
Torn by Kayla Jones

megangetssocial's review

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It's rare that I take the time to review a book beyond a simple star rating, but I felt I needed to take the time to share my thoughts on this novella. Torn was a fantastic debut from Kayla Jones. I read it in small bits over the course of 2-3 days and enjoyed it immensely. Often with debut works, the writing is sloppy and rushed, or filled with the use of the same words repeatedly. Kayla's novella was a pleasant surprise as it was well written, imaginative, and entertaining. I'm excited to see more from this author as she continues to mature in her writing.

kayla_jones_writes's review

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As the author, it might be strange for me to be writing a review for my own book. However, being seen as weird has never stopped me from doing anything before this. Haha!

So, I just wanted to say that Torn has been such a growing journey for me, from typing out that first outline to sending out the final copy of Torn to my ARC readers. As this was my first experience writing a book, and will be my first experiencing self-publishing, I can say that I am so glad I decided to step off of the boat and onto the waves of becoming and author.

Torn has helped me overcome my fears on a metaphorical level (the writing process and the themes I explored with this book), and on a physical level (actually writing a book and being, in the somewhat scary process, of publishing a book).

Although Torn is short, because it is a novella, I believe that it will touch many hearts in big ways. I trust that God will use the writing gift that He has given me to bring glory to Him. I pray that Torn is read by and touches those who need it.

All that to say, October 3rd is Torn's release date! So stay tuned, because I cannot wait to see what you think!! Once you have read it please leave a review on Goodreads so that I can see what you thought.

Happy waiting,
Kayla <3

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