
The Truth about Us by Janet Gurtler

ceruleanjen's review against another edition

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I won a copy of this book from the Goodreads First Reads Giveaway program. Many thanks to the publisher/author for giving me the chance to read and review this book from the Goodreads First Reads program.


The plot isn't entirely new, but was portrayed very realistically. I also liked how there were a ton of little subplots crisscrossing the main plot, just like there is in real life. I enjoyed the plot and while parts of it was predictable, there were some surprises.


This book features a few settings, but my favorite is definitely New Beginnings. The author did a great job bringing that setting to life and in vivid detail. I almost felt like I was there.


The characters are what really sets this book apart from others that have similar plots. I wasn't sure if I liked the main character, Jess, at first, but she ended up being one of those characters that just end up growing on you. Her character was very realistic, especially considering what she was going through. I love that she had many flaws, including her everyday attitude and habits. Teenagers can be difficult.

I also liked Flynn, the love interest, and his little brother was adorable.

My favorite character definitely had to be Wilf, an elderly somewhat grouchy man who Jess befriends.

For the most part, the characters all felt very real, though I'm not so sure about Stella.


There's a few romantic relationships happening in this book, but also quite a few non-romantic ones as well.

The main relationship was well done. It felt very real and while it is sad that money (or lack of) was made out to be a big deal, unfortunately it still happens. I like that the relationship isn't always perfect and that there are things they will have to work around.

It was nice to see Jess' relationships with her family and friends undergo a good deal of development. A lot of the times family and friend's relationship to the main character aren't well fleshed out, but this is definitely not the case.

Though I like the main romantic interest quite a bit, my favorite relationship would have to be Wilf and Jess. They had great chemistry and I enjoyed their banter and bickering. I also may have cried when Jess read his letter to her later on as well.


The writing was very easy to read and definitely sounded like an authentic teenage girl's point-of-view. Though I have to admit there was one "Forshizzle" that made me laugh. I thought that word had died when I was a teenager?


I liked the ending, though I wish Jess would have been a little more difficult about accepting Flynn's offer. It just felt a little quick for her to decide so quickly.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. Recommended. Especially if you're a fan of plots like these and Romeo/Juliet type romances.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for this review. These opinions are my own; I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated for this review.

kellyhager's review against another edition

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I haven't read very many books by Janet Gurtler, which is both good (I have a backlist to read! YAY!) and bad (How have I not read them all by now? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?) This book is insanely fun and sweet, but it's also a lot deeper than I was expecting it to be.

I love books like that, where you're expecting something sweet and fun, but then it turns out to be that but also amazing and just GOOD.

I love Jess, even though she was breaking my heart. It's obvious that whatever happened to her family (we do learn what it is, although it takes a long time) is absolutely killing her and she's dealing with it in the worst way possible (drinking, partying, questionable decisions). This ultimately culminates with a punishment of having to volunteer at the shelter which, of course, ends up being almost like a present.

I absolutely love the shelter people too, especially Wilf (who becomes her friend and surrogate grandpa) and obviously Flynn and his brother, Alex.

This book is wonderful and is guaranteed to make you smile at least 10 times and probably make you cry at least twice.

Highly recommended.

kathyc's review against another edition

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mxronnieriley's review against another edition

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Wow. Let’s just say: I love Jess, I love Flynn, I love Kyle. I absolutely adored Penny, and I’m so proud of her. But my god? The one who stole my heart? An old grumpy man who befriended a lost soul. Bless him. I cried when... I cried, okay?

I was especially invested in Jess and Penny’s friendship, because I recognize that ache. 💖

britsreadinglife's review against another edition

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Find the original review here at This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

This my second Gurtler read and the second time I've been pleasantly surprised by how much dimension she adds into what I expected to be on the more fluffy side of YA contemporary. It was definitely cute but also did a really great job showing how obtuse and meddling adults can be. Apparently Jess and Flynn have no right falling for each other. Because apparently coming from different "classes" is still a thing. Gurtler did a good job of making me posses off a few times throughout the book. It's mind boggling that people still believe what half the adults in this book believe; that just because you don't come from the same walk of life than you can't mix. The Truth About Us also proved how much the adults in a kids life do influence their thinking and behaviour. Even when Jess and Flynn know they can make it work there's still the niggling feelings of what will my friends think. Or my parents. But I really loved how they would tease each other with stereotypical truths. You think it's teasing but you can tell they're really trying to figure out how the other one does live.
This could have a totally cheesy other side of the tracks romance, but of course it's not. These are very real characters struggling to push through standards. Jess showed a bunch of growth. She went from this girl doing stupid stupid crap as a cry for attention to a more understanding and forward thinking girl. A girl who fought to get her life back to the way she wanted it. I enjoyed not only Flynn helping her see through the fog but also Wilf and the other fantastic supporting characters. Another hit out of the park for Gurtler.

amandathebookishlibrarian's review against another edition

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Not my favorite of Janet Gurtler's but I am still glad I read it.