bookbruin's review

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#MomFail is an amazing anthology of short stories featuring 24 authors and I was lucky enough to read How Spoiled is Rotten by Stephanie Rose.

This short story was heartfelt, 1 million percent relatable, and freaking hilarious! Seriously, I'm convinced that the author and I are living parallel lives on different coasts. She perfectly described so many of the emotions and challenges parents face in the day to day game of parenthood survival. Are we being sensitive to our children's needs? Are we giving in more than we should? How do we balance work and parenthood? How do we make time to nurture the relationship with our spouse? These are ALL questions I have (and continue to) ask on my parenting journey. I loved the overall message of Stephanie's story. It reminded me that we don't need to win any parenting awards or get showered with accolades for our perfection. We simply need to love with our whole heart.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

tenthomp's review

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3.5 Stars

So anthologies have never really been my cup of tea, but just the title of #momfail had me interested. Because lets face it, we all fail at momming at one time or another. The idea of moms sharing in these “failures” is brilliant. We can all just share a laugh and show that we always hope to do better by our children.
As with life with children, there wasn’t a dull moment in this anthology. So if things get a little too quiet in your life, I recommend picking up #momfail for just a little laugh and a little story to remind you that you are not alone in your momships. Very well-done by these ladies.

lilta08's review

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This is an Anthology of mom stories. Things as moms we can all go through while raising our kids.I could sympathize with these stories along with laughing. I was honored to receive an ARC of this book to review Marie James’ story and I could literally see everything go down in my head. What a great book.

danireads1225's review

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Overall not bad. Each was well written. Some more funny than others. Some I wished were a full novel.

jackielizn's review

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Watch Me Tip by AM Willard
4 out of 5 stars
I could relate to several things in this laugh out loud story. I've definitely been there with the car seat tip over. It's the most horrifying thing in the world while it is happening and you feel like the worst mom ever, but you can't help but laugh as you look back on it (years) later. I've also been there with the leaky boobs in the middle of the store because there is a crying baby nearby. So embarrassing!

Okayest Mom Ever by Gia Riley
4 out of 5 stars
Okay, so I will admit that Hunter's reaction to MomFail#3 would have most definitely been the same reaction that my husband would have. Ugh. Men! Right? haha This is something else that you just can't help but laugh when looking back on it.

Afternoon Delight by BL Berry
5 out of 5 stars
I could totally relate to Tara and Cameron with trying to plan alone time together. That's such a hard thing to do when you have small kids and it doesn't really get any easier as they get older either. I'm looking forward to meeting Henley and Jeff in Birthquake! This is sure to be a laugh out loud book, just like this story was.

Return Policy by Leddy Harper
4 out of 5 stars
Oh my goodness, this story was absolutely hilarious! I've totally been there with the walking through the store or other public place with a questionable substance on your clothes. The situation the mom in this story ended up in would have been so scary but funny at the same time! I couldn't even imagine.

The Professor and the Doofus by JA DeRouen
5 out of 5 stars
I really loved this story. I totally agree with the fact that our children are the professors and we are the students. We have absolutely no idea what we're doing as we go into this parenting thing, but our kids teach us along the way. ;) Also, great and heart-warming lesson by the Professor! I just want to be me, too.

Your Mom Does What? by Faith Andrews
5 out of 5 stars
Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard while reading this story. It was absolutely hilarious. Jessa found herself in an absolutely humiliating situation but at least it all turned out okay in the end. ;) Oh, and I completely agree...bribery works every single time!

How Spoiled is Rotten? by Stephanie Rose
5 out of 5 stars
I loved this story so much! It's just a reminder that no matter how much we feel like we are failing at this parenting thing, the one thing (and the most important thing) that we are all doing right is that we love our kids with all our heart and just want what's best for them! <3

sammers88's review

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#MomFail is an anthology of 24 stories from different authors. Each story is a short quick read. You don't need to be a mother to enjoy these stories, I have furbabies so these stories don't quite relate to me personally but I enjoyed reading them, I felt for the mothers that were having a hard time, One of the first stories of the book What's that smell had me laughing and feeling for the parents on that trip at the same time. This is a must read for anyone that would like a good laugh and an awesome read.