
The Girl With All the Gifts: Extended Free Preview by M.R. Carey, M.R. Carey

megc1701's review

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Very good, touching, fascinating take on the end of the world. Hits home more realistically than not steeped in science.

morgainlafeye's review

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Really fun read. I wouldn't say it's the best post-apocolypse book I've ever read, but it's definitely up there. I enjoy the change in perspectives, and the way they explore the science. I read the whole thing in one night, so definitely a fun read that had me pestering my SO about cool tidbits all throughout.

fantasynovel's review

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Miss Honey and Matilda, but in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Gory, thrilling, lots of fun. One thing bothered me, though. Whenever people from the base meet a child hungry, they describe it by saying what age it was infected. They'd be able to do that only if they thought child hungries don't age. But we learn that they do! So if the base has had child hungries for four years, how did they not notice them growing?

mllejoyeuxnoel's review

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Dr. Ian Malcolm would love this book, because, after all, life finds a way.

More cerebral than your average zombie book. Loved the ending. There's one plot point on which I remain confused, but I suspect someone on the Interwebz has figured it out for me.

aerinrenae's review

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This book is a stand-out in any genre. The writing is absolutely amazing and I was absorbed from the beginning. If you're any fan of sci-fi/fantasy or even if you're not, this is a great read. The audible audiobook performance adds so much weight to this already stellar story. I really like how the author's use of imagery is combined with switching narratives between characters. Not only do we get the first-hand narrative of the characters' thoughts and feelings, we get to see the characters through each others' eyes. The suspense is thrilling, as is the revelation at the end. I couldn't put it down.

shasha's review

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I liked it, great exposition in the beginning and very fast paced. However it loses a lot of momentum towards the middle of the story and lost my interest. I had to pick it up again much later and power through for a bit until it started to pick up speed again near the end, to finish, in my opinion, perfectly, in the only way it can. I would give it 3 and a half stars due to the lag in the middle and also because it's not a story that will stick to my skin and haunt my dreams.

bouldermimi's review

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Read 9/13/2014
Melanie is the most delightful little girl, even when she's hungry. I fell in love with her mind and spirit right away, no doubt the same qualities Miss Justineau admired in this little girl who could so easily be the ruin of her life. This story has many thrilling scenes, but the most poignant for me came in the hushed moments where this little, lonely girl comes to understand the truth about herself. She's part of something that would mean the end to everyone she loves, everything she fought to be a part of, but also the blossoming of a new world.

zlibrarian's review

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Fans of speculative fiction who are overwhelmed by the seemingly endless stream of zombie-themed novels, media, and memes may be pleasantly surprised by Carey's intelligent, empathetic exploration of the zombie theme. The story has its own logical science and is set in a realistic dystopia. The pacing's fast enough to please readers who prefer action-themed SF, while Carey's prose is descriptive and thought-provoking enough to engage readers who usually lean more towards science and well-rounded characters in their SF. Carey presents some truly interesting ideas, such as the way the zombies are used as a sort of herded battering ram. As a librarian I'd recommend this to spec fic/SF fans and horror fans looking for books with active female characters, realistic (and welcome!) ethnic diversity, and intellectually engaging science fiction. Recommended.

ashndean88's review

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Daaaaaang! This book was messed up! But, like, in a good reading sort of way. Really made me think about ethics and how the world around us shapes who we are. I personally really enjoyed the beginning of the book and how the schoolroom setting was created. I loved Melanie as a character too! Although high intensity followed throughout the remainder of the book, once they left the schoolroom, I found myself asking more question than what I received answers for. And what was that ending?? It felt like a typical apocalyptic ending, which is fine, but I was still a little shocked about some developments and didn't understand fully why some characters made specific actions. The science of this fictional future was also amazing to delve into! But also highly confusing. These were the parts I constantly had to go over in order to understand, and at some points it got very frustrating. But hey! I'm just not that great with the subject. So definitely a learning experience.

If you're looking to read something different, I'd recommend this book for sure! Just be prepared to have a lot of questions go unanswered.

chorvereads's review

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I will take away the image of grey snow falling through the night.

"Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her; Sergeant Parks keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don't like her. She jokes that she won't bite. But they don't laugh."

This book is basically similar to unwrapping a very large and mysterious gift. It's beautifully wrapped so you really want to open it so badly but there's also that inkling that this might not be such a good idea but you continue anyway. Once you begin it's hard to stop.
One of the my favourite things about this book is how every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. The chapters are cut so short. It definitely increased the suspense because sometimes you think you're still in the middle of something and then when you turn the page, it's already the last page and you're like: What?! What happens neext? And that just increases your anxiety, so you read on.

I wasn't such a big fan of the Justineau and Sergeant Parks romance though and even Justineau's character. I find these elements of the story quite irritating, I guess because I am more focused on the main events concerned with what makes the story move along. Justineau is basically one of the main characters but I didn't really like her, or maybe the correct term is 'believe'. I didn't think she was quite believable. I guess I needed a bit more backstory or the one given in the beginning wasn't strong enough to support her claims all throughout the book.

Over all, it did what it was supposed to do to readers but I didn't think it was worthy of 4 or 5 stars.