
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by David Johnson, Arthur Conan Doyle

salixa's review

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A nice collection of stories. Listening to them while doing chores meant that it was quite disjointed listening but as it was short stories it was a lot easier to get back into the plot when it had been a few days. A few of them I knew what was going on or could work it out but some I was genuinely stumped. I wonder if I'll get better the more I read/listen!

priscilla's review

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It was very interesting and exciting to finally read the 'real stuff' after watching all the shows and movies, but the best part of this book definitely was the cover. This version is so, so, sooooo beautiful. :')

jorybear's review

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Sherlock Holmes stories are a nice break from other kinds of reading. They're short and often fairly funny, plus I love the dynamics between Sherlock and Watson. I think I prefer the slightly longer stories, though. This short story collection got a bit repetitive because Sherlock stories are pretty formulaic. It was still an enjoyable read, but that stopped me from rating this particular collection any higher.

mysticsorcha's review

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The stories were so good!! Unfortunately, this edition (Ballantine Books copy-write 1975 with introduction from Ellery Queen) is poorly printed with major paragraph mistakes and whole sentences dropped out. I would recommend a different edition!

sheena's review

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My first introduction to Sherlock Holmes and I loved it. Can't wait to read the other stories.

connieischill's review

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Listened to the audiobook narrated by Stephen Fry

hinalovestoread's review

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Total love. Actually this is the place from where in my love for all things mysteries and all things detectives begin.

zoe_'s review

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Ok, also, obwohl die ersten beiden Fälle ziemlich fast-paced waren, sind diese jetzt wirklich sehr straightforward (Mir fallen gerade wirklich keine passenden deutschen Ausdrücke dafür ein. Und zum Nachschlagen bin ich zu faul, immerhin passt das Englische perfectly!). Das Schema ist (fast) immer das (fast) Gleiche: Watson erzählt, weshalb er den Fall ausgewählt hat, Watson geht zu Holmes, der Fall wird geschildert, Watson hat keine Ahnung, sie gehen irgendwo hin, Holmes deckt irgendetwas auf, Holmes erklärt die ganze Geschichte, Ende. Also sind das 12 perfekte Kurzgeschichten für zwischendurch (wie ich sie auch gelesen habe, hier und da eine, zwischendurch halt). Man hat gerade genug Zeit, um ein wenig zu rätseln (Ich bin einmal sogar fast auf die richtige Lösung eines Falles gekommen! :D Naja, fast, bist auf so einen grossen Teil, der eigentlich wichtig war und... EGAL! Fast! Ich bleibe dabei. Ich bin stolz, ja?). Natürlich sind nicht alle Fälle gleich spannend, aber eigentlich haben mich alle recht angenehm unterhalten und es ist wirklich nie langweilig geworden (als ob man für Langeweile Zeit gehabt hätte, während man gerade von Irene Adler ausgetrickst wird). Hat auf jeden Fall (höhö, Fall, du verstehst?) ziemlich Spass gemacht, zu lesen.


gannent's review

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This has some of my favorite short stories; I'll just touch on a few here. Of course A Scandal in Bohemia. The first time I read it I was shocked and horrified at the injustice that's been done to Irene Adler Norton in most of the Holmes adaptations. She gets everything she wants, tricks Holmes and skips town happily married. It's awesome. I don't have my copy in front of me so I can't remember all of the titles, but I also love The Speckled Band, Violet Hunter and The Copper Beeches, and The Man with the Twisted Lip. There are one or two that aren't quite as interesting, but overall great short stories.

charlotteannehamilton's review

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"A Scandal in Bohemia" - ★★★★

"The Red-Headed League" - ★★.5

"A Case of Identity" - ★★★

"The Boscombe Valley Mystery" - ★★

"The Five Orange Pips" - ★★.75

"The Man with the Twisted Lip" - ★★★

"The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" - ★★★

"The Adventure of the Speckled Band" - ★★★★

"The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb"- ★★.75

"The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor" - ★★★.5

"The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet" - ★★★

"The Adventure of the Copper Beeches" - ★★★★