
Hawkeye #10 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Julian Tedesco

w1segirl's review

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good to know it wasn't kate but i want to make it very clear that i would still defend her if it was

theresidentbookworm's review

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My Thoughts On: Hawkeye #10

1. I really like the vibe of the first page of panels. I like seeing Kate
or Madame Masque posing as Kate
getting ready. I especially love the coloring because it does lend the art a certain sultry mood.

2. Johnny brought Lucky a pizza. When has your potential boyfriend ever?

The minute Kate stepped out in a sequined mini-dress, I knew that wasn't really Kate. Even the way she smiles and talks is completely off.

4. I think Johnny knows something was up, but he was, let us say, distracted... I mean, Kate not knowing who Lucky is? Please.

How hard is Madame Masque trying in imitating Kate? Really not that hard considering she acts nothing like Kate acts, tries to wiggle out of superheroing, and acts super sultry.

6. Why is Oddball in L.A.? Not important, apparently. His fight with Kate
aka Madame Masque in a Kate clone body
is beautifully drawn, inked, and colored. The fights in this series are always good, but this one is spectacular.

7. Literally, even the villain fighting Kate is confused by her behavior. Since when does Hawkeye use guns or knives?
She doesn't because that's not really Hawkeye. It's Madame Masque.

8. Why does it take Kate's friend halfway through the issue to realize what's going on? I realized it in the first three pages.

The pay-off to reveal that Kate and Lucky are imprisoned by Madame Masque and that the Kate walking around is Madame Masque is unsatisfying because it was so blatantly obvious to the reader that the Kate we had been following was not Kate. Too many hints were dropped to make this surprising. If we had started with a panel of Kate being imprisoned and then switched to Madame Masque's Kate clone, all that stuff would have been more fun.

10. The last page of Kate and her dad? Excellent? The cliffhanger? Excellent.

southernreach's review

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bruh when did she get kidnapped