
Reburn by Anne Marsh

aflv_reads's review

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Given by Kensington Books for an honest review

I really liked this book!!It was as adventurous as romantic..

Sam and Olivia met 10 years ago and they had an incredible summer.But none of them was willing to fight for the other and admit their feelings.So,they both went their own way..Until they meet again and their own fire resurfaces even stronger..

My favourite part was when each character realised that they had "almost sex" during an enormous fire..Their lust,their desire,their love couldn't wait even for the fire to cool down..Well it's not very realistic(hope so for their lives) but I can't stop liking it either..Plus,it was very amusing,when Sam learnt that FBI special agent is his Livy..xoxo

However,I would like to know how they will figure it out with respect to their jobs..That's a tough one..Maybe we'll see at the second book,which is about Evan...Hope so..

I truthfully recommend it..It's a wonderful summer read!!

justviews's review

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Olivia Albert was determined to find her man. Holm Arthurs was a man on the run and bent on destruction. Except this time he was in the middle of a raging forest fire. One that he admittedly started. He was determined to take her out before her team found him. But he never expected her to have help.

Sam Clayton loved his job. He could live without the fires but he knew it was Mother Nature's way. So his job was to protect as much as he could Then he learned an FBI team was scouring his forest for a deadly wanted man. Even worse their top-notch bomb tech was missing.

As the forest burns around them, Sam and Olivia rekindle their past. They haven't seen each other for years. Yet time melts away and both remember their time together so many years ago. Taking readers right into the heat, Marsh burns up the pages with a cute tale of two people destined to find one another again.

July 2013

--the bookworm

scorchingnix's review

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FTC: This is a first for me from this author as I shamelessly requested it from NetGalley for the cover J I didn’t get paid, don’t worry.

I loved the premise of the fire-fighter hunting for his lost love in the middle of a forest fire and was excited to pick it up. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work for me. Although I felt both characters were well developed for the length of the story, the romance was based on a previous relationship, and its subsequent sudden destruction, but it wasn’t as angsty enough for me to believe in the depth of feelings that were being described. I also got a little confused as to the suspense storyline. I think there were just too many threads trying to fit into 66 pages and I couldn’t engage with any of them fully.

kame's review

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This is between a 3 1/2 and 4 star for me.

I liked the characters and the plot was interesting. this is another former lovers cross path's story. Which I normally enjoy immensely, however the idea that they will rekindle their romance while trying to say alive in the midst of a forest fire was a little of a challenge for me. On top of the romance there was the resolution of why the heroine was in the forest to begin with. I do think it was an overly ambitious plot for a novella.

This is the first book I have read by this author and given the chance I would read another.
