
Cross Checked by Kristen Hope Mazzola

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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Cross Checked is the second book in the series. The timeline coincides with things that take place in Hat Trick. It features Brayden and Myla.

The accident changes everything for Brayden.
Karla's life changes one night when she comes home early.
And an unexpected day at the park brings them together.

Reviewed for the Sweet Spot Sisterhood

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Cross Checked is the second book in the Shots on Goal series and is the second book I have read from Kristen Hope Mazzola. I enjoyed the first in the series and I was really looking forward to Cross Checked. This is a standalone story, though I will admit that I had some troubles with it and I did read the first book. While I think that there are some readers that will enjoy this one and be fine reading it as a standalone, I would recommend reading it in order if possible.

After a car accident changed the life of Brayden's family, Karla helped take care of his sister. Years later, they meet back up and the chemistry between them is one that they can't deny. They start dating and things are going well, but Brayden is always waiting for something to wreck his life and finds it hard to live his life without worrying. Can he let go and see where things with Karla take him or will he continue to live his life waiting for the other shoe to drop?

I have to admit that I had a tough time relating to these characters. I didn't feel connected to them, and I wasn't invested in their story. As much as I wanted to love them, I just was never able to. It always felt like things were missing from the story and things felt rushed. There was a lot that seemed to happen off page and between the scenes, and even though I had read the first book and somewhat knew things it really felt confusing at times. I did think that Karla and Brayden had chemistry, I just wasn't able to really get behind their story.

I also found a lot of things to be unbelievable, and that added together just kept me from really into Cross Checked like I was able to with Hat Trick. I think that there are readers that will enjoy this story, but for me it was just okay and I was left wanting more. This wasn't what I was expecting and after really enjoying the first book I was a bit disappointed here. I would read more from Kristen Hope Mazzola in the future, but this one wasn't as good as the first I read from her.

**ARC Provided by L. Woods PR**

kate_and_books's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

First of all I'm going to be a bit bitchy. But I never said that I'm a nice person. I just keep it in check most of the time.

At the end of the book the author wrote:
It is better to leave a negative review than no review at all. For all you trolls out there this is what the author wants.

Told in dual POV. Which is one of my favorites. It apparently is on the same time line as Hat Trick and can be read as a standalone.

Karla & Braydon first meet when his sister Myla is in ICU. There is very little interaction between the two. The first part shows how each lead their lives. Karla is in a relationship that turns abusive. I mean that came out of bloody nowhere. Braydon hockey player for the Otters has had it quite tough. We each deal with stuff differently but this is a tough scene to read. What I didn't like is the detailed sex scene with a other woman. That is the most off putting thing I have read in a really, long time.

At 39 % there was still was no interaction between the two main characters. Which got me very close to..

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and a DNF this majorly. I thought I'd continue for a little while more. A reviewer wrote that gets better.
Then FINALLY we fast forward and its two years later. The main characters meet. They remember one another straightaway. I can’t remember people from last month let alone who I met two years ago. We then have a whirlwind of a romance. Which quite frankly is hardly believable. This was the next point where

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The time frame for me was also an issue. As I said that met one another again after two years. Their relationship was written in brief intervals of how they met, their first date, meet the friends, specific important dates. Every couple of months I didn’t feel as if it flowed.

Another thing Braydon doesn’t come across as cold but as a dipshit.

I don't know quite the author was aiming for here. Was it meant to be dramatic and emotional? If yes, then the banter was out of place and that I didn't believe that it affected Karla as the author tries to make us believe. Maybe because this is a short read and rushed it just didn't work.

This is just me so please read the book and decide for yourself.

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naughtybookaffair's review against another edition

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This is the second in this series. I have not had the chance to read the first one but I feel that you can read this one as a standalone. In this one you meet Brayden a hot hockey player who has not had the most easy life. His father is in prison and his mom and sister were involved in a tragic accident. His mom didnt make it and his sister is in ICU. That is where he meets Karla who is his sister's nurse and the one person that keeps him in the loop and sane when it comes to what is going on with his sister but it is only through texting.
Karla is a normal girl someone with a past who just wants to be happy. She thinks she has it made with her boyfriend he seems to give her the world. But one night she goes home early from work and finds that he is not there like she is expecting. That night is the night that changes everything for her.
Some time later Brayden and Karla run into each other again and agree to see where a relationship might go. There is obvious chemistry and sparks between the two of them but they agree to take it slow.
I absolutely loved this book. It was well written with a great storyline and amazing character chemistry. I will not give any more of the story away. It is a must read you have to find out what happens between these two. I will be reading the frist one in this series as it is about Brayden's sister and i am curious to read about her story. I highly recommend reading this very enjoyable book.

mooncricketjp's review against another edition

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Admittedly, I liked the things that didn’t work for me in the first book in this series. Seeing the history of the two main characters before they got together worked in this story. Karla and Brayden were great together and I loved reading their story.

bookscrazy87's review against another edition

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Love it

Love that hockey is incorporated in the love romance. I like the storyline and writing. Happily ever after ending. Five stars.

allisonmthib's review against another edition

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A good storyline. I feel like everything was rushed a bit. I would have loved to read them falling for each other and some kind of drama. But still a cute quick read.

mamabookwyrm's review against another edition

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I’m a huge hockey fan. I fell in love with the sport with the Mighty Ducks movies and then even more when I attended my first WHL game. So I’m always up for a hockey book even though I often complain that sports books are the bane of my reading existence. Cross Checked is the second in Mazzola’s series about the New York Otters. It can easily be read as a standalone. Now I had high hopes for this book but it ended up falling flat for me.

Now I do love the characters. Braden is caring, charming and determined. He sees what he wants and pursues it. Karla is his perfect match—she’s sweet, kind and compassionate. They are good together. And while their relationship is a bit of a slow burn their chemistry is anything but. I just had a hard time connecting with them. I wanted to see more of how Braden dealt with the accident. It felt skimmed over…brushed under the rug. And the situation with Karla’s ex felt a little out of the blue. I did like seeing Gavin and Myla again. There’s a scene with Gavin’s family that had me in stitches.

It was somewhat hard to keep on track—the pace was slow and it feels a bit rushed. There’s no depth to it. I was left feeling like I wanted more. There was no drama beyond the first couple of chapters. And that’s all stuff from their past. Overall, it’s a light and fluffy read. Not the worst way to spend a couple of hours. I will probably read more from KHM in the future.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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thewitchybibliophile's review

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OH my! Gavin you have been dethroned! I thought Gavin was just swoon worthy but Brayden has just kicked you down a notch! I really love this story for the fact that is one of building yourself back up again. From the accident to a really douchecanoe of an ex. Brayden and Karla were put on each other’s paths for a reason. Even if it was years too soon. These two coming together was a beautiful tale of finding that love that is so deep, it is engrained in your bones. I loved seeing Brayden’s view on things with Gavin and his sister, Myla as well! Gives the series more depth!
Overall, this book is a sweet read. Finding love when you least expect it. Some may say it was too fast. To me it had just the right amount of everything it needed. If you want a beautiful happy ending with some alpha hockey boys, then this book and the series is for you! Am looking forward to more in this series! Bring on the Otters!

lizs_book_nook's review against another edition

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Damn I love these characters! It was so nice to get a peek into Karla's background and see Karla and Brayden's relationship unfold. But also great to get to see some wonderful characters from Hat Trick.
I truly don't know what it is, but these character totally wiggle their way into your heart. Kristen Hope Mazzola definitely has a way with words and I loved every second of it!