
Marcus: A Black Lily Club Story by Chelle

sarasbooktalk's review

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Fast, steamy and enthralling.

It was very steamy. I like the storyline but have some pet peeves. Even tho Marcus claimed communication was key, they never talked about condoms or pregnancies. I know he's a vampire but she didn't know at that time. I liked the multiple POV but had a hard time keeping track, I prefer when the pov change its a new chapter. But overall good!

crystallovesbooks's review

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The story was a little rushed but it was still good.

little_miss_darkness's review

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Free Kindle e-book in exchange for an honest review as part of the Indie June author month.

Steamy and fast-paced.

I think this is a great story that emphasizes how important communication is in a relationship, not just in D/S relationship. Even then, it shows that Jasmine is not perfect and has trouble communicating her feelings. But I love how she set her boundaries and held on to them.

I love how Marcus doesn't reveal himself as a vampire immediately, but instead chooses to try and build her trust. Jasmine's reaction at him revealing that, was visceral and definitely more believable than what most other vampire stories tend to be.

I did find it slightly boring in the middle. Also, the big fight scene was slightly anticlimactic. I didn't find the events leading to it to be gripping enough. The last bit after the scene should have been one chapter and an epilogue. This way it felt too prolonged.

I loved the story, though the steamy scenes could have been slightly steamier. And varied. It did feel like more of the same to be honest. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. I liked it well enough, but I think there is room for improvement.

readingromancehea's review

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The BDSM lifestyle is amazing. She did get a lot of things correct. I was happy to see that. I'm glad someone took the time to research about this. The scenes are great. I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't a slow burn. Their love is beautiful. I like the dreams. Jasmine did have a lot of fears but I'm glad she talked about them with Marcus. The action was good. The ending was just what I needed.

twisted_green_eyes4's review

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More of a 2.5-3 star rating for me (really wish they had that "half" star option). I'm always honest in my reviews and I tell what I like & don't like. So, here it is...

First, let me say I LOVE the love story between Jasmine (human) & Marus (vampire). How their souls ALWAYS find each other over 200 years! It's beautiful! I LOVE the spice of the book. I'm also VERY interested in the story of Sam (vampire, Jasmine's BFF) & Michael (shifter, works for Marcus). Wish there was a book on them. I would REALLY like to know Sam's back story & what happened to make her the way she is.

Okay, now for what I didn't like... 1: this is a BDSM book. Marcus owns a BDSM club for the supernatural & humans to explore their fantasies. Also, for humans to push their limits. I know a good amount about BDSM. This book does NOT portray how a BDSM relationship starts out at all. You can NOT just jump into a relationship without a lot & I mean a LOT of discussion. You also can NOT "train" a submission in a week! At about page 60, I wanted to stop reading because Marcus punished Jasmine but she had NO idea WHY until he explained it to her, after she did something wrong. BUT SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE HAD DONE SOMETHING WRONG! Why? Because the "rules" were never discussed!! At another part in the book, Marcus puts her in a cage & 2 men messed with her. He didn't know a cage was 1 of her "hard limits" (something u will NOT do). Why? Because the "rules" of limits were never discussed! PLEASE, if you are writing a book about BDSM, research, research, RESEARCH & know how it is suppose to work out.
2: This book has a LOT of grammar issues. Misspelled words (that really didn't bother me, I can't spell for crap), missed words in sentences (that didn't kinda bother me). It also had gaps in the story. It does need to be re-edited. BUT the love story part made u want to keep reading and over look the issues with the grammer.

If you are still reading this really long review, PLEASE don't think I'm being mean about this book or picking on the author, I'm NOT doing that in anyway. Like I said before, I give an honest review in the most respectful way I know how!

brigwen's review

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Could be better

I hate giving bad reviews but no matter how I look at this book, there is no way I can give it a positive one. While there may be some redeeming qualities about the book, they are few and far between.

I had seriously high hopes for this book. I mean an erotic, BDSM supernatural book? It sounded like Twilight and Fifty Shades combined but even spicier than ever. But boy was I let down with this book.

First off, the grammatical errors are absolutely atrocious in this book. It is a short book; 201 pages. For a seasoned reader like me, I should fly through it. No. I became so mad at the book so many times for the errors, that I had to put it down and walk away. It was annoying. The over usage of commas, the misuse of words and also using the wrong version of the word (for example, "their" instead of "there") took away from the storyline. It is almost like there was no proofreading done at all.

Next, the storyline. It is like she tried to put four or five stories into one. There was characters that were introduced in two sentences and then randomly came back to be a kidnapper? Spoiler alert. Also how did they know exactly who took her? And I found it very convenient that they were not able to track the scent of a missing shifter until Jasmine was taken by the same people. It makes no sense. Stuff randomly happened with no lead in or explanation. For example, when Sam comes over to Jasmine's house and they get freaky, when did they become friends? There is just so many things that do not make sense about this book.

I will say this for Chelle. She can write a steamy sex scene but with all these other issues fighting against her, it takes away from the book. Overall, no I do not recommend the book. If she would have a editor read over it, I think it could be made to be better.