
Paris by Audrey Carlan

rohina_sharma's review

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Professional was thrown out of the window and I dunno... Just didn't feel this novella. Oh, also, this is sort of a foundation for the next 15(?) books in this series that apparently goes from romance to all all-out action and murder. Eh! ¯\(°_o)/¯

1 Stars!
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overtherainbow031's review

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Oh my goodness! This is quintessential Audrey Carlan in her happy writing place. This takes me back to when Calendar Girl was first coming out and I fell in love with Audrey and her books.

Meeting the men of International Guy you really get the insight into what might make them tick and what led them to being the "makers" they are.

Parker "Dream Maker" Ellis is the leading man of IG and also our main protagonist throughout our world journey.

Bogart "Bo" "Lovemaker" Montgomery is the man that can woo any woman and helps them find their own love.

Royce "Moneymaker" Sterling who is the business guru of the trio. He is able to look at a company or situation and provide in depth analysis for the best course of action.

In Paris, we get to meet Sophie Rolland who is suddenly in charge of her families billion dollar company after her father passed. Sophie is out of her comfort zone and not feeling very confident. The men of IG are able to come in and help build her up to a place that she is able to run her company without feeling overwhelmed.

Audrey has done it again and given us a great start to new must read series!

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I have not read any of Ms Carlan's books in the past, however I have heard good things about her so I decided to give her International Guy series a go.

I am still a bit confused what to call these guys. Motivational guys? Makeovers? Mah, whatever they are, I did enjoy IG: Paris.

I liked that our leading lady didn't whimper and simper, she just needed guidance.

I do like Parker, Bo and Royce, though I wish we had gotten more of Bo and Royce - perhaps they are later on in the series

There is instant spark between Parker and Sophie, and things do heat up pretty quickly between them - though I did feel that Parker is pretty unprofessional the way he hits on his clients right away - but maybe this is just me.

IG Paris is a sexy Parisian romp, and I am looking forward to seeing where this series goes next.

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reading_with_2_book_lovers's review

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Ms carlan has outdone her self once again.
I loved this first book based in Paris.
sophie really made it come alive.
if you liked the calendar girl series you will love this book.

3heartsandawishkatie's review

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Didn’t love it. Seemed way too far fetched.

juju1030's review

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I liked how this book was written from the perspective of the Male lead. The story was flirty, sexy, and fun

marimaiz's review

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Minha implicância com a série começou logo na primeira página. Diacho, acho que foi no primeiro parágrafo. É ali que Parker, do alto de sua arrogância masculina, explica como descobriu um grande segredo para lidar com as mulheres. É simples: cada mulher é diferente.

CARACA, É SÉRIO ISSO? O cara se acha o máximo por ter descoberto que mulheres são… pessoas? Claro que cada mulher é diferente da outra. Quão arrogante você precisa ser para achar isso uma grande descoberta?

yeahorneighreviews's review

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Sophie has always planned on running her father's empire, but with his unexpected passing, her plans must happen sooner that she thought. She calls upon the help of the International Guys to help her groom and get the business prepared for her takeover. When troubles arise in the company, will Sophie be able to tackle them on her own ? A delightful, quick read! A perfect read if you're new to Audrey or a fan of the Calendar Girl series. Wonderful characters with explosive chemistry!

silver_star08's review

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International Guy: Paris

This audio book was light & fast. The narrator is entertaining & it also gives you a little taste of the narrator for the second book or third of volume 1 of the International Guy series.

This book finds the three guys in charge headed off to Paris to help an heiress become better prepared to take over her family's company. Her father passed away unexpectedly & now Sophie needs all the help she can get to come up to speed fast.