
How to Misbehave by Ruthie Knox

bookdevouringmisfit's review

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I just had a Ruthie Knox reading spree(?) readathon(?) this weekend. Will try to finish all her novels this week. She's now on top of my list for favorite contemporary romance authors.

jackiehorne's review

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charms1976's review

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How To Misbehave by Ruthie Knox is the first book in the Camelot Series.

Amber Clark has been the good girl through life. She helped take care of her siblings, went to church, and even had good grades. She was never any trouble for her parents growing up. She works at a community center and has had her eye on the contractor working on a wing there. She thinks his name is Patrick, but it ends up being Tony -- Patrick's brother -- that she is really interested in. When a tornado warning is sound, the two find themselves together in the dark when the power goes out in the basement. This is where the two finally start to talk and Amber talks about not wanting to be a good girl anymore. She wants to misbehave and do things that aren't expected of her. Tony is willing to help her out, but warns Amber that he will end up walking away because he is the bad boy in the book. Tony ends up falling for her though after one night of sexy time and they both need to find common ground to see if they can make a relationship out of it.

I loved this story by author Ruthie Knox. Ms. Knox writes wonderful stories and can bring the characters to life with a flow of writing that is great. I really liked Tony and the way that the author kept him a little bad even after he is trying to right his life after a major incident. Amber was great as a heroine as well in the fact that she was like a butterfly coming out of her cocoon after laying dormant for so long. I am glad to hear that there are going to be more books in this series so we can read more about Camelot and the residents of this town!

lifeand100books's review

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My reading bestie Kelly kept raving about Ruthie Knox and how I had to give her Camelot series a try. So glad I did.

Tony and Amber are surprisingly well developed for such a short novella. I'm really looking forward to reading more about them when their full book is finally published!

Quick, sexy, fun read. Definite must for contemporary romance readers.

fishgirl182's review

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I became a fan of Ruthie Knox’s work after reading her swoon worthy romance About Last Night and was super excited to hear that she had a new series coming out. How To Misbehave is a short story prequel to her upcoming Camelot series and is a deliciously fun read that leaves you wanting more.

Amber Clark seems like your typical “good girl.” She does what’s expected of her and isn’t very adventurous. But Amber’s tired of being a good girl and super sexy contractor Tony Mazzaro is just the bad boy to bring out her wild side.

I enjoyed this fun short story and really liked both Amber and Tony. Amber is someone I can relate to. She hasn’t led the most exciting life but she’s not a boring person. She’s kind and funny and brings out Tony’s softer side. Tony is confident and sexy but hides a heartbreaking secret. He’s very closed off emotionally and it takes Amber’s sweetness and honesty to bring him out of his shell. I really felt like there was an emotional connection between the two.

I did wish that the story was a little bit longer. Amber and Nick are great characters and it would have been nice to spend a little more time getting to know them and developing their relationship. I was also a bit confused as to why this story was set in 1999 since I thought it was supposed to be a current contemp setting. I found out later that the next book in the series is set in present time and this story is supposed to take place years before. Mystery solved!

All in all How To Misbehave was a very entertaining and satisfying introduction to what promises to be a great new romance serie. It has all of the witty dialogue, great sexual chemistry, and fun smexy times that I look forward to in a Ruthie Knox novel. I am really looking forward to reading the full length book in the series, Along Came Trouble, which will be released in March 2013.

*I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

bookloverchelle's review

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A very sweet, fun novella. Amber is a little shy, a little unsure of herself, and she can’t keep her eyes off of the contractor that’s doing the remodel on her community center. When an afterhours tornado watch sends them to the basement, a little solitude and the dark creates a chance for Amber and her blue collar crush, Tony, to get to know each other a little better. And Tony has just the right idea to open Amber up, and a chance to misbehave.

I loved these two and how they connected. Amber is a little inexperienced and Tony has just enough bad boy in him to tempt her. But Tony has a past that he’s not sure that he can escape or that Amber can accept. A great introduction to the Camelot series, I’m excited to keep reading. Ruthie Knox is a new to me author and I’m very happy to have found a new contemporary romance author. It’s always fun when you can find someone new.

corieob's review

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I totally adored this short story. I really loved Tony like seriously crushing on him. It was everything I love from Ruthie Knox, hot, sweet, fun, hot and did I say hot. Cause HOLY jesus Tony was hot.

So I would easily rate this a 4.5

jendoyleink's review

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This drew me in so deeply that when I was done I had to continue immediately on to Along Came Trouble. Thank goodness I had the 4-book set! Loved Amber and Tony, loved the dialogue, loved Ruthie Knox's voice. So happy I still have two more to go. :)

erinarkin20's review

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Loved this story...Knox creates the best characters and tells a great story. A better review to come but just go read this if/when you can.

sonni89's review

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I really liked this!!! I've been on a bit of a contemporary romance kick lately, and this one did not disappoint in the slightest. I just loved the relationship between Amber and Tony, and I really like that it was left open-ended because of the compressed time frame in which the story takes place. And, oh yeah, the entire thing is also super hot.